Xu Zheng and Wang Baobao, who were beside Chen Yang, also wept.

They didn't feel so tear-jerking when they were filming and watching the demo for the first time.

It's just that my nose is a little sore, and my heart is not very comfortable.

Now in this situation, when they see this picture again as a viewer, they feel instantly

Not the same.

The actress who plays the female liar is a professional actor and has a bit of reputation in the industry.

Her eyes exposed to the camera are like a helpless but loving mother for her child.

Yes, she cheated Wang Baobao and Xu Zheng, and cheated their money, but she really used it for medical treatment.

These kids are really, really, really pitiful,

Whether it is on or off the show, they are deeply touched by it.

In the end, Xu Zheng and Wang Baobao left reluctantly. Before leaving, Xu Zheng opened his wallet and hesitated for a moment.

All my money is on the table.

Completed the process of transforming a big boss with indifference into a boss with flesh and blood.

As they reached the door, a little girl rushed out.


The little girl stopped them, and the two of them looked back.

I happened to see the little girl holding a picture in both hands, and the picture was painted on the two of them.

The little girl is not a professional painter, her paintings may be rough, but for Wang Baobao and Xu Zheng

best gift.

this moment,

Even the audience who was still struggling to support the tears just now burst into tears.

"Why the hell am I so unpromising, I cry when I cry?

"It's so sad, I'm so sad. I used to grow up in an orphanage, why didn't I meet someone like this?

Such a good teacher, such a good mother.Woohoo. "

"Such a person deserves a long life, and children are so cute. They must grow up well in the future."

"I really want to get into the movie, and then help the teacher to adopt all these children, humming, it's so good

pity wow. "

The two leading actors Xu Zheng and Wang Baobao couldn't help crying.

They looked at Chen Yang beside them tearfully, and Chen Yang still enjoyed the movie quietly, there was no extra

There are no superfluous expressions.

As if everything was within the acceptable range.

But the two of them know that this is all because Chen Yang created this script!

Some time ago, the two of them also watched "The River of Sadness",

That really is a good book.

Let them feel deeply sad for each character in the play after watching it.

And the kind teacher in "People are on the way", might not help them think of "Sadness Against the Current"

Actors in "River".

It's so disturbing.

Their eyes were blurred with tears.

Looking at Chen Yang, they admired him incomparably in their hearts.

What kind of talent can make a person so good in so many fields.

And what kind of kindness makes him convey so much kindness to the world in one book and one script


Sadness flows into a river is sadness, but it alerts people behind the scenes, calling on everyone to protect those vulnerable


Most people are laughing in embarrassment, but the emotional part is also really tearful, which is also a call for the big

The family cares more about the kind people in the society, and don't let their kindness be hurt.

How can they not admire this diligence?

The movie continues.

The back is still full of laughter.

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