Ju Jingyi obediently handed Chen Yang a pair of chopsticks.

Chen Yang looked at Ju Jingyi, who had two pear vortexes when he laughed, and felt very satisfied.

Thinking that Ju Jingyi was still a radio director half a year ago. Although she was very good to her employees, she also had the temperament of a strong woman.

But now by Chen Yang's side, Ju Jingyi is like a gentle kitten, people can't help but love her.

"The craftsmanship has improved. Did you stealthily learn how to cook from me?"

Chen Yang touched Ju Jingyi's beautiful face, and his eyes were full of love.

Ju Jingyi hugged Chen Yang's arm like a kitten and acted coquettishly: "What's the matter, I secretly learned my husband to cook.

Can't you?"

"Go, go.

Chen Yang hugged Ju Jingyi's waist and fed her a bite of food himself, which made Ju Jingyi's face turn red.


After eating, Ju Jingyi stuck to Chen Yang and asked meekly, "Husband, my mother's gift is ready.

how is it?

"It's all ready, the seven hundred-year-old blue and white porcelain, I believe my aunt will definitely like it.

Chen Yang touched Ju Jingyi's head and said.


Ju Jingyi's eyes flashed with little stars: "Thank you husband, my husband has a heart."

She only feels as sweet as eating honey now.

Chen Yang's painstaking preparation for the meeting ceremony for her parents is enough to show her status in Chen Yang's heart


The more she thought about it, the sweeter she felt in her heart.

I couldn't help rubbing a few more times in Chen Yang's arms...

Chapter 420 Seeing Ju's Dad and Ju's Mom

Ju Jingyi gradually fell asleep like a docile kitten in Chen Yang's arms.

Chen Yang looked at Ju Jingyi who was breathing evenly with her beautiful eyes closed, her eyes full of love.

After the meeting ceremony was ready, when Ju Jingyi woke up, Chen Yang immediately asked her to contact her future father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Ready to visit.

Early the next morning, Chen Yang woke up early and found that Ju Jingyi, who had always loved her in her arms, was more than

He got up early.

Gently sniffing the nose, the smell of breakfast wafted in from outside.

After a simple wash, Chen Yang came to the kitchen and saw that Ju Jingyi was still busy preparing breakfast.

Ju Jingyi is wearing light white pajamas, and the loose pajamas can still see the moving lines on Ju Jingyi's body


Chen Yang embraced Ju Jingyi's waist from behind, and gently sniffed Ju Jingyi's fragrance.

Ju Jingyi, who was cooking, was suddenly wrapped around her waist by Chen Yang, her heart beat faster, and her face flushed.

"Husband wait a minute, the eggs will be cooked right away."

While feeling the temperature in Chen Yang's arms, Ju Jingyi paid attention to the eggs in the pot in front of her.

After a while, the eggs are cooked.

Only then did Ju Jingyi put down the pot and utensils in her hand, then turned around and wrapped her slender arms around Chen Yang's neck, her toes a little.

Lightly tap on Chen Yang's face.

Then the little head was buried in Chen Yang's arms.

She likes this very much. As long as her little head is buried in Chen Yang's arms, she feels warm and happy with + points.

At this moment, it seems that nothing is important. She only has Chen Yang in her heart, and she just wants to melt in Chen Yang's warmth.

in the arms.

"Okay, it's time to eat.

Chen Yang picked up Ju Jingyi and went to have breakfast.

The two of them had a warm breakfast, and then got dressed and went out.

Seeing the future father-in-law and mother-in-law do not need to choose any auspicious days, it is better to choose a day than to hit the sun, so Chen Yang and Ju Jing

Yi decided to go and see it today.

Two hours later, the plane landed.

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