It was written before he wrote The River of Sadness.

I've only been looking at the world of three for the past few days, and I don't know much about it.

Just open your phone and search for it.

As soon as the word "people" was entered, it was directly related to "People are on the road".

In the top ten search rankings.

["People are on the road" creates a myth at the box office of Chinese movies! Six billion at the box office in half a month of release!

Wolf 2!]

[Belonging to Chen Yang's myth, "People are on the 囧道" has created a new glory. ]

[Career and love have a double harvest, as soon as the official announcement of love will usher in a new myth at the box office, Chen Yang, the winner in life. ]

[Other people's husbands, other people's children, other people's idols. Chen Yang perfectly interprets "other people's family" three

words. ]


After a cursory glance, there are more than one million entries related to "People are on the road".

You know, it's only been released for half a month!

There are so many topics in half a month, which is enough to prove that it is really popular.

Moreover, the nearly six billion box office of "Wolf of War 2" was released overseas after it was released in domestic theaters.

's box office.

What about "People are on the 囧道"? It broke through this number within half a month of its domestic release.

If this hadn't happened, no one would believe it.

"Six billion, not bad.

Chen Yang nodded. He could imagine that Xu Zheng would definitely be excited after seeing the box office data.

jump up,

Maybe he will get out of control and learn the famous scene in the movie and kiss the floor.

In fact, when Xu Zheng learned about the six billion box office, although he didn't have the bottom line, he was almost there.

Wang Baobao was also beside him at that time, and the two hugged each other excitedly.

This was filmed with the help of Chen Yang after the two of them went through hardships. The hard work and hard work are only

They both knew.

The two of them are the happiest when they see the double harvest of box office word of mouth.

Even Xu Zheng didn't care too much, he just kissed the baby fiercely because he was too excited.

Wang Baobao is also an afterthought, but he was so happy that he didn't get into it.


Now the entire network is swiped by Chen Yang's official announcement and the popularity of the [-] billion box office of "People are on the road".

However, the initiator of these two incidents is Chen Yang.

Chen Yang has once again become a hot topic figure.

Oh no, Chen Yang has been under the madness of all kinds of heat from his debut to now, - he has been ranked in the hot search list.

It seems to have never been there.


Chen Yang cooked a table of good dishes, and the whole room was filled with the aroma of the food.

Ju Jingyi anxiously opened the door and walked in.


As soon as she entered the door, Ju Jingyi didn't care to take off her coat or change her slippers, so she trotted directly to Chen Yang.

The slender arms in front of him wrapped around Chen Yang's neck, and then the small head nestled in Chen Yang's arms, feeling the old

The warmth given to her

"I miss you."

Ju Jingyi's sweet voice sounded, and the soft voice made Chen Yang feel crisp, and his heart was filled with happiness again.


Gently stroking Ju Jingyi's small head, Chen Yang's petting voice rang in her ear, a low and magnetic voice.

The sound made her whole body numb, and her little heart was beating wildly.

"Fool, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Although Chen Yang said this on his lips, he actually missed it very much in his heart.

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