Therefore, Li "[*]" Xiaoman promised to do it himself, so he paid Li Dazui's salary first.

Not only that, but he also gave her a half-day leave in the past.

Then Li Xiaoshang greeted her with a smile and returned to his office.

Li Xiaomeng didn't notice Li Dazui's tears, because her mind was not on you Dazui at this time.

Her mind at this time was on Xiao Yiran, who was far away in the United States.

And when Li Xiaoying left, Li Dazui went to wash his face and removed his makeup.

Then Li Dazui decided to buy a car to travel, after all, plus the salary from the previous month and previous work.

And the money she earns as an internet celebrity adds up to more than [*] yuan.

But she immediately took a taxi to the four S shop to buy a car, and finally she chose a Fit.

After all, although she now has more than [*] people, she knows that she can't live too much.

So she chose a cheap Fit and drove back to the rental house.

Although her rental house is a rental apartment, she habitually calls it a rental house.

Because the house over there is called an apartment, but it is not particularly good.

That's why she got used to it.

When she got back to the apartment, she found that it was already dark, so she hurriedly cooked and ate.

Then he went downstairs and got into the new car he had just bought in the afternoon.

She felt the fruits of her efforts, and when she bought a car, she was almost recognized.

She felt a little relieved and amused, but also felt that fate was so magical.

Because her brother was still very naughty at this time.

She and her brother are twins, only she came out first.

So strictly speaking, her brother is basically the same age as her.

But now that she thinks about it, she thinks that her brother is really a jerk.

Because with my brother who is one year old, he is still eating old, and he is still studying.

The saddest thing is that her brother's grades are so bad, and he's studying badly...  

So when she remembered this incident, her inner emotions were very complicated.

On the one hand, she feels that her younger brother is inferior to herself, which is what makes her happy.

Moreover, his parents invested so much in his younger brother, but also made his younger brother so frustrated.

So she had a feeling of refreshment in her heart, which was very strange.

It made her feel a little weird, so she quickly stopped.

On the one hand, she felt that her parents were really too miserable to raise such a son.

So she felt very complicated about her brother. When she ran away from home, her brother wanted her to get out.

But later, my brother asked me for money again.

After being asked by her younger brother for 1.9 to arrive several times, she moved the place and stopped contacting her younger brother.

Now that I think about it, she actually doesn't know if what she's doing is right or wrong.

So her heart is tangled, and she doesn't know what to do.

After all, her parents have misunderstood her now, and they must be thinking about it in their hearts.

She knew that it might be the result of her younger brother being angry and saying bad things about him in the back.

Chapter 930

Today happened to be the seventh day, and it was time for Xiao Yiran to close the net.

So Xiao Yiran went to George's door with James and Smith today.

They have already investigated, and this villa of George is indeed his.

So they were even more afraid, this George escaped because of [*] million meters of gold.

Because if his house is mortgaged, he can pay it back.

And they heard yesterday that George has been sick at home for two or three days.

So the three rang the doorbell at this time, and George's servant opened the door and invited them in.

14 George also knew that he was, and could not escape the [*] million arrears. After all, Smith was not easy to mess with.

George felt that although it was the same person on the surface, the Xia people called Xiao Yiran were in control of the situation.

But George knew it must be the Smith's.

After all, on the Hollywood side of the United States, Smith's energy is very large, and it is basically impossible for the Xia people to do things.

Because here, this is the territory of the Americans.

So after thinking about it for the past two days, George felt that Smith must have done this.

So in his heart, he put this account on Smith's body.

If Smith knew, George thought so, then he really wanted to cry and was wronged.

Of course, if Smith knew, he would at most be sad that he was wronged, because all this was set up by Xiao Yiran.

And Smith himself, just contributed.

So in this way, if he is misunderstood as the main messenger, he will feel that he has been wronged.

But luckily, he didn't know about it.

And even if he knew, he wouldn't be afraid of this so-called George.

Because before he did this, he had already inquired about this George upside down.

Even his ancestors were investigated. After all, Xiao Yiran asked him to engage with this person.

He is not a fool, he is Smith!Smith would not do stupid things.

He must first check to see if this person is a piece of iron, and then look at the network of interests behind him.

After confirming that this person poses no threat to him, he followed Xiao Yiran's plan and did something.

So, Smith is not stupid, but very smart.

Although the three people share [*] million yuan, which is somewhat attractive to him, he still feels that he needs to investigate clearly.

And then they still have some doubts about this division.

In the end, James took the initiative and jumped out and said that he only took [*] million.

After all, James knows how much he gets paid for how much work he does, even though he is also doing it himself.

But his investment is the smallest, he is a businessman, he is an investor.

So he knew that he couldn't go too far.

And Smith is not very familiar with people, so he paid a little more than 430, and it is understandable to let him get more points.

Xiao Yiran was noncommittal, but Smith quickly agreed with James.

That's why they were able to come to George's villa with such a concerted effort today.

After sitting down, George was actually pushed out of the room with a wheelchair.

看到眼前的这一幕,首;发;于,群*9?8EUR0!2ュ[email protected]?8ヘ5?6史密斯首先就觉得,这肯定是乔治在装。

And his purpose of pretending like this is naturally to be pitiful.

He naturally wanted to sell badly, and then asked Xiao Yiran and the others to order less money.

But after thinking about it carefully, he rejected the idea again.

Because this George is a liar, it is well known in the circle.

Chapter 931 The air is stagnant

But Smith didn't know it at first, but fortunately Xiao Yiran reminded him.

So in this matter, James and Smith are very grateful to Xiao Yiran.

Otherwise, the two of them will be deceived by this George.

Then Smith asked people to investigate George thoroughly, and found that it was exactly what Xiao Yiran said.

This George is actually an example of a white wolf with empty gloves, he is a trump card liar.

So this intricate relationship makes Xiao Yiran, Smith and James.

The three of them were standing here in unison, and Smith knew that he was wrong.

After all, this George has been a liar for so many years, even if he is now pretending to be paralyzed.

And no one will believe it, this is the liar who has lost his integrity.

So any of his performance, people will express doubts.

George was pushed out by the maid in a wheelchair, and then George looked dead.

He asked the three to sit down, and then let the maid go and pour the coffee again.

Then George said: "One hundred million is ready, but I'm afraid you can't take it."!"

"Haha!" Smith laughed sarcastically: "Do you think we have nothing to prepare for?"

"What?" George's pale face froze for a moment.

Smith continued to laugh jokingly: "We have already prepared people around your villa!"

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