At this time, some people in the audience were shouting again.

A loud voice shouted: "Who is it? You should reveal it soon, we can't wait."

The host stretched out his hand and made a calm and restless look.

Then he pointed, the staff went out of the passage, and suddenly the whole studio was dark.

Then a beam of light hit the entrance where the staff was playing.

Xiao Yiran and Li Dazui stood there together, both smiling.

Li Dazui seemed to be a little nervous, but Xiao Yiran moved slightly.

Then Li Dazui seemed to return to normal, because she felt Xiao Yiran's arm touch her shoulder.

So she felt a great comfort in her heart.

All her nervousness seemed to have basically disappeared at this moment.

So she gave her usual smile, and the audience, professional and non-professional, started screaming.

"Xiao Yiran, Xiao Yiran, Xiao Yiran!"

"Li Dazui, Li Dazui, Dazui I love you."

"Xiao Yiran! Xiao Yiran, Xiao Yiran, I want to give you monkeys!"

Hearing the audience shouting like this, Xiao Yiran couldn't help laughing, but he really didn't hold back.

So the audience and fans were even more coquettish, and then Xiao Yiran and Li Dazui stepped up.

When they walked to the stage, the host came to greet them in person, and asked them to sit down with a smile.

The host Yang Lan said: "Welcome Director Xiao to our show! It's better to see it once you hear it, and it's more famous to meet it."

"Host Yang, you're welcome!" Xiao Yiran smiled and shook hands with the host, then sat down with Li Dazui...  

"The big mouth is really not a cover. I thought the pictures of P on the Internet were good-looking! Now I am shocked when I see it!"

The host of Yang Lan is still exaggerating.

Of course Li Dazui knew this was flattery, so he was not stunned by the sugar-coated cannonball.

So she smiled slightly, said thank you, and said nothing more.

In fact, Li Dazui has not been a beauty since he was a child.

No one chased her when she was in high school or college.

At that time, the situation was very strange, and people didn't think she was beautiful.

It may also be because she is wearing very rustic clothes.

And she also knew the concept of 1.9 since she was a child, and she is not a beautiful girl.

Although he is not ugly, his appearance is not very outstanding, and he is still relatively introverted.

So not many people communicate with her, and naturally not many people chase him.

She has encountered some things, so she seems to be a different person.

Her experience is very long, and Xiao Yiran and the others don't know about these experiences.

Chapter 890 Bole in Life

In fact, Li Dazui's real name is Li Ruhua, which Xiao Yiran knows.

But Li Dazui was also Li Ruhua, and her family was actually relatively wealthy at that time.

It can be said that she is very rich, but at least there are petty bourgeoisie, so her parents have raised her well since she was a child.

It was when she was in the third year of junior high school that her father's factory suddenly lost money.

Therefore, the family lost a lot of money. From that time to the present, they owe more than [*] million yuan.

Therefore, Li Dazui gave up his heavy studies later, and of course he had to give up.

So she just finished college and immediately started looking for a job at 14, which of course didn't go well.

Because in the talent market, there are simply too many college students.

So she stumbled and stumbled in the past two years and achieved nothing.

Then she came into contact with the live broadcast on the Internet, and then she suddenly realized that she seemed to look a lot better.

After a little bit of tidying up, she found that his family was bankrupt.

So when she became a girl for several years, she didn't dress up.

Even wearing clothes left over from relatives, after all, the family owes a lot of debt.

So she is not qualified to ask for good living conditions, and the money for college is also borrowed or collected.

So in fact, facing this interview column, Li Dazui was still a little nervous.

She didn't want the host to ask about her past, because it would be a bit of a sell-off to say this.

After all, she knew that it was useless to sell miserably, and it would also arouse the disgust of everyone.

So she kept praying in her heart that the host should never ask about her past.

Otherwise, if he is not very good at lying, it will appear that the recording of the program is a failure.

Although this is a recording not a live broadcast, and they have agreed to withdraw money, they can even shoot from scratch.

But Li Dazui didn't want to do this, and it was a waste of other people's resources.

Second, it also delays her and Director Xiao's time, so she doesn't want such a thing to happen.

"Big mouth? How did Director Xiao train you?" Yang Lan said it a second time.

Xiao Yiran pushed Li Dazui with his elbow, and then Li Dazui responded.

So she nodded and said with relief, "Director Xiao, as the noble person in my life, is also the Bole in my life!"

The host didn't seem interested in such an answer, and she didn't seem to be satisfied.

Because the voice of the director came from her headphones: "The audience knows these things, so we need some things that the audience doesn't know."

Of course, host Yang Lan is also very clear in her heart that she wants a show to blow up.

Naturally, the audience must know something they don't know.

Otherwise, it would be meaningless to take out the news that you already know on the Internet and rebroadcast it.

As a result, neither ratings nor eye-catching.

It can be said that it is neither eye-catching nor ratings, then the show will be diagnosed as broken.

After all, this "I Am a Big Star" is still the first 397 issue, so failure is absolutely not allowed.

I entered several variety shows in front of me, but I couldn't compete, the blue channel that was in full swing.

The traffic, popularity and ratings have all been occupied by the blue channel in the past six months.

So Dongxi TV is very upset, after all, it's all money, so they want to do this show.

So now the host is trying to figure out a way now, otherwise the ratings of the show will definitely not go up.

Yang Lan said, "Director Xiao, I would like to ask about Li Dazui, is there anything behind her that we don't know about?"

Xiao Yiran knew that the host was looking for a topic, and he knew that she was not malicious.

Chapter 891 They all seem to complement each other

So Xiao Yiran said: "Sister Yang's guess is really right, I'm afraid it is God's will, and there are some coincidences!"

Xiao Yiran added: "Actually, there are quite a lot of stories behind Li Dazui, why don't we let everyone involved share it?"

Hearing that Xiao Yiran called herself Sister Yang, Yang Lan felt a little more cordial.

After all, Xiao Yiran is a very powerful person, and his identity is also there.

And Xiao Yiran is well-known both inside and outside the circle, or internationally.

So Yang Lan nodded after hearing his kind words.

Then Yang Lan cast her gaze on Li Dazui.

Li Dazui became a little nervous when she heard Xiao Yiran's words at this time. She thought that Xiao Yiran wanted her to share her past.

But she suddenly found that Xiao Yiran turned her head over to comfort him, and then he remembered the script of the TV station.

I found the order right away. In fact, I already knew how to answer the question of the TV station.

After all, it's not about asking about your own real past, but about what the audience doesn't know.

The question is, how did he get selected to Xiao Yiran's studio.

After all, Xiao Yiran's studio recently selected some artists in the audition, so this topic has a certain degree of heat.

It was Li Dazui who thought about it for a while, and showed the appearance of memories, pure and beautiful.

And her red lips, which were painted with lipstick, did not look exaggerated at all.

The audience and friends at the scene felt that if other female stars wore such lipstick, they would definitely look gaudy.

But the lipstick on Li Dazui's picture seems to complement each other.

And there is a kind of extreme and very generous beauty, beautiful but not enchanting.

And it is a kind of noble beauty, a kind of advanced beauty, not that kind of traffic stuff.

It's not the kind of coquettish thing, so she looks very dignified, especially when she looks back.

The on-site director quickly asked Unit [*] and Unit [*] to give Li Dazui a close-up.

Then Li Dazui thought about it and said: "Just remembering this incident, I can only say that I am too lucky! It's not my luck to do the most important thing.".

"Oh, so what's the most important thing? I'm really paying more and more attention to this issue!"

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