"As long as there is a period of failure, we will brush it down."

"What do you have in mind then?" Mary asked.

"No." Shen Teng was suddenly discouraged.

"Sorry, then you might as well take a break and wait for me to order you a takeaway." Alan said and took out his phone.

"No, I called.

Shen Teng waved his hand to stop it, and at the same time there was a little hope in his eyes:

"I specially ordered Meituan to take out, maybe I can order Chen Yang."

"Hey, I remember he used to deliver food, Ah Sa and Chen He ordered Chen Yang, right?

And Xiao Yueyue...

"If I light it too, then there will be a solution to the problem this time."

At the same time, at the entrance of Chenguang Film and Television Park, Chen Yang drove his Land Rover Range Rover all the way.

Stopping at the gate, Chen Yang couldn't help sighing.

It's still better to have a car, it's much faster than a battery car to deliver food.

Chapter 283 Foreign Aid Chen Yang

Shen Teng felt that he was full of confusion now.

Essays are not just written, they must maintain quality, but also have nutritional significance.

It's not a good script to write like that.

In the past, he could squeeze slowly when there was plenty of time. This time, the program team temporarily shortened the preparation time.

Catching him by surprise, there was no one in the Happy Twist team who could save the field except him.

The essential

He really couldn't hold back.


Shen Teng's stomach growled.

"Why isn't the takeaway here? What time is it?"

While speaking, Shen Teng turned around and looked at the door, just in time to see a few people from other teams.

"Brother Teng, are you busy?"

Shen Yangyang walked over with his hands in his pockets, with a cheap smile on his face.

"Shen Yangyang, you blocked my camera."

Suddenly, a black and short man, Song Xiaobao, came out from behind Shen Yangyang.

"Brother Teng, we are here to see you."

Song Xiaobao and Shen Yangyang laughed cheaply, but his skin was darker, and when he laughed, he revealed two rows of pure whites.

teeth, very happy.

"Oh my god, Xiaobao and Yangyang, why are you two here?"

Mary was startled by the side, and the high heels under her feet were unstable.

Although they have a good relationship in private, but now their teams are in a competitive relationship.

"Damn, it's nothing."

"Isn't this going to start tonight, our show is ready, we have rehearsed several times,

"Why don't you come to the old friend's place when you're done, and see Brother Teng by the way."

Xiaobao continued to smile while showing two rows of white teeth.

As he spoke, he looked at Shen Teng with thick dark circles under his eyes, and said cheerfully:

"How about Brother Teng, is the first place stable this time?"

Could Shen Teng not know what kind of flowery intestines Song Xiaobao is?

This kid just invited the comedian Shen Yangyang to help out, and he also got a good script, so he came here specially

schadenfreude in the chant.

But can Shen Teng show weakness?

Of course not!

So Shen Teng straightened his chest, his expression changed in a second,

The sleepy appearance from the night was full of smiles, and the corners of the eyes were wrinkled with the iconic wrinkles,

Pulling up his shirt with both hands, Shen Teng said confidently:

"That's a must, the Happy Twist Team will take the first place"",

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