“Today I have finally invited your seniors back to school to teach you some experience. You should listen carefully. Next, let Lin Ran speak.”

Papa pa pa pa”~~~

After Wang Rui finished speaking, thunderous applause erupted from the audience.

Seeing that the applause continued, Lin Ran lowered his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

After everyone calmed down, Lin Ran smiled and said:”Thank you, Director Wang, for the invitation. To be honest, I was a little frightened when I received this invitation.

I have only graduated for more than two years. No matter in terms of directing experience or directing level, and Many senior directors who have gone abroad from Nortel are incomparable……”

“Senior, you are too humble!”

“Senior Lin Ran, in my heart you are the most powerful!”

Hearing Lin Ran’s humble words, many people in the audience responded one after another.

At the same time, they had a better impression of Lin Ran in their hearts.

Before, many of them thought that Lin Ran had achieved such great achievements. He would be very arrogant, but the result was exactly the opposite.

So, with just these two sentences, Lin Ran completely convinced everyone in the audience

“This guy is still so humble.”

Wang Rui also shook his head and smiled, but he couldn’t hide the satisfied expression on his face.

“Hey, are you so incapable of entertaining? I’m just being humble, but you actually take it seriously?”

Next, Lin Ran made a joke.


The audience burst into laughter.

After the joke was over, Lin Ran stopped joking and said seriously:

“Today, I won’t tell you how to shoot a movie specifically. Let’s discuss what kind of movie is a good movie?

Many people may say that a good movie is one that explores human nature and social issues; others may think that as long as it is good to watch, it is a good movie.

I personally think that when discussing whether a movie is good or bad, it should be divided into several levels……”

At this point, Lin Ran paused for a moment.

Everyone in the audience looked at him seriously, and many people were holding pens and preparing to take notes.

“The first level is the viewing experience, which refers to whether the movie makes the audience feel good to watch it, whether the plot is compact, the conflicts are obvious, and there is a sense of immersion, or whether the movie is as tense, touching, and laughing as the characters in the movie.

Because movies are ultimately made for the audience. If a movie has no audience, or only a few professional viewers, then no matter how artistic the movie is, it is like gold buried deep in the ground and has little meaning.”

Everyone in the audience couldn’t help but nodded.

“At the second level, you should think about whether you have laughed, cried, been moved, or been sad, so that the audience can think about some questions and understand the theme of the film and the spirit of the film.

For example,”Three Idiots” is very funny while watching the movie. It meets the first level of the audience’s needs. After laughing, it can also make you think about the meaning of education. The second level is also there, and it is elevated. level of this movie.

Another example is my”Charlotte Troubles”, which was also funny. The audience had a great time watching it, which satisfied their movie-viewing needs. After laughing, some viewers also thought about cherishing the people in front of you and not daydreaming all day long.……”


Everyone in the audience laughed again.

After a pause, Lin Ran continued:”Only when the first two levels are met, we have to think about whether the movie created any shooting precedent, used any new composition methods, shooting techniques, or created a new movie type..

This level is more of an issue that we film practitioners need to consider. Ordinary audiences generally do not care about this. Therefore

, my point of view is that you must not just care about your own pleasure when making a movie, regardless of whether the audience is happy or not, let alone After I was satisfied, I saw that the audience was not satisfied, and even scolded the audience for being rubbish and not understanding appreciation.……”


“Phew, are seniors scolding Feng Dapao again?”

“I suspect the senior is driving, but I have no proof.”

Hearing Lin Ran’s last words, everyone in the audience burst into laughter again.

Wang Rui also shook his head and laughed.

“Okay, I will stop here today, and you can ask questions next.”

Swish, swish, swish~~~

In an instant, 10 or 20 people in the audience raised their hands at the same time

“Girls in our director department are as rare as giant pandas, so girls are given priority. This girl wears glasses.”

“Senior, do you have a girlfriend?”

The girl who was called was very excited. After she got up, she asked a very gossipy question.

“Do you think I’m so handsome that I won’t have a girlfriend? Lin

Ran said a little speechlessly.

“Senior, can you tell me who your girlfriend is?”

The girl’s eyes lit up and she asked quickly

“Classmate, you are studying to be a director, not a reporter, so don’t always want to make big news.”

Lin Ran shook his head, naturally he wouldn’t say it.


Everyone laughed again.

The girl who asked the question smiled awkwardly and sat down.

“Next, please ask questions related to the director. I will not answer other questions.”

Next, Lin Ran ordered a boy

“Senior, I am a senior this year and will graduate soon. I have a script that has been polished for more than three years, but you know it is very difficult for new directors to get investment. What advice do you have?”

As soon as his question came out, many people looked at Lin Ran.

This senior student’s question is exactly what every directing student will encounter.

“It is indeed difficult for a new director to prove himself, so it is difficult to attract investment, so don’t think about making theatrical movies as soon as you graduate.

You can choose to work as an assistant director for other directors to accumulate experience and connections, or you can shoot major online movies with a lower cost.”

After a pause, Lin Ran changed the subject:

“Of course, if you think you are particularly talented, you can submit the script to my company. If I think it is good after reading it, I will invest in it and even act as a producer myself.”

Hearing Lin Ran’s words, the directing students in the audience instantly became excited.

Those who had scripts in their hands were all thinking about it and would submit the scripts to Lin Ran when they got back.

If they were chosen, it would be possible Reaching the sky in one step

“Since we are talking about funding, let me announce something in advance.”

After the applause stopped, Lin Ran smiled again and said:”I received a lot of help from my alma mater when I was studying. Now I have achieved some results and can give back to my alma mater, so I decided to donate 2 million to the directing department every year. Support outstanding students from the Directing Department in filming their works”


“Seniors are great!”

“Senior, you are great!”

Everyone in the audience once again burst into warm applause and cheers.

Lin Ran donates 2 million every year, which may not seem like much, but it can already support many people if it is used for filming works while in school.

“This kid didn’t reveal any information before.”

Wang Rui was also shocked by the news that Lin Ran donated 2 million per year, but then he was full of relief.

In fact, Lin Ran’s decision to donate 2 million per year to Nortel was not a whim, but had been planned for a long time.

For him, 2 million is not much more than a drop in the bucket.

This amount of money can help him gain a lot, such as the favor from the leaders of Nortel School. Don’t underestimate this. As one of the top artists in the country, Nortel One of the schools, the energy is not small at all.

He can also win the admiration and adoration of the directing department students. Lin Ran also thought that if there are good talents in the directing department in the future, he will get them into his company. There is no way, Lin Ran has something in his mind There are hundreds of good stories from past lives, but even if he shoots them until he dies, he won’t be able to capture many of them.

Therefore, in the future, he will support a group of direct directors just like Ning Hao did with the young director support program.

Finally, Lin Ran donates 2 million to his alma mater every year, and can gain a good reputation in the outside world.

With so many benefits, why not do it.

Then many students asked questions, and the originally expected hour and a half lasted to two hours. It was over after an hour.

The students in the directing department left excitedly and quickly spread the news.

Lin Ran went to have lunch with Wang Rui and others.

“Xiao Lin, you are indeed the most outstanding student of Nortel in the past ten years. Less than three years after graduation, you have already begun to give back to your alma mater.”

Wang Rui looked at Lin Ran, the more he looked, the more satisfied he became.

“Haha, the director praised me”

“Do you want to help you organize a donation ceremony? Wang Rui asked

“no, I’m fine. Lin

Ran waved his hands repeatedly,”I donate money in the hope that juniors and girls who want to make a short film while in school will not have to worry about funds, instead of just fishing for fame.””

After listening to Lin Ran’s words, Wang Rui was very moved and admired.

PS: Thanks to [huangqingsheng] [Kangbukangzao] [t7952.4951] for their monthly ticket support.

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