Chen Yang said so.


Zhang Jike and Ma Long were dumbfounded, not knowing how to answer these words for a while. :

Community competition and international competition, what's the difference.

"Chen Yang, we know that you want to win glory for the country, but this matter is really

Coach Xiao Zhan hesitated and said, he didn't want to hurt Chen Yang's face, but he couldn't just let Chen Yang go.


Although they looked down on the opposite Imura, they had to admit that the other party did have two brushes.

Chen Yang didn't say anything about Xiao Zhan and others' disbelief.

He can't always pull Zhang Jike or others to play a game in front of the Japanese to prove his strength?

"Do you have any better candidates besides me?"

Chen Yang asked back, staring at coach Xiao Zhan, very sharp.

The coach was stared at by Chen Yang, and the corners of his mouth twitched helplessly: "No."

"Isn't it over? Let me try it."

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and said indifferently. It was the first time he saw that he wanted to help others with skepticism.

But it's also normal. Let a professional table tennis coach and player suddenly believe that a star can play table tennis?

Unbelievable indeed. "

Coach Xiao Zhan mused,

After a few seconds, Xiao Zhan said, "Okay! We believe in you!"

According to their understanding of Chen Yang,

No matter what field it is, Chen Yang never does anything he is not sure about.

Since he has taken the initiative to speak, what else can they believe? Pill.

Chapter 291 The Japanese violated the rules!

Coach Xiao Zhan responded to Chen Yang's request, and the players were looking forward to it.

Judging from their long experience of chasing stars and chasing Chen Yang, Chen Yang is definitely not someone who can lose the chain.

He said he could.Basically no problem.

However, they are still very, very curious, can Chen Yang really have such deep attainments in table tennis?

They are both anticipation and fear,

If Chen Yang defeats Imura as the community champion, he will not only slap the face of the Japanese, but they will also

Professional table tennis players are also very unbalanced.

The game didn't start straight away.

This is the Japanese country looking for a place in the name of exchange, and naturally it will be widely publicized.

Before they arrived in Huaxia, they began to promote it everywhere.

Within an hour, many media rushed to the scene.

"Hello everyone, viewers."

"I'm CCTV reporter Xie Yong."

"Now the live broadcast for the big "[-]" home is the table tennis exchange match between our Chinese and Japanese people."

"The Japanese player sent a table tennis player with only three years of school age. His name is Imura."

The reporters at the scene simply broadcast for everyone.

In the live broadcast room, there are many table tennis fans and sports fans watching.

"Imura? Who is it? Three years of school age?"

"Did you come here on purpose to find fault? You come to challenge at three years of school age. Who will we send from Huaxia?"

"It's very scheming, to send a player like this, think that we are a country of etiquette, so it's easy to bully?"

"Grass! It's too much, but then again, who do we send in Huaxia?

"It's not easy for anyone to play. Ma Long, Zhang Jike and Kong Linghui are very good, but they are very old."

"Yeah, if they play, it will appear that we, China, are bullying people."

"Look at Zhang Jike and the others, they seem very happy and relaxed, and they don't seem worried at all."

"It's really weird"

The audience was puzzled one by one.

They couldn't figure out how Huaxia should fight, and they couldn't figure out why the Chinese table tennis players looked so happy.

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