All TV executives know that,

The entertainment era belonging to Chen Yang has arrived!

After thinking about this, they immediately began to call their subordinates to arrange the next series of public affairs.

Division strategic activities.

The most important thing is to seize the time to have a good relationship with [Sunshine Entertainment], while it is still spreading

During the exhibition stage, you can only drink soup after hugging your thighs!

4.6 The news of the ratings is published on the Internet,

There was a huge storm in the entertainment industry and on the Internet!

If the ratings of 4.0 are shocking but still within the acceptable range, then the ratings of 4

The rate is too exaggerated for everyone!

Exaggerated to the point of outrageous.

When netizens saw this data, the first reaction was that they couldn't believe it, but when they thought about it, Chen Yang personally decided

The talk show that I hold is so exciting, let alone a 4 rating, even if it breaks 6, it doesn't matter.

Is it a reasonable thing?

However, it took a long time for netizens to accept this surprising fact.

While the ratings shocked everyone, the whole network is also frantically brushing the popularity of "Tucao Conference"


Because "Tucao Conference" is so exciting, so exciting that everyone applauds.

Chen Yang's eloquence, as well as the topic slots of many stars, the two add up to make this show full of watching.


Many viewers said that the laughter did not stop from the beginning to the end of the show.

Can such a good-looking show not be spread like crazy?

Penguin Space, Moments, Weibo, YouTube, Facebook, all places where you can write blogs are

"Tucao Conference" has been swiped.

There are also many classic clips that have been intercepted by netizens and uploaded to Douyin.

Harvested hundreds of thousands or even millions of likes!

Numerous self-media and paparazzi have written hot reviews and sent them to the Internet at the first time, with countless clicks.

The top ten hot searches are firmly occupied by "Tucao Conference"!

[New era variety show, Brother Chen Yang once again created a new variety show "Tucao Conference"! ]

[Check out the gossip of those criticized stars, please come here, "Tucao Conference" makes you vomit in laughter


[A shocking 4.6 super high ratings! Chen Yang has created a super myth of ratings. ]

[Pure quilt chat? Chen Yang kept talking and laughing all over the audience, all in the "Tucao Conference"! ]

[Connotation Huazi Zhang Xueyou, Tucao Deyunge Guo Degang, other than Chen Yangge's show, who else dares?


The entire network was dominated by the heat of Chen Yang and Tucao Conference.

Countless stars in the entertainment industry have come forward to like this show. They are not here to gain popularity.

We really think this show is great! It is definitely an epoch-making variety show!

not to mention,

Many celebrities have seen the benefits of the Tucao conference, although they may be complained about on the show.

They are flawless, but their flaws have also become stalks, and those criticized stains have also become

It's definitely a win-win stage for stars and netizens!

Countless celebrities with gossip that gave them headaches contacted Li Ziqi and wanted to participate in this variety show.

Not only that!

After the super high ratings of 4.6 came out, not only paparazzi, self-media and entertainment have taken action

Companies, and even business giants in many industries have turned their attention to [Sunshine Entertainment].

Everyone knows that Chen Yang and [Sunshine Entertainment] who created the ratings myth will be the wind direction of the entertainment industry in the future


And this is a program launched in the early stage, who knows whether the subsequent programs will become more and more exciting, at this time

Many advertiser giants have the idea of ​​cooperating with [Sunshine Entertainment].

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