“Now that everyone agrees, let’s move on to the next topic.

Zeng Jia continued:”After delisting from the New Third Board, we must prepare for an IPO. The target is A-shares or Hong Kong stocks. Let us share your opinions.””

“I think it would be better to directly choose A-share listing after delisting.”

Chen Sijie was once again the first to express his opinion.

“I also think A shares are better.”

Immediately afterwards, Li Juan, who is very good at capital operation, also echoed.

Li Juan has worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers for many years. She and her husband Gao Fan are both good at capital operation. They negotiated the financing of Perfect World.

Now Chen Sixie Both Zeng Jia and Li Juan chose A shares. Zeng Jia could not help but be affected, and she also tended to A shares in her heart.

Zhao Nuoyao was still thinking.

As for Yang Mi, she didn’t have many shares, only a few percent of the shares. Moreover, she is a pure layman in these aspects, so she has no choice to speak.

“I think it would be better to go public on the Hong Kong stock market.”

At this moment, Lin Ran spoke up and sang against Chen Sijie and Li Juan.

In an instant, everyone looked at him.

Zeng Jia asked:”Lin Ran, can you tell me why it is better to go to Hong Kong stocks?”

“First of all, from March last year until now, the China Securities Regulatory Commission has not approved the IPO of a film and television company.

The past two years have been the most prosperous time for the entertainment industry. A large number of film and television companies have very good financial reports. Think about it, why has no film and television company been able to go public?”

Without waiting for others to answer, Lin Ran asked and answered himself:”There is only one reason. The China Securities Regulatory Commission is deliberately preventing film and television companies from going public.”

“Why does the Securities Regulatory Commission do this?”

Chen Sijie frowned, somewhat disapproving of it.

“Because the real economy is currently in recession, hot money has gone to the entertainment industry, which is obviously not in line with the above policies.

Mr. Li, you are familiar with the financial circle. You should know how popular the financing of film and television projects has been in the past two years, right?”

Lin Ran looked at Li Juan

“Director Lin is right. Most venture capital now has increased investment in film and television projects.”

As a person from the financial circle, Li Juan naturally knows that what Lin Ran said is right.

“I have said before that the current prosperity of the entertainment industry is the product of the crazy accumulation of capital. It is an abnormal phenomenon and the higher-ups will definitely not turn a blind eye. Lin

Ran continued:”And the A-share market is not as mature as Hong Kong stocks, so I think it is better to be listed on Hong Kong stocks.””

“What Director Lin said makes sense, but I think it’s better to give it a try.

If it fails to pass the China Securities Regulatory Commission’s review, it won’t be too late for us to go to the Hong Kong stock market.”

Chen Sijie still insisted on his opinion.

“Haha, everyone knows how long the IPO process takes. After being rejected, it will probably be next year, and the situation next year will be full of variables.”

Lin Ran chuckled. How could he not know the purpose of Chen Sijie and Li Juan’s choice of A-shares? It’s just that A-shares are easier to cut leeks.

Look at A-share listed companies, how many deliberately falsely report their performance, and then cash out at high prices.

Even if The performance is really good, and executives often do not choose to hold it for a long time, but cash out immediately.

For example, after the explosion of”Wolf Warrior 2″ in the previous life, the person who benefited the most was not Wu Jing, but the guaranteed issuer Fang Yuanjing Culture.

This is a listed company. After the box office hit of”Wolf Warrior 2″, the stock price naturally rose like a rocket.

However, the executives of Yujing Culture immediately sold a large amount of money to cash out, so a large number of belatedly entered the market at a high price. The stock investors in the market have become leeks.

In the past, Shijiaxing was not successfully listed and could not harvest leeks from the stock market. Li Juan and Shangshi Pictures cashed out one after another.

However, because of the takeover of Perfect World, Shangshi Pictures has The investment was also profitable, but not as much as expected.

“I support Director Lin’s view and also think it would be better to be listed on the Hong Kong stock market.”

After a period of silence, Zhao Nuoyao expressed his support.

“I also support listing on the Hong Kong stock market.”

Yang Mi looked at Lin Ran and then at Zhao Nuoyao. She was actually a little confused. She didn’t know the difference between going to A-shares or Hong Kong stocks, but she also expressed her support.

Among the three, Lin Ran held 23% of the shares. %, Zhao Nuoyao 9.37%, Yang Mi 7.03%, which adds up to 39.4%, less than half.

So Zeng Jia’s statement is particularly critical now. She is the largest shareholder. No matter which party she supports, whichever party will It was approved.

Zeng Jia did not rush to express her position and thought carefully.

After a while, she finally said:”I think it is better to go public on the Hong Kong stock market. Lin

Ran couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief and laughed.

Chen Sijie was a little dissatisfied and immediately tried to persuade him, but in the end nothing changed and he had to accept it.

After the meeting, Yang Mi looked at Lin Ran curiously.

“Lin Ran, I didn’t expect you to know quite a lot.”

“That is, you think everyone is like you.”Lin Ran deliberately sneered.

“Are you saying I’m stupid?”

Yang Mi punched Lin Ran in dissatisfaction and snorted:”If I had known better, I shouldn’t have voted for you.”

“It doesn’t matter whether you vote or not, as long as Sister Jia votes, it’s fine”

“Humph, a dog bites Lu Dongbin but doesn’t recognize a good heart. From now on, I will specifically vote against you. Yang

Mi said angrily.

Lin Ran smiled and didn’t care,”Do you have an office? I’ll go visit it.””

“I can’t come to the company even once a month, so why prepare an office just for me?”

Yang Mi shook her head

“That’s such a shame”

“Why regret?”Yang Mi looked confused.

“nothing. Lin

Ran waved his hand.

“nerve. Yang

Mi muttered and followed Zeng Jia to her office.

Lin Ran didn’t leave in a hurry and followed behind.

“Sister Jia, I thought you would choose A shares. Lin Ran said with a smile.

“In fact, I really almost chose A shares, but in the end I think you are right.

Zeng Jia said:”Lin Ran, whether we can get a good valuation next year depends on you.””

“rest assured. Lin

Ran nodded. As the company’s second largest shareholder, he would naturally take notice.

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