These scenes have made fans all over the Internet look forward to the release of "Human on the Road".

There are still three days before the release of "People Are On the Road", and the pre-sale has started again.

This time, the theater chain has been fully prepared, - from the beginning, [-]% of the theater line was prepared for "People are on the road"

Film rate, enough?

This is simply impossible in the usual way.

Normally, it is very rare that the best film placement rate of an excellent film can reach up to [-]%.


Like "People on the Road", which had a [-]%+ film placement rate from the beginning, if it wasn't for Chen Yang's reputation and success

The box office of [Wolf of War 2] is so high that it is impossible for the theater to kill it.

Therefore, the number of pre-sale tickets this time is a lot.

More than twice the number of pre-sale tickets for [Wolf of War 2].

But even so, there are still many netizens who are worried that they will not be able to get tickets.

In order to try to avoid the box office being sold out in a very short period of time, leaving more netizens buying opportunities.

The theater line deliberately arranged the ticket purchase time at 00:00 on the [-]st of the twelfth lunar month.

Even so, there are still netizens staying up late waiting to buy tickets.

"Let's start quickly, I'm a little sleepy. I'll go to sleep after grabbing a ticket."

"Whoever is sleepy, go to bed quickly, don't get tired of fighting for tickets. But I'm not sleepy, I'll go to the movie first

Check it out for you (funny). "

"No matter what, I have to grab the premiere of "Man on the Road" today, I didn't grab the Wolf of War.

At the premiere, this time it was for Brother Chen Yang.

"So many people online? It's over, I guess I won't be able to grab my computer card again."

Netizens frantically brushed the bullet screen on the ticket purchase page, and the bullet screen almost flowed like a river.

Can't see at all.

By 11:59, everyone was staring at the computer screen.

Chen Yang was in his own home, and suddenly he was curious about how fast fans bought tickets, so he thought about it.

turn on computer.

As soon as I entered the webpage, the time moved, and it was 00:00.

Chen Yang clicked Buy Jian almost at the same time, and Chen Yang also set a small amount to get rich without secrets, [-] yuan.

No password required.

The computer he uses is also a limited edition high-end configuration, and the network speed is even more so. Even so, wait until the computer page

After a quick refresh, the words [ticket sold out] were actually displayed.

This time, Chen Yang couldn't help laughing.

In the past, he always saw fans talking about how hard it was to get tickets on the Internet, but today he finally realized it.

Even if his time card is very accurate, no password is required for payment, and the computer is super equipped, he still can't get it.


This is not to say how many devices are used by fans who got tickets, but because of the time when Chen Yang entered the page

It just refreshed, so he was a second slower than the average person.


Tickets for the premiere sold out? (Lee's Zhao)

Chen Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

It turned out that he was really so attractive.

Xu Zheng was holding a computer at home and waiting for the data.

[Wolf of War 2] achieved +[-] million pre-sale box office under the influence of Chen Yang, Xu Zheng's goal is not big

, the pre-sale box office can reach [-] million.

When the time came, he stared at the computer screen.

The numbers above are from: 000.000.00 - - Seconds galloping.

Then the next second, the numbers stuck.

Xu Zheng was stunned, he knew that it was definitely not his computer card, but the one used by the backstage of the theater to calculate the box office.

Server is stuck.

Thinking of this, Xu Zheng's eyes filled with ecstasy!

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