In order to restore the fighter planes and weapons of that era, Xiao Yiran could only use the model again.

Various aircraft weapons bombarded King Kong on the roof of the Empire State Building indiscriminately. Ann, played by Reba, also kept climbing towards the roof, trying to prevent the army from harming King Kong.

"No, please, don't hurt it!"

After Reba climbed to the top of the building, she cried to a plane flying towards King Kong.

At this time, Reba's beautiful face was covered with tears, which made people feel extremely distressed.

Reba also performed without physical objects. She reached out and touched the non-existent face of King Kong in front of her, her soulful eyes filled with tears.

King Kong finally collapsed, and Reba fell on its body and cried aloud.

Immediately afterwards, King Kong slipped from the roof of the Empire State Building, and Reba could only watch this scene with a sad face.

Can't do anything.

In this scene, Reba's acting skills exploded, and everyone in the crew couldn't help crying.

Before, everyone only saw Reba's beautiful and sexy side, but ignored her great progress in acting during this period of time.

After the filming of this scene, everyone hadn't recovered, and they all froze in place.

And Reba may be too deep into the play, even if Liu Quan had already shouted "ka", her tears could not be held back for a while.

"Okay, Reba, the filming is over, you did a great job just now!"

Xiao Yiran quickly stepped forward and comforted Reba.

Reba hugged Xiao Yiran, the whole person was already in his arms, Xiao Yiran quickly felt a lot of wetness in front of her chest.

Xiao Yiran was a little helpless, and could only comfort her by patting Reba's shoulder lightly.

No wonder Reba performed so well just now. It turns out that she really put herself into the play.

After staying in Xiao Yiran's arms for about five minutes, Reba finally calmed down.

Her face was a little crimson, and she seemed a little embarrassed.

In order to hide her embarrassment, Reba waved her fist and slammed Xiao Yiran's chest twice, and complained in a coquettish tone: "Senior Brother Xiao, I will never act in your drama again, for two consecutive dramas, you have to Squeeze the tears away!

When I acted in "The Faithful Dog Hachiko" before, everyone's eyes were swollen from crying, okay?This "King Kong" is trying to make me cry blind"

Everyone in the surrounding crew heard Reba's words and agreed.

Not to mention a sensual girl like Reba, even many men in the crew who thought they were very strong cried when they saw the scene just now.

"Hey! Reba is so right. I really can't take part in Director Xiao's films in the future. I can't help crying as a big man. If it spreads out, I'll be embarrassed!"

Xu Zheng's eyes were a little red, he rubbed his eyes and joked.

Reba and Xu Zheng are just talking about it. Movies like this that can make people cry are of course really good movies.

Now they are moved to tears on the set. After adding special effects and soundtrack in the later stage, of course, it will be even more touching.

Everyone in the crew is already imagining how many audiences will be moved to tears by the movie after the official release of "King Kong".

"Our part of the scene has been completed, everyone clean up, let's move the filming set!"

Xiao Yiran then gave orders to the crew.

King Kong is dead, which means that the scene in Twisted York City is over, and the last scene of their crew will be on Skull Island!

As long as the scenes of Skull Island are finished, it means that the film is officially finished.

For Xiao Yiran's order, the crew of course would not object, and immediately rushed to the filming set of the Skull Island plot.

The filming studio chose the tropical rain forest that I have been to before. Although this tropical rain forest has no steep terrain, many thrilling scenes cannot be filmed, but if it is just some ordinary plots, it is enough.

Moreover, this tropical rain forest is not far from the sea, and the crew can arrive directly by cruise ship, which can save a lot of trouble.

As for the climax scenes like King Kong vs. Dinosaurs, because the required terrain is too special, it can only be shot on the miniature sets that have been produced.

With the experience last time, the crew has more preparations when they enter the tropical rain forest again!

The last time they came, they were just framing the scene, and they didn't need to spend too much time in the rainforest.

But this time, they have to build a studio inside for filming, which is completely different from the last time.

So Xiao Yiran brought more people to help this time, including many professional lumberjacks and builders.

It took three days for everyone to set up a filming studio and a temporary camp in the tropical rainforest.

After arranging for the crew to live in the temporary wooden house, the crew officially started filming.

Just after the boot, their shooting encountered a big trouble!

"Director Xiao! No, two extras were bitten by poisonous snakes!"

Liu Quan hurried to Xiao Yiran, who was checking the shooting equipment, and reported to him anxiously.

"What, bitten by a poisonous snake! Are they okay? Didn't I tell you to wear anti-poison gear? Take me to see!"

Hearing Liu Quan's words, Xiao Yiran was taken aback and hurriedly asked Liu Quan.

"Fortunately, our crew came with doctors and medicines. Our doctors are helping the two actors."

As Liu Quan answered, he quickly took Xiao Yiran to the wooden house where the two wounded were placed.

When Xiao Yiran and Liu Quan arrived, they found that many crew members had gathered here.

Seeing Xiao Yiran come in, they quickly moved out of the way.

However, Xiao Yiran noticed that the emotions of these crew members seemed to be a little worried and afraid. Obviously, they were also worried that they would encounter the same danger...  

After Xiao Yiran pushed through the crowd and entered the wooden house, he immediately saw two men lying on the wooden floor. They should be the extras who were bitten by the poisonous snake.

Next to the two men, a doctor in a white coat was helping them with their wounds.

The spirits of the two extras looked pretty good, and when they saw Xiao Yiran come in, they could even say hello: "Director Xiao!"

Xiao Yiran nodded to the two of them, and then quickly asked the doctor who was treating the wound, "Doctor, are the two of them okay?"

"It's not a big problem! Fortunately, the venom of the snakes that bit them is not violent. I can temporarily control the spread of their toxins, but I must immediately send them to the hospital for complete detoxification."

The doctor replied without looking up while continuing to treat the places where the two actors were bitten by the poisonous snake.

"That's good."

Hearing the doctor's words, Xiao Yiran couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, and immediately ordered Liu Quan: "Immediately let the two of them be sent out of the jungle, and then sent to the hospital in the nearest city for treatment. Our crew will reimburse all the medical expenses."

"Okay, Director Xiao, I'll make arrangements."

Liu Quan nodded immediately and agreed.

"How could the two of you be bitten by a poisonous snake? Didn't I tell you that everyone must wear equipment after leaving the wooden house?"

Xiao Yiran then frowned and asked the two extras.

"Uh, this, we didn't feel comfortable wearing the equipment, so..."

Facing Xiao Yiran's question, one of them didn't know how to answer.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Xiao Yiran understood, and knew that they had ended up killing themselves completely.

Although he was very angry, Xiao Yiran didn't say anything, but turned and left the wooden house.

The two extras were self-inflicted, but the rest of the crew were frightened by what happened to them. Xiao Yiran had to appease everyone, otherwise someone would definitely ask to quit the crew.

"Everyone, I have repeatedly emphasized that as long as you leave the wooden house, you must wear leather boots and leather pants to prevent the bite of poisonous snakes, insects and ants. Please obey, don't feel uncomfortable wearing such equipment. …”

After walking out of the wooden house, Xiao Yiran once again warned the crew members outside, and then announced: "But filming here is indeed dangerous. Those who want to leave can apply to leave, and the wages of all those who stay will be doubled!"

Xiao Yiran saw the meaning of quitting in the eyes of many people, so he directly gave his own conditions.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. After hearing Xiao Yiran's words, some people who were planning to quit the crew all extinguished the careful thoughts in their hearts.

Moreover, they knew that the two people who were bitten by the poisonous snake just now did not wear equipment because they were careless, and their original worries were naturally reduced a lot.

They think that as long as they are careful and don't imitate the two people just now, there should be no major problems.

It took Xiao Yiran more than an hour to finally appease the crew and finally the filming could begin.

Today's filming is of a group of people leaving the cruise ship and just landed on Skull Island.

The previous perspectives of Skull Island were all shot using miniature sets and models. After all, Xiao Yiran could not find a similar island in reality.

After everyone just landed on the island, they saw the ruins left by those who landed on the island more than a hundred years ago.

Xu Zheng, who played Carl, held a camera and kept filming these islands, and everyone else looked around in shock.

At this time, a little girl appeared in front of everyone and stretched out her right hand to everyone.

Xu Zheng walked over and wanted to give the little girl a chocolate.

Unexpectedly, the little girl suddenly jumped up and took a bite at Xu Zheng.

Then other indigenous people began to appear, startling everyone who landed on the island.


But at this moment, Xiao Yiran suddenly shouted to stop.

Following Xiao Yiran's words, the operation of the entire crew suddenly stopped.

"Director Xiao, what's wrong? Did something go wrong in that scene just now?"

Liu Quan quickly asked Xiao Yiran.

During the shooting of the scene just now, Liu Quan, who was sitting in front of the monitor, didn't notice any problems. He didn't know why Xiao Yiran called to stop.

Chapter 093 The primitive natives I want are not like this!

Xu Zheng also looked at Xiao Yiran with some puzzlement. As a director, Xu Zheng didn't find any problems just now.

Xiao Yiran stared at the extras who were dressed up as indigenous people for a while, then frowned and shook his head: "No, the makeup of these indigenous actors is not good, and their eyes are not right!"

Xiao Yiran remembered that when he watched "King Kong" in his previous life, when everyone first encountered the plot of the indigenous people, it left a deep impression on him.

Those natives who suddenly appeared, all had weird faces, eyes like wild beasts, and weird patterns on their skin, which could scare people to death and left a deep psychological shadow on Xiao Yiran.

But when shooting just now, it didn't give Xiao Yiran such a feeling, so he just shouted ka.

"It turned out to be a problem with the extras."

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