Chapter 187 The Weibo content

Lin Ran and the others saw was a video.

This video is Chinese opera teacher Yin Shanshan’s evaluation of”Wolf Warrior 2″ on a film review program.

The video is very long, 11 minutes in total. Yin Shanshan first said in the program that she likes patriotic themes very much, and that countries around the world are filming patriotic themes.

But then the topic changed. She said that after watching”Wolf Warrior 2″ for an hour and a half, the Chinese drama teacher said that she went from being shocked to numb to angry at the big scenes and violent scenes in the movie.

This anger is not for the villain, but for the director. He also said that the director himself is a bit psychopathic. After watching it, I feel more like a mute eating coptis.

Then, she summarized the five major crimes in”Wolf Warrior 2″.

First: Selling blood, simply selling blood to create ignition points. The villain has no humanity, he is evil, has no reason, and no values. To seize power is to rely on indiscriminate killing. There is no restraint in violence and pattern killing in”Wolf Warrior 2″ Thinking about it, there is no point in killing.

Second: Children’s feelings are not considered. Yin Shanshan believes that the summer season is the time for children to go to the theater to watch movies. Has Wu Jing ever thought about the psychological impact on children?

Third: The plot doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. The mercenaries are paid to do things and eliminate disasters for others. But in the end, the mercenary leader killed the people who hired him, but also killed all the Chinese people. This is really puzzling.

Fourth: The character setting of Lin Ran’s naughty rich second generation is very absurd and stupid. She said that the character setting of Lin Ran’s second generation ancestor cannot be considered carefully. He is a warmonger, a sadist, and a bad person, but he was exonerated in the end. White, becomes a heroic figure.

Fifth: The script is immature. It has only external skills but no internal skills. There is no real and profound insightful observation of life, people and emotions. All the details in the story are reasonable and the framework is reasonable, but there is no real feeling and it will not be remembered for generations.

It can be said that Yin Shanshan criticized”Wolf Warrior 2″ as worthless, and almost did not say clearly that movies like”Wolf Warrior 2″ should be banned from being released.

In fact, after”Wolf Warrior 2″ became extremely popular within a few days of its release, in sharp contrast to the carnival of ordinary netizens, almost no one in the industry spoke out, and even those who spoke up were often not kind.

Lin Ran was not surprised by this.

Because few people in the industry were optimistic about”Wolf Warrior 2″ beforehand. Now that the box office is booming, if you come out to sing its praises, it will be a slap in the face.

But the most fundamental reason is that most people in the industry despise”Wolf Warrior 2″ from the bottom of their hearts.

For a long time, it can be said that most of our country’s film and television people have not been very upright in their outlook on life. They have gathered a large number of people who hate the Kuomintang and favor foreign parties. They are disgusted with such patriotic films from the bottom of their hearts.

Just like Yin Shanshan’s point of view, in the eyes of most insiders,”Wolf Warrior 2″ is a clown that relies on patriotism and then uses violence and blood to make money at the box office. It is even suspected of brainwashing the audience by singing praises in disguise.

If”Wolf Warrior 2″ hadn’t been so popular and loved by the audience, many people would have made outrageous comments on Weibo.

This time, Lin Ran was able to see this Weibo post because netizens who liked”Wolf Warrior 2″ uploaded the video to Weibo, and it quickly attracted the attention of countless netizens.

Yin Shanshan’s Weibo account was also found, and then a huge number of netizens went straight to it, leaving tens of thousands of comments on Yin Shanshan’s Weibo. Most of them questioned Yin Shanshan’s nonsense. How could such a level be ranked among domestic art schools? Become a teacher of Chinese opera at the highest institution of higher learning!

In fact, this is also true. For example, Yin Shanshan’s evaluation of the second-generation rich character played by Lin Ran is completely nonsense.

The character of the rich second generation is just a military fan who went to Africa, but in Yin Shanshan’s eyes, he has become a warmonger, a sadist, and a bad person. However, where is the sadist in this character? If it was a bad guy, did he kill a good guy? Did you do anything unscrupulous?

In fact, none!

Then why do you become a warmonger? Is it possible to be a good person by waiting for the mercenaries to come and surrender directly and be killed?

What else is there that only sells blood, simply sells blood to create ignition, and the villain has no humanity? This is even more nonsense. Are there not enough blood in Hollywood blockbusters? The villain has no humanity at all. Do you still want to discover the brilliance of the villain’s humanity?

In fact, where does the glory of humanity come from in those warlords and mercenaries? Isn’t it obvious to all to see how miserable it is in reality?

In fact, from seeing the first evidence of crime listed by Yin Shanshan, Lin Ran knew what kind of person he was. He was able to find the glory of humanity in the mercenary who was inhumane, bloody and cruel, and only worked for money. A typical example is white left thinking.

And such people can be said to be everywhere in the domestic film and television industry, especially directors of the older generation. They all like to shoot the dark side, and often the extremely dark side. They like to use individuals to criticize the whole and vigorously explore the so-called bad qualities of the Chinese people. , as if this is what makes a conscientious director, but this is just to cater to white people’s aesthetics so that they can win awards abroad.

Fortunately, now, the audience is becoming less and less convinced.

The audience has had enough of watching blockbusters about the United States saving the world, and they want to see the heroic side of our Chinese soldiers. Is this wrong?

What patriotism and brainwashing?

My audience simply wants to watch this kind of blockbuster movie, why is it necessary to go online like this?

Because of this, Yin Shanshan’s Weibo offended many netizens. Netizens vented their dissatisfaction they had accumulated in their hearts like crazy. In just a few hours, there were 50,000 or 60,000 comments. Naturally, it also became a hot search topic. No. 1 on the hot search list, it’s hard for Lin Ran and others not to see it

“fine. After watching the video, Wu Jing said calmly:”When”Wolf Warrior” came out

, it also received a lot of negative reviews, but it didn’t have any impact.”

“Just a clown. Lin Ran also said with a smile.

Wu Gang and Lu Jingshan nodded. Looking at the comments from netizens, they not only did not buy Yin Shanshan’s account, but also expressed strong dissatisfaction with her. Therefore, although the criticism was fierce, it would not be too big. Negative impact.

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