The sky-high price of [-] million is more than [-] million more than the "Bureau Post" that they thought was the final collection.five

Chapter 416 The treasure of a thousand years of history

"Yeah, Chen Yang, tell me, and what's the origin of my "**map"?" Chen He was also on the side.


He was very curious.

This calligraphy and painting is actually made of blood for five million pictures?

How precious is that.

Chen Yang looked at everyone's expectant gaze, and the corner of his mouth raised an arc.

"Okay, I'll explain it to you."


Everyone nodded and looked at Chen Yang seriously, as if they were listening to the teacher in the classroom when they were young.

The appearance of the class.

"You all know Wang Xizhi, right?"

Chen Yang said lightly.

"Yeah. I know."

"Know the ring."

The crowd nodded.

Chen He looked at Chen Yang in surprise and rolled his eyes.

"Please let us know that you are very knowledgeable, so don't treat us as illiterate, okay?" Chen He twitched the corner of his mouth.

Of course I'm not worried about Mr. Zhong "[-]" and Mr. Zhang Dongliang, I'm just worried that you are illiterate." Chen

Yang mercilessly consoled.

Chen Hegang wanted to reply, but he thought that compared with Chen Yang, he was no different from illiterate.

He shrank his neck and said nothing.

"Wait, Mr. Chen, do you mean that this painting is the real work of Wang Xizhi?!"

Mr. Zhong's eyes widened, and he couldn't help breathing a little harder.

If this is the truth of Wang Xizhi


This calligraphy and painting must be at least [-] years old, right?

No wonder the letters above are broken.


Zhang Dongliang's eyes were full of curiosity: "I don't remember Wang Xizhi's painting with such a pair of poems. This is written


Zhang Dongliang looked at the incomplete words on this calligraphy and painting, as if looking at a rare treasure.

I wanted to reach out and touch it, but I was afraid of damaging it, so I retracted my hand. ""Safety Post"."

Chen Yang said lightly.

"Peace message?"

Everyone present was stunned.

Mr. Zhong Lao, Mr. Zhang Dongliang and several treasure appraisers at the auction venue were all stunned.

"Ping An Post? Haven't heard of it?" "I like Wang Xizhi very much, why don't I remember what Ping An Post he wrote?"

"Yeah, I'm not impressed at all."

Everyone said.

Chen He was relieved when he saw that no one had heard of this work, it turned out that he had no culture.

Of course, he didn't think that Chen Yang was talking nonsense. There must be some basis for Chen Yang to dare to say so.

Mr. Zhong's eyes also revealed doubts.

It can be said that he has read Chinese classics thoroughly.

Especially everyone's works, he has read all of them, even if he can't memorize them, he is still impressed.

This "Safety Post" really has no impression.

Just when he was about to ask, Chen Yang spoke.

"You can go to "Wang Lingzhizhi", there are records on it, "Safety Post" and the other two posts "He

Ru Tie" and "Feng Ju Tie" are composed of three safe posts.Just because it has never been unearthed, so there is no

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