The manager is really helpless now. Of course, he knows that Lin Fan is a straight person, because he is also like this when he performs.

If it wasn't for his character who was willing to offend people, I'm afraid he would have become a superstar a long time ago.

Just as Lin Fan and the manager were talking, Zhao Feng walked over from there.

Because everyone was a little unhappy when they were on the show, Lin Fan originally wanted to talk to him to relieve himself, so maybe everyone would be able to live a little better.

It's just that Lin Fan never thought that when he opened his mouth and just wanted to talk to this Zhao Feng, he actually walked away from his side on purpose.

Looking at his arrogant appearance, Lin Fan knew that a person like him simply didn't look down on anyone, and the way he looked at him was really arrogant.

When you see this, it's not that I refuse to bow my head at all, it's that people like him are simply (Nuo's Zhao) aggressive, so in the future, don't think that I'm being rude to him.

Lin Fan finally knew now that this Zhao Feng was completely different from what he had imagined. It seemed that all the news written earlier should be true.

The agent looked at Lin Fan like that, and really felt that he must be taken away from the TV station immediately. If he continued to stay here, he would not know who he would offend. .

Chapter 680 I Want To Go Back To My Hometown

Look at his ghostly look.

Thinking of Zhao Feng's appearance just now, Lin Fan is really very angry now.

He said that because he and the agent are now back in their car.

He never thought that as a well-known singer, he could be like this. It seems that what he saw on TV before was not like this at all.

After hearing what Lin Fan said, now the agent really thinks that Lin Fan's imagination of everything is too simple.

Because these singers are also competing with each other. After seeing that some people want to surpass themselves, of course he wants to suppress them.

It's just that he never thought that Lin Fan was really speaking up at this time, and he came out and pointed out his mistakes right after 907 calls.

So when the show was being recorded, Zhao Feng kept his face black all the time.

You must not think about all things so simple, and you don't even look at it. Do you think you are still singing on the Internet?Now all the people you are in contact with are people in the entertainment industry, and those people are really very complicated.

Although the agent has always reminded Lin Fan in his ears.

But it seems that Lin Fan's character is really very straightforward, so if he sees unfair things, he will definitely say it.

Regarding Lin Fan's character, even the agent had no way to deal with him.

What about the people in the entertainment industry, I think they just think they are big stars, so they look down on anyone, don't look at those students, they are really participating in competitions now, but I think They are sure to be able to stand out.

The reason why Lin Fan was different from them was that, as a special guest on the TV station, he was there to liven up the atmosphere at the scene.

But those students are different. After all, they really rely on their singing to conquer those audiences and judges.

If they can't win those audiences, they can't stay on stage at all.

Thinking of this time, Lin Fan really felt that fate was too cruel to them, but when he thought about his own road to fame, it was really bumpy.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be very sympathetic to those singers.

Looking at Lin Fan's aggressive look now, the manager can only helplessly shake his head and look at the car, and now he will soon arrive at Lin Fan's door.

By the way, we are going to shoot an advertisement tomorrow, so I will go to the TV station to record it tomorrow afternoon.

It seems that this agent is really full of his daily work.

After hearing what he said, now Lin Fan watched the car stop, and he wanted to go back to his home. He knew that his parents were still waiting for him at home.

After saying hello to the manager, Lin Fan went straight back to his home, but when he got home, he saw his parents sitting on the sofa.

But now it can really be seen that the atmosphere in the room is really very depressing. .

Chapter 681 In order to promote hometown

What's the matter with you two?

Looking at my parents now, they both look like that.

Lin Fan really couldn't understand it now, because he felt that when he went out to work in the early morning, his parents seemed really happy.

But now it's clear from the expressions on their faces that both of them are really~very frustrated.

Lin Fan really felt that his parents should have nothing to worry about when they stayed in his home, so seeing the two of them like this now, he should know what happened.

You are really busy with your work every day, so even if the two of us are by your side, you can't accompany the two of us. Since it's like this, it's better to let the two of us go back- Go to your hometown.

After listening to his parents, after both of them said that, Lin Fan finally understood now.

It seems that the two of them are really beating around the bush now and want to go back to their hometown.

Since the last time he sang by himself, he sang the story of the little bridge about their hometown, so he felt that his parents and the two of them were worried every day.

When he finished the concert that day, his parents did ask him to help the old folks in his hometown, but Lin Fan really felt that he was too busy with his work every day. Can't get out of it at all.

In fact, as a singer, of course he knows that his influence is really great, and he also thought about helping those old folks in his hometown.

It's just that his schedule is very limited, and it is impossible for him to return to his hometown all the way. If he is like this, even if he wants to help his hometown to do something, he should be willing but not enough.

Look at you two like this again, didn't I tell you two?After my work is over, I will personally accompany the two of you back. Besides, both of you are getting old. If you let the two of you go back by yourself at this time, I will really be very happy. worried.

Lin Fan had always been very clear in his heart that their parents must have wanted to go back to their hometown very much, but Lin Fan knew that the two of them were getting old. If they were allowed to go back by themselves now, he would still Really very worried.

He knew that today must be another bitter trick from his parents.

Although he heard Lin Fan say that, it was clear that his parents really didn't want to let it go.


Of course, the two of us know that your work must be very hard. Besides, the two of us will not affect your work at all, as long as the two of us can go back by ourselves.

Seeing his parents, the two of them are simply hopeless, and Lin Fan is really helpless now, because of course he knows his parents, even if he goes back to his hometown, it will really cause problems. important.

Seeing that both of them are their own parents, and now they are so famous.

He was really afraid that those reporters would get any information about him out of his parents' mouths.Nine.

Chapter 682 Leave with the agent

Lin Fan is really helpless now.

Seeing my parents, now I really can't get enough oil and salt.

He was really afraid that when he went out to work, his parents and the two of them left secretly.

If it was like that, he was really worried.

Can't you two, as old people, be considerate of me?You know that my "September [*]" work is really very busy every day. If you two are like this, I still have to consider you two when I work every day.

Lin Fan is indeed a little angry now.

He really couldn't understand why his parents did that. When he worked so hard to come out of that small place, he swore that he would never go back in this life.

So after he became famous, although he also wanted to go back to his hometown, he insisted on his own vow for the sake of his original vow.

Originally, he wanted to bring his parents into this big city to make them feel happy, but he never thought that his parents were really not used to living in this place.

Because they both told themselves over and over again that they wanted to go back to their hometown, which really made Lin Fan very embarrassed.

Now after hearing what Lin Fan said, his parents were silent on the sofa.

Looking at the two of them, Lin Fan simply left the living room and returned to his bedroom.

When he closed the door, he simply lay on his bed.

He really felt that the whole day of filming was simply too tiring, especially when he thought about the problem when he was in the program group, he really felt that these singers were just what he imagined It's a long way off.

He really couldn't understand it. In the past, he really felt that Zhao Feng was very forthright, especially his singing voice that he liked very much.

But now, when he had been in close contact with him, Lin Fan understood in his heart that his character was not very good at all.

In the past, I always saw Zhao Feng on TV, and thought that he must be exactly the same as I imagined..0

Lin Fan really felt that he was very troubled all day. Since he was like this, he really wanted to escape.

So now he simply picked up the phone.

Tomorrow, I really want to take a few days off with you, because I feel that my recent mood is simply too high, so I just want to go out and relax.

Lin Fan picked up the phone now and called the manager directly.

He knows that his temper is inherited from his parents, so he will be very stubborn. If he doesn't let them go back, I am afraid that the two of them will definitely get sick when they are in the big 0.9 city.

Don't look at the surface, he and his parents are really very angry, but for him, it is really not easy for his parents to follow him to the big city.

He just thought about taking a few days off from the agent, so that he could take his parents back to his hometown to have a look. .

Chapter 683 Lin Fan's Schedule Is Full

what did you say?

When the agent heard that Lin Fan had asked this question.

He is really surprised now.

He knew that he was helping Lin Fan. In the next variety show, Lin Fan's schedule was really full, so he didn't have any time to take vacation now.

After Lin Fan heard the manager's voice on the other end of the phone, he could be sure that the manager would definitely not give him any vacation.

Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything. Didn't you say there was an advertisement to shoot tomorrow?Since it is like this, you can send me the time and location, and I can go directly to the shooting location.

Originally, 20 Lin Fan really wanted to fight for it, but he also knew that it was really not easy for an agent. In order to find a suitable advertisement for himself, the agent was really Work hard.

Now that he has made some small achievements, he really feels that all this is the result of the efforts of the agent and the two of them.

Now that he is famous, he really doesn't want to embarrass his agent anymore.

After the agent heard what Lin Fan said, he knew that it seemed that Lin Fan must not be able to force it. He is indeed feeling a lot better now.

We do have a car commercial tomorrow, so we're definitely going to that field.

He knew that Lin Fan was really very popular now, and many advertisers had contacted Lin Fan on their own initiative and could shoot advertisements for them.

These advertisements are all selected by brokers. Which advertisements are they selected from?Because he knew that only in this way would he be able to show Lin Fan's handsomeness.

They have been following the advertisement of this sports car for a long time, but Lin Fan has never had time, so it has been delayed until now.

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