Thinking of this, Zhang Jie couldn't help but sigh.

"Chen Yang, Chen Yang, you are so charming. In half a year, Ju Jingyi became a national goddess, and she

Li Ziqi has undergone earth-shaking changes.Not only do you change yourself, but you also change those around you

man. "

Zhang Jie felt that she couldn't think about it any longer.

It's so annoying.

When he didn't know Chen Yang before, he always thought he was very good, and it was not until he met Chen Yang that he realized

Now Chen Yang is far ahead of him.

Thinking that Chen Yang has extremely high attainments in various fields, it is really enviable.

Not only Zhang Jie, Luo Zhixiang and others also looked at Li Ziqi in astonishment, heartbroken.

Feeling full of emotions.

Li Ziqi knew what they were thinking, and couldn't help but feel proud.

Thinking that half a year ago, despite the opposition, she wanted to give up the Douyin business to be Chen Yang's assistant.

I feel fortunate, otherwise, how could there be the current Li Ziqi?

"The recording will start soon, everyone prepare well."

Li Ziqi told her to leave to deal with other things.

Luo Zhixiang and others began to try again.

"I can't wait to start, it's the first time to be a mentor in such a cruel competition system, I'm excited to think about it.

"Damn, who isn't."

The instructor was very excited, and the trainees who came on stage in the first episode were even more excited.

The candidates for the first stage are decided by lottery.

Yang Chaoyue, Wu Xuanyi, Meng Meiqi, Chen Yihan and others are all in the ranks of the first issue.

Backstage, even with less than an hour to go before the opening, they were still looking back on their


In order to present the best side on stage.

Each of them cheered for themselves in their hearts.

"For a better tomorrow, to be with Brother Chen Yang in the future! Come on, come on, come on!"-

The hours passed in the blink of an eye.

The [-] auditoriums at the recording site were already full.

The scene was full of people.

"After waiting for so long, it's finally about to start, hahaha I'm looking forward to it."

"Today I want to feast my eyes on the competition of [-] beautiful girls."

"I don't know what the effect of Chen Yangge's carefully crafted program will be. It will be revealed soon."

"Get started! Can't wait"

The audience at the scene waited anxiously, and the audience in the live broadcast room was even more excited.

Even though Li Ziqi was afraid of problems with the live broadcast, he prepared more than a dozen live broadcast rooms with different routes, but each direct

The studio is still overcrowded.

Every household was sitting in front of the TV watching this scene with excitement.

Countless barrages poured out like a tide on the screen, blocking the screen and not showing it at all.

Countless viewers can only choose to close the barrage to keep quiet.

Time ticked by.

It's eight o'clock.

Recording officially begins.

Li Ziqi wore a long snow-white one-piece dress, dragging the skirt and gracefully walked onto the stage.

He elegantly placed the microphone in front of his small mouth and announced in a passionate voice:

"Welcome to "Innovation 101" titled and broadcast by [Sunshine Entertainment]."

"I'm the host, Li Ziqi."

The voice of the speech is very pleasant, like the soft chirping of an oriole, which makes everyone feel very pleasant.

At the same time, I was surprised.

"Isn't she Chen Yang's assistant?

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