"Yangzi, are you asleep?" It was Wu Jing's voice.


Chen Yang just didn't sleep, he turned over and got up from the bed, and opened the door with a creak.

"Okay, I'm in good spirits. I don't sleep like a dead pig like other people."

Wu Jing pouted, the others slept to death, and some snorted loudly, but only Chen Yangyi was alone.

The head is so full.

"Come out with me, Frank's coming, let you two get to know each other,"

"You two still have a rivalry.

Five minutes later, Chen Yang and Wu Jing got up to the door of the crew.

It happened that an off-road jeep whizzed from afar, and a sudden brake set off a long line of smoke and stopped in Chen Yanghe.

In front of Wu Jing.


The door opened, and a man in black leather boots and tight black half-sleeves stepped out.

The man is very strong, his muscles are very strong, but his expression is serious, his eyes are dark, and he looks like an actor.

Rebel stuff.


Seeing this person, Wu Jing laughed happily, and after a long absence, he and Frank came to a bear hug.

The two equally strong men hugged each other and laughed heartily.

"Come on, let me introduce you."

"This is Chen Yang, our current superstar in China,"

"This is Frank Grillo, the most famous tough guy in America, who has starred in many Hollywood movies.


"Have you seen the Avengers? This guy beat up Captain America."

Wu Jing introduced Chen Yang and Frank to each other.

Frank was shocked when he heard Chen Yang's name.

"Wu, didn't you say you found a little fresh meat? Why don't I look like it?"

Frank looked at Chen Yang.

At this time, Chen Yang was wearing cool half sleeves, the muscles on his arms were firm, and the wind gently blew his clothes,

Outline the beast-like silhouette of the belly.

"That's right, he's a little fresh meat, but at the same time he's still a powerful faction." Wu Jing laughed loudly.


Chen Yang pursed his lips and smiled, and politely reached out and shook hands.

Just listening to Frank's words, Chen Yang could see that the other party was a man with a true temperament.

Speak carelessly and informally.

And Chen Yang also knew something about Frank.

As Wu Jing said, he is an internationally famous action star, and he only plays the villain.

He has appeared in many famous movies, and the super IP such as [Reunion] [Terminator] has his presence.

"Hey, your kid's muscles are really not covered. Experts know that you have something at a glance."

Wu Jing pinched his waist with both hands and was angry and funny, but he also let Frank be startled by Chen Yang, 510 Who knows Frank

Did K show it for himself?

The two simply got to know each other, and the three returned to the crew together.

The director Wu Jing is still a bit human.

In the evening, the whole crew was shouted out, and then a dozen African chefs were specially invited to do it.

A very sumptuous dinner.

Although many people in the crew felt that it was a pity that they could not go out to play when they came to Africa,

But having a luxurious meal can be considered to make up for the regret.

The next morning at six o'clock in the morning, Wu Jing once again called the whole crew to the square of Mandela's former residence.

"It's only six o'clock, what is Director Wu going to do?"

"It's so inhuman, I want to go back to sleep."

"If you don't sleep well, you won't have the energy to film."

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