There was a loud, trembling voice on the phone

! "

He Jiong was startled, the phone almost slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.

His eyes widened.

3.9 ratings?

Is this too scary?

He Jiong was surprised that the audience rating during the previous live broadcast reached 3.6.

Unexpectedly, there was a 3.9 rating when it was officially broadcast!

This is simply breaking the ratings record of Fruit TV's variety show.

The most important thing is that there is no Chen Yang in the first issue!

The reason why the ratings of "Longing 4" is so high is all because of a theme song by Chen Yang!

When the episode of Chen Yang is broadcast, will the ratings break 4?

He Jiong couldn't help being shocked when he thought about it.

It wasn't just Chen Yang who was shocked. Many of the top management of Fruit Station, including Director Lu, were extremely shocked.

3.9 ratings!

This is not only the all-time high of the fruit station variety show!

It is the highest in the history of all variety shows!

The premiere of [Yearing 4] broke the record!

As soon as the data was published on the Internet, the entire network was in an uproar.

"Fuck, 3.9 ratings? Crazy?"

"A little more effort and it'll break 4."

"The running man's record for several years has been broken."

"Chen Yang's appeal is really terrifying, isn't it? Abruptly carried the ratings to 3.9?"

Although netizens were shocked, they all knew what was the reason behind it.

Everyone knows that with the popularity of [Longing for 4], although the premiere may have good results, it is definitely not

As for so good.

You must know that there are also [Battle of Teana], [Running Man], [Happy Camp] and many other broadcasts at the same time.

Popular variety show.

Every variety show has die-hard fans, and the most important thing to win in this variety show ratings war is

It's Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's song "Rice Fragrance" awakened countless fans' yearning for life in the fields.

This allows many viewers to watch together, otherwise the popularity of [Yearing 4] alone would not have been so high


"Brother Chen Yang."

After the premiere of Yearning 4, Zhang Zifeng made a video call immediately.

The little girl in the video is wearing a cute pink pajamas at this time, with a natural flawless cute face,

Very attractive.

"Little Nizi still hasn't slept so late, isn't she afraid that mom will judge you?"

Chen Yang looked at Zhang Zifeng and joked with a smile.

"Cut, I'm not afraid, I'm an adult, my mother doesn't care about me." Zhang Zifeng raised his cute little head

, chin pouted, a little arrogant look.

"Okay, okay." Chen Yang spread his hands.

"Hee hee, Brother Chen Yang, the ratings have just come out, guess what?" Zhang Zifeng pretended to be mysterious

asked, big eyes full of small stars.

"do not know."

Chen Yang shook his head.

"3.9!" Zhang Zifeng said happily: "Break a lot of records for variety shows."

"Really, that's really congratulations."

Chen Yang looked at this little girl with tears and laughter, she didn't sleep and called in the middle of the night to say this.

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