She was afraid that she would also be polluted by the big dye vat of the entertainment industry and become one of them.

It was not until she followed Chen Yang that she had some changes in the entertainment industry.

It turns out that there are still many entertainers in the entertainment industry who rely on their strength to eat.

In addition to the most dazzling Chen Yang, there are Huazai, Zhang Xueyou, Huang Bo, Huang Lei and others. They are all

People who rely on talent and hard power to eat are not like other little fresh meat, they have to send sympathy to Weibo when they cut their fingers.

I heard Chen Yang mentioned several times before that he wanted to change the atmosphere of the entertainment industry, and Li Ziqi was very excited.

Now I finally see that Chen Yang is going to implement this step, and she is the happiest one.

She believes that Chen Yang's personal action will definitely be able to change the unhealthy trends in the entertainment industry and make the entertainment industry change.

Must be the same as before.

After understanding what Chen Yang meant, Chen Yang's image in Li Ziqi's eyes became even taller.

Looking at Chen Yang in front of her, Li Ziqi almost felt that Chen Yang was as majestic and tall as the Five Mountains, and she was only

A small girl standing at the foot of the mountain and looking up at the peak.

"I'll leave the preparatory work to you."

Chen Yang said naturally.

""Well, I promise to complete the task!" Li Ziqi said excitedly with a small face.

"Right." Chen Yang suddenly remembered something and added.

"Remember to take care of your body and don't cry too much. You are always told to rest, but you just don't listen."

"Look, the dark circles are coming out again."

Chen Yang pretended to pinch Li Ziqi's little nose angrily, Li Ziqi's little face was blushing, and her little heart was thumping.

Tong rammed like a deer, then ran away blushing.

Seeing the back of Li Ziqi fleeing, Chen Yang couldn't help laughing: "This girl, work really hard."

[Sunshine Entertainment] The news that the upcoming variety show "Real Men" has become popular on the Internet.

Netizens were excited.

"Brother Chen Yang is finally going to rectify the atmosphere of the entertainment industry hahaha."

"This 'Real Man' is definitely a variety show that has caused a sensation in the entertainment industry. I'm really looking forward to it."

"Let's give Brother Chen Yang a big compliment first, I've long been disliked by the little fresh meat, so let them go


"Yes! Either improve yourself or be eliminated! Don't leave behind to pollute the environment of the entertainment industry."

The whole internet is buzzing.

At the same time, the big names in the entertainment industry also cracked one by one.

Even if the official big V has not publicly stated what the purpose of creating this variety show is, the obvious in the entertainment circle

Who can't understand the star?

This is Chen Yang's beginning to rectify the atmosphere of the entertainment industry!

He Jiong: "Xiao Chen's action so soon?"

Huang Lei: "I thought it would take a while for the company to stabilize before starting to rectify the atmosphere in the entertainment industry."

Hua Zai: "Oh, Chen Yang is amazing. This is what I wanted to do for so many years but didn't do it.

Big deal!"

Zhang Jie: "No matter what, I will always support Chen Yang.

Wu Jing: "What's the matter with this kid? Can you be rude if you don't call me here for such an important matter? Who am I?

Nationally recognized steel tough guy!

Deng Chao: "Real man? Can I sign up for one? Let you see the manliness of Superman Deng


Most of the voices in the entertainment industry are expressing joy.

Over the years, under the operation of major brokerage companies, the entertainment industry has been swept away by Xiao Xianrou.

Many old actors and powerful actors have also been excluded because they are not as good at brushing their faces as Xiao Xianrou.

For example, Wu Gang, who worked with Chen Yang to film [Wolf of War 2] before.

He is a well-known old actor in the circle, and the drama comes as soon as he says it. I don't know how many people in the circle are him.


But in recent years, because everyone is chasing Xiaoxianrou, his situation has become more and more embarrassing. Only a few

He will be filmed in tough guy dramas, so his acting career is getting narrower and narrower.

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