"I'm here to introduce Mr. Chen Yang."

Li Jian passed one by one in front of the blue and white porcelain, and then introduced them to Chen Yang.

"The ones on the shelf near the door (promised) are all modern blue-and-white porcelain. They are all handicrafts.

And it is made during the best solar term summer solstice, and the blue and white pattern is the most exquisite. "

"On the shelf not next to the door, there are blue and white porcelains from the past hundred years, the most ancient ones are [-] years old.

With a history of eight years, it is not only beautiful in shape, but also has a very high collection value.

Li Jian introduced like a family, and his tone was full of a father's love for his children.

"So precious?!"

"But why is it so precious in the warehouse? Aren't you afraid of being stolen?"

Chen He was puzzled. Generally speaking, precious things are not kept in the secret room or there are many security guards.

where to protect?

It's too random to put it in the warehouse.

Chen He's words seemed to sting Li Jian's sore spot, but his expression changed slightly.


"Although blue and white porcelain is a material cultural heritage, no one pays attention to it at all, and it cannot be sold!

"What can't be sold, who will steal it? ".

Chapter 419 The most beautiful but blue and white porcelain

Director Li's words can be said to be very disturbing.

Chen He's expression froze, and then he smiled awkwardly to break the deadlock.

Ha ha. "

"Abrupt, abrupt."

Chen He's expression was very embarrassed. He didn't expect something so easy to think of.

Chen Yang looked at Director Li lightly, and there was still a warm smile on the corner of his mouth.

As for the situation of blue-and-white porcelain in this world, Chen Yang already knew something about it yesterday.

Although blue and white porcelain is the material cultural heritage of China, it is the perfect combination of the wisdom and aesthetics of our ancestors.


But in today's era when a hundred flowers are blooming and absorbing Western culture crazily, the public's aesthetics have long since changed.

Therefore, there are fewer and fewer people who like blue and white porcelain.

This is not to say that the beauty of blue and white porcelain is backward,

But today's young people are too pursuing new trends, and they are not interested in the cultural treasures handed down in the long river of Chinese culture.

Not too cold.

Most importantly, they lack the understanding of blue and white porcelain.

Except for a small number of professionals, fewer and fewer people understand the beauty of blue and white porcelain culture.

There are fewer and fewer people like Chen Yang's future mother-in-law who likes porcelain.

"Is there anything better?"


Chen Yang asked.

Although the blue-and-white porcelain with a history of nearly a hundred years is already very collectible, after all, I spent my money on my future father-in-law.

Thirty million bought gifts.

If the gift for the future mother-in-law is too low, it will appear that Chen Yang favors one over the other.

Even if Chen Yang is sure to please the two elders, his father-in-law will probably not escape the washboard in the future.

"Yes, I knew that Mr. Chen Yang was coming, and I shipped a few treasures overnight yesterday."

There is a large standing cabinet in the east of the room. Director Li opened the door of the cabinet, and each floor of the three-storey cabinet is filled with

A blue and white porcelain shrouded in glass.

The luster of blue and white porcelain is slightly duller than other blue and white porcelain outside.

"These three blue-and-white porcelains are all hundreds of years old, especially the one in the middle, which has a history of seven hundred years.

history.It's a serious antique.

Director Li introduced in a very excited tone.

"These are the three most precious pieces of blue and white porcelain in our blue and white porcelain factory. If ordinary people came, we would not

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