
Chen Yang said decisively: "This collection is very valuable, much more valuable than what the auctioneer introduced. At least four

A hundred years of history, it is not done by some unknown famous person, it is done by everyone.Don't say half a million, five

Millions of auctions are made by blood! You auction it first, and I will tell you in detail later.


Chen Heyi listened to Chen Yang's words.

Come on, [-] million is a bloody profit.It must be started!

Thinking about the look in his eyes after he presented this precious and famous painting to his father, he was praised by his father.

He felt sober in his heart.

However, Chen He is not stupid. He directly started to participate in the auction and shouted a high price. Some people would definitely think it was wrong.


So he has to stabilize his hands first, wait for a while to make a shock, and take the auction item...

Chapter 414 The price of [-] million yuan!

"Five thousand.

"Five hundred and fifty thousand."

"Six hundred thousand."

The people present were all a bit cocky in the circle, and their eyesight was naturally a little bit.

At a glance, this "** Picture" knows that it is a good thing worthy of collection.

So everyone started to raise the price.

The amount of their shots is quite large, at least [-] at a time, but if Chen Yang said this

The real value of the painting is probably [-] yuan.

Chen He has been waiting by the side for the opportunity to increase the price. Chen Yang said that this painting was bought for [-] million, and it was a bloody profit.

, of course he is determined to win.

"Eight hundred thousand."

The price quickly rose to [-]%, and everyone at the scene gradually lost their interest in bidding.

It is already [-] higher than the reserve price, and everyone has little interest in continuing to compete.

After all, they just think this painting should be quite precious, the actual value is not clear, who knows

Is it worth [-]?

"Eighty thousand, is anyone still raising the price?"

A smile appeared on the corner of the auctioneer's mouth. This painting by an unknown painter can increase the value of [-] yuan.

Already very good.

You must know that this painting was sold several times before this auction.

"Okay, since there are no other gentlemen raising the price"

"Eighty thousand once.".


"One 763 million.

Chen He shot-

The words surprised everyone.

one million?

The price was increased by [-] all of a sudden, is there any way for this painting?

The calligrapher who had just given up his luck just now rolled his eyes, looking at Chen who was bidding.

Hey look.

But when he saw that it was Chen He, his eyes flashed with disappointment.

Damn, it's a star.

It is estimated that it is to join in the fun, and he does not know how to do it.

I thought it was a baby, what a disappointment.

With this thought in their hearts, of course no one will come forward to make a bid.

After all, they are not fools. Who would want to do something like this?

The corner of Chen He's mouth showed a hint of unnoticeable joy.

Don't rob me!

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