"Holding the grass, the box office has increased by [*] billion, how is this done!"

In an instant, the box office was so high that everyone in Xia Guo was a little dizzy and a little afraid of heights.

If it is made into a bar graph, the data of "Shangqi" is so small that it can't even touch the feet of "The Lion King".

The box office of "The Lion King" directly overwhelmed "Shangqi", and "Shangqi" had no chance to overtake it at all.

"The Lion King is No. [*] in the global box office. Although it was only released for one day, it is already No. [*] on the weekly chart!"

"It's so strong. I also contributed several tickets to "The Lion King". I have to say that this ticket is very worthwhile."

"It's not unusual for a film made by Director Xiao to break records."

Xia Guo domestic, has long been stunned by this box office data.

There are not many directors in the industry who dare to expect such a high box office, and Xiao Yiran is the only one.

The key is not here yet, they crushed "Shangqi" to the ground.

This is a very outrageous thing for the people of Xia Guo.

At the beginning, "Shangqi" wanted to be released in China, but due to various reasons, "Shangqi" failed to pass the review.

Insulting Xia Guo's name, Marvel has no way to wash it off.

In the end, Marvel broke the tank, and simply did not play with Xia Guo Movie.

Marvel has abandoned the Xiaguo market and will no longer continue to release "Shangqi" in Xiaguo.

They also claim that even if they are not released in Xia Guo, their box office can easily set a global record.

"Shangqi" did not star in Xiao Yiran, so naturally it could not arouse the interest of Xia Guoren, and they did not want to watch it.


It is also because of this that fans like Xiao Yiran more, not only for his works, but also for his character.

Now, "The Lion King" has slapped "Shang-Chi" in the face.

Marvel is very strong, but their Xia Guo movies are not weak.

Some Marvel fans in China finally looked relaxed.

"As long as there are more works like "The Lion King" in China, we won't be uncommon for imported products."

"Yeah, what our movies were made of before, it's ridiculous and low-quality, and it's boring."

"Fortunately, we have Director Xiao, which proves that Xia Guo can also make phenomenal movies."

These Marvel fans love Marvel because they only have Marvel to choose from.

Previously, there were no similar movies in Xia Guo's film works.

As a result, they had no choice but to become Marvel fans. It was not until Xiao Yiran appeared that they discovered that there were good directors and good movies in China.

In the country of Xia, many people stayed up all night.

Some people are still watching "The Lion King" in theaters, some people are still excitedly reviewing "The Lion King" movie reviews, and some people like and repost on Weibo.

"What did you say before Shang-Chi? Can you beat us completely?"

Cheng Yuqi brought a takeaway for supper and ate with Xiao Yiran.

Xiao Yiran stayed in the studio for a day and was not in a hurry to go home.

He saw the box office data early, and such box office data is not bad, even more popular than the previous "Nezha".

He took a bite of the chicken leg, then looked at Cheng Yuqi and said, "Didn't I say something similar?"

Cheng Yuqi was taken aback: "Director Xiao, what do you mean?"

Xiao Yiran said with a smile: "You still remember President Nie's time, I promised him that the box office will definitely exceed "Shangqi"."

Only then did Cheng Yuqi understand what Xiao Yiran was talking about, and she said disapprovingly, "That's two completely different things."

"How to say?"

"They are slapping their faces and making them fat, but Director Xiao, you can do this for granted."

Cheng Yuqi also laughed.

Chapter 281 Ten billions in a single day, impacting hundreds of billions!

After the first-day box office here, the most surprising people were Marvel and Marvel fans. They were surprised to find that Marvel had been beaten down.

"The Lion King" and "Shangqi" are in the contest, the former directly knocks the latter down, and the latter doesn't even have a chance to resist.

Marvel has a huge market appeal in the world, whether it is in film and television, comics, or other entertainment industries.

Marvel has always been very popular.

The result is suddenly not tasty.

"The Lion King" directly left Marvel's "Shangqi" far away, and it has an absolute advantage in the global box office~.

Many people regret this.

Especially Marvel fans.

Although they feel sorry, they are still convinced. The reason is very simple, "Shang Qi" is not attractive enough.

"Marvel's recent movies are getting more and more confusing. How can these movies be sold?"

"No, Marvel movies have had problems a long time ago, and the movies are not very good."

"Such an attitude can be seen by comparing it with "The Lion King" by Xiao Yiran's studio."

As long as the attitude is correct, the movie will not be bad, but it is a pity that Marvel has a bad attitude and lost its original intention.

And The Lion King is an excellent movie.

It is normal for "The Lion King" to surpass "Shangqi" at the box office.

Someone said, "It's really chilling for a company as big as Marvel to be unable to make an animal-themed director."

Some people also said: "Xiao Yiran's directing style is very strong, not because Marvel is not strong, but because this director is too strong!"

Although Marvel is not bad, it is of little use when it comes to director Xiao Yiran's work.

Movie fans all over the world soon discovered that Xiao Yiran is really powerful and outrageous.

The world was boiling on the first day.

By the end of the second day.

The single-day box office of "The Lion King" has a global box office of [*] billion yuan, which is still in addition to the domestic box office of Xia Guo.

Now "The Lion King" is getting more and more popular, attracting global audiences and more and more audiences.

Everyone who goes in to watch the movie has to admit the fact that "The Lion King" is really good.

By the third day, the box office of "The Lion King" skyrocketed again.

Daily box office, [*] billion!

So ferocious!

Such a terrifying box office has never happened in the history of the film industry.

The highest single-day global box office cannot reach [*] billion, but "The Lion King" did it.

"The Lion King" is going to be a classic, one that everyone should remember.

This is only the third day.

Many news media were surprised by the performance of "The Lion King", and even had a few words.

They have used up all kinds of miracle words, and they can only repeat the news when they release it, it is a repeater.

"The Lion King hits a new global box office record."

"The Lion King broke its own box office record, reaching an astonishing [*] billion daily box office!"

"Only the third day, in three days, the box office of a single day is tens of billions, and the box office of [*] billion is just around the corner!"

Some of the news media reports are dazzling, but they all tell everyone.

The Lion King is amazingly powerful.

On the fourth day, the global box office of The Lion King has accumulated an even more astonishing [*] billion.

The strong momentum of "The Lion King" has not weakened, but it has become stronger.

Although the [*] billion box office is still a bit far, it is very likely that it can create a box office myth.

If it hits [*] billion soft RMB, it will be an earth-shattering event.

On the other side,

Everyone in the studio was so amazed that they wanted to cry, and their film was another big sell.

The big sale this time was beyond imagination, and they were naturally pleasantly surprised and moved to the point of crying.

"Director Xiao, the celebration banquet is ready."

Cheng Yuqi and Ju Jingyi prepared a celebration banquet.

"This time the box office is so good, I will definitely treat everyone to a good meal."

Xiao Yiran said at the two with a smile.

This celebration banquet, Xiao Yiran invited many people.

Not to mention Cheng Yuqi, Ju Jingyi and Liu Quan from the studio, Zhao Xiaoying and Nazha, artists under their studio, were also invited.

In addition, Chen Hao and others from Qiuer Studio were also invited. The filming was successful, thanks to their help.

These people are the guarantee of the success of "The Lion King".

Xiao Yiran had to invite them to a meal to celebrate.

"I'm going to invite them now."

Cheng Yuqi soon followed Xiao Yiran's instructions and invited one by one from the invitation list.

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