It is simply "the dream of [-] million girls"!

The other cute dads didn't really plan to let Huang Lei cook dinner alone.

After playing with their cute baby for a while, they washed their hands and went to the kitchen to help.

Except for Huang Lei, the four of them don't usually cook very much. Now they are busy cooking with Huang Lei.

In a hurry.

Watching the audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter one by one.

Fortunately, Huang Lei directed them. Although the cooking journey was bumpy, they finally made it.

In the courtyard of Chen Yang's house, two large tables were put together.

The hot dinner was placed on the table, steaming hot smoke.

"smell good.

The children couldn't wait to sit at the table, drooling as they waited for the meal to start.

When Huang Lei came forward with the last pot of hot chicken soup, everyone started.

Everyone ate and chatted happily.

This afternoon, everyone is basically familiar with it, - the meal time is the relationship between everyone.

All got closer.

So it is very natural for everyone to laugh.

But another thing happened at the dinner table that made the cute dads cry without tears.

"Duoduo, help Dad add a chicken leg, it's too far for Dad to reach."


Nodding a lot, then she picked up a chicken leg and prepared to hand it to Huang Lei, but she suddenly saw it.

Chen Yang, who was about to add chicken drumsticks, suddenly had small eyes.

"Brother Chen Yang, chicken legs for you.'-

While talking, Duoduo stretched out his long arm and handed it to Chen Yang.


Huang Lei had already handed out half of the bowl, and it was instantly frozen there. When everyone saw this scene, they were shocked.


"Okay, thank you so much."

Chen Yang took the chicken leg with a smile.

The child simply doesn't think so much, and of course he can't refuse.

"Hahaha, Mr. Huang, you are too miserable."

"Seeing that your father is jealous, quickly put a chicken leg for your father.

Meng 673's dads laughed, and after the next scene, they also wanted to cry without tears.

The cute babies saw that Duoduo had added chicken legs to Chen Yang, and they suddenly had a heart for comparison.

First, Xuan Xuan swept around the dining table, picked up the slice of meat she thought was the best, and handed it to Chen Yang.

"Brother Chen Yang, eat meat."

Of course other cute babies are not to be outdone.

Sen Die: "Brother Chen Yang eats vegetables, it's good for your skin. I'll give you vegetables."

Angela: "Here, brother Chen Yang, this is the cookie I secretly hid during the day. I'll give you half of it."

Feynman: "Boss, what do you want to eat, I'll take it for you.

The attentiveness of the cute babies made all the cute dads look straight.

what's going on?

Are my eyes okay?

My daughter took the initiative to serve others dishes?!


My daughter knows to care about others.

The cute dads were excited at first, but then quickly reacted that something was wrong.

"That's not right!"

"Why is it for Chen Yang and not for the real dad?"

The cute dads burst into tears.

Chen Yang watched this scene with a funny look, and he gave the cute babies some dishes.

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