Chapter 208

“【#Lin Ran opposes film censorship # and hopes that the creative environment will become more and more relaxed.”

This is the title of the Xinjing newspaper. The text reads:”This morning, the famous Chinese director Lin Ran’s new film”The Return of the Clown” was launched in the United States. At the press conference, Lin Ran talked about his views on China’s film censorship system. Lin Ran clearly expressed his opposition. He said that the current censorship system is too strict and there is no standard censorship system at all, which seriously interferes with the director’s creation. He hopes that China’s film censorship can be released. Loose……”

Xin Jing Bao has many fans. As soon as this news was released, it quickly attracted the attention of netizens who followed Xin Jing Bao, which surprised them.

“Is this what Lin Wumao said? A bit unexpected”

“Lin Ran finally realized his conscience and no longer focused on licking it, which was gratifying.”

“This is the first time that I support Lin Ran’s view. The film censorship system is about to kill the Chinese film and television industry. Just look at the Mary Sue dramas and the magic dramas that are full of ghosts and ghosts.”

“Haha, this is a slap in the face from above. If horror movies could be made in China, Lin Ran would be stupid to go to the United States to make them.”

“See, no matter how hard you lick, you still get slapped in the face when you deserve it. Why? Because there are no restrictions, you can do whatever you want.”

After seeing this news, fans of Xinjing News celebrated.

However, when this news was reprinted by other media, a larger number of netizens who had supported Lin Ran in the past denounced him.

“Lin Ran became a public servant as soon as he left the country?”

“Although there are indeed problems with the censorship system, it is definitely a mistake to blame all the problems in the domestic film and television industry on the censorship system.”

“Lin Ran said this deliberately to please American talents. After all, it is difficult for horror movies to be released in China, and then American audiences will have to pay for their wallets.”

“I didn’t expect that Lin Ran, a thick-browed man with big eyes, would also rebel.”

“What Brother Ran said is actually correct. The censorship is indeed getting stricter now. Many subjects are not allowed to be filmed. Even many films that have been released have been removed from the shelves, such as”Remaining Sin”. This is not good for the creators and the audience. good thing”

“Haha, as expected, the butt determines the head. In order to get high box office in China, I carried out patriotic marketing. Now I have gone to the United States to make a movie. The target audience is the United States and other countries, so I immediately attacked the domestic film censorship system. How special. Real”

“Don’t be too busy attacking Lin Ran. This is the content forwarded by the rumor-mongering Xinjing Newspaper. Who knows if it was forwarded from a foreign gossip tabloid?”

“Yes, judging from Brother Ran’s performance in the past few years, he shouldn’t say these words.”

“Oh, Lin Ran’s crazy fan came to clean up the floor so soon?”

Just when the debate on the Internet was very intense, Wang Ziwen, who was on a business trip, also learned about it from the report of her subordinates, and immediately paid attention to it after reading the news.

If this crisis public relations is not handled well, it will be a disaster for Lin Ran’s image. A major blow, and this kind of dispute between left and right positions has a much greater impact than negative news such as cheating.

More importantly, Lin Ran’s words will obviously offend the General Administration.

Just when Wang Ziwen was about to call Lin Ran to inquire about the situation At that time, her mobile phone began to receive messages from Fu Ruoqing, Yu Dong, Zeng Maojun, Fan Luyuan and others, all asking what was going on with Lin Ran.

Now Lin Ran’s words and deeds no longer only affect him. Instead, it affects the intertwined interest groups with him as the core.

Therefore, these big bosses attach great importance to this news.

There is no way, Lin Ran is so profitable, and can often bring them 5 times, or even 10 times times the return rate, they certainly didn’t want Lin Ran’s image to be in crisis.

After dealing with these big guys, Wang Ziwen called Lin Ran as soon as possible.

At this time, Lin Ran, who was thousands of miles away, was busy filming..

Hearing his phone vibrate, he did not take it out directly from his pocket, but waited until the scene was finished before answering the phone.

“Ziwen, is something wrong?”

“Lin Ran, check Weibo immediately.”

Wang Ziwen said directly without any extra words.

“Read Weibo? Lin

Ran was stunned for a moment, then hung up the phone and logged on to Weibo to check.

#Lin Ran opposes film censorship # is at the top of the hot search list, and it is a topic related to Lin Ran.

Moreover, this topic has been discussed in the tens of millions, and an answer is directly displayed at the back.

Obviously, this topic has caused a lot of discussion among netizens

“Where in the world am I completely opposed to film censorship?”

After Lin Ran read the news from Xinjing Bao, he was immediately speechless.

Then he searched on the Internet and found that this time Xinjing Bao was really a reprint of Hollywood Online’s report without any embarrassment.

Obviously, the initiator was the one who Clark, a reporter from Hollywood Online, completely violated the principles of the journalist profession and wrote news according to his own ideas and stance.

Lin Ran was not surprised by this.

In the previous life of 2019, all Chinese people were well-liked by Western media After learning a lesson, I became aware of the double standards of these Western media. What made

Lin Ran even more angry was that although it had only been a few hours, the BBC, Twist Times and other Western mainstream media had already reported the same content as Lin Ran Opposing the Chinese film censorship system.

After casually reading these reports, Lin Ran knew that he had become an excuse used by the Western media to attack TG.

If he did not resolve this Yulun crisis in time, when these news gradually reached the country , which will make you more passive.

At this moment, Wang Ziwen called again.

“Lin Ran, have you finished reading?”

“Well, I’ve finished reading it. The situation is more serious than imagined. Now the BBC, Twist Times and other Western mainstream media are taking the lead. We must respond immediately.”

“What! Did the BBC, Twist Times and other media also report it?”

Wang Ziwen’s voice rose several times when she heard this. As someone who has studied abroad, she is very aware of the irritability of these Western media. There are very few reports about the Celestial Dynasty that are objective and fair.

“Ziwen, don’t worry too much. Although there are not too many media coming today, there are more than a dozen in total, and several are Chinese media. I will contact them immediately and ask them to help clarify. Lin

Ran said calmly.

“In addition, you’d better respond on Weibo. Now many netizens see those remarks and are disgusted with you. Wang

Ziwen added


Lin Ran agreed and started to respond after hanging up the phone.

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