
“I didn’t expect that a 12-minute short film would have such ups and downs!”

“Awesome, no wonder it won the Palme d’Or for the short film!”

“Lin Ranniu, this script is so well written”

“Was Chen Kun killed in the end?”

“I think I should be killed”

“Not always”


Just over ten minutes passed by in a blink of an eye.

After watching”The Tuner”, there was a lively discussion in the standard screening room.

Many people who were originally unconvinced by Lin Ran were also convinced.

“Lin Ran, you took the photo well.”

In the first row, director Xie Fei also praised Lin Ran.

Lin Ran immediately said humbly:”Thank you, Mr. Xie.”

“Haha, Lin Ran, please stop being modest. You are the most talented student in our directing department in recent years.”

How satisfied is Wang Rui with Lin Ran now?

Because of Lin Ran’s political achievements, his chances of being promoted to vice principal are much greater.

At this time, the host came to the stage and asked with a smile:”After watching the movie, Do you think it looks good?”


Gulinaza immediately replied loudly.

She couldn’t openly announce that she was Lin Ran’s girlfriend, so she transformed herself into Lin Ran’s little fangirl.

Otherwise, she would be suppressed.

“In this case, we invite director Lin Ran, as well as Professor Xie Fei and Professor Tian Zhuangzhuang to come on stage to communicate with everyone.”

Lin Ran asked two respected old professors to go in front, and he followed at the end.

Next, he asked questions and exchanged questions around the areas that the audience was interested in, and the two old professors explained to the students on the spot why this short film was Can win the best short film at the Cannes Film Festival.

Half an hour passed like this.

Then came the commendation session.

“Next, I invite Wang Rui, director of the directing department, to take the stage.”

Wang Rui walked onto the stage, looked at the people in the audience and said:

“In recognition of”The Tuner” directed by Lin Ran, which won the best short film at the 67th Cannes Film Festival, the school decided to give Lin Ran a reward of 1 million yuan to fund the filming of Lin Ran’s next film.”


Instantly, the whole place was in an uproar.

Even Lin Ran himself was surprised.

When I heard Wang Haiyi say that the school would hold a commendation meeting for him, Lin Ran thought it would just be a Nortel Outstanding Student Certificate or something like that.

Unexpectedly, Nortel would be so bold as to reward him with 1 million yuan.

“Here, I hope all students can learn from Lin Ran.

In the future, if you receive similar authoritative awards while you are in school, the school will also reward you.……”

After the voice became quieter, Wang Rui announced.

Everyone in the audience secretly rolled their eyes when they heard this.

I really thought that authoritative awards were like cabbage, and I could just take them if I wanted.

And to be able to win this kind of award, it is estimated that it is not less than one million.

At 7pm, the event ends.

Lin Ran declined other people’s dinner invitations and left the school with Gulinaza one after another.

The two came to a hotel outside the school.

After entering the room, Gulinaza took off her hat and sunglasses, and then she pounced on Lin Ran like an octopus.

She raised her little face, her eyes full of admiration:”Lin Ran, you are great!”

“Only now do I know. Lin

Ran smiled coquettishly, put his arms around her slender waist, lowered his head and kissed her.

The two of them talked for a while before calling to place an order.

In the evening, they did not go back to school, so they stayed in the hotel.

Compared with last time, Gulinazha was much more natural this time.

What made Lin Ran a little regretful was that they still had not broken through the last layer of their relationship.

In the next few days, Lin Ran had been communicating with Tencent Video, iQiyi and The three major video websites Youku are negotiating.

These three major video websites all want to get the copyright of”The Tuner”.

At first, the prices offered by the three video websites were relatively low, and the highest price offered by Tencent was only 500,000.

Lin Ran responded to this Naturally, he couldn’t agree, so he directly asked the heads of the three companies who came to negotiate to watch”The Tuner” before negotiating.

The effect was very good.

After watching it, the eyes of the three heads of the three companies lit up, and the excitement was beyond expectations. They were not surprised.

They had previously thought that”The Tuner” was like other award-winning literary films, with obscure content that would not be liked by the audience.

But”The Tuner” was not like that at all. This short film was watchable It’s very exciting.

Even they, after watching it the first time, couldn’t help but want to watch it a second time immediately.

Because they also wanted to know whether the tuner was killed or not, and wanted to find out the hidden secrets by watching it again. Clues.

All three video websites wanted to get this short film, and the bids became higher and higher.

In the end, the wealthy Tencent Video won the exclusive copyright of”The Tuner”.

Royalty fee: 3 million!

Plus the Cannes Film Festival The copyrights from various countries sold at the festival totaled 2.76 million U.S. dollars, and the school rewarded 1 million U.S. dollars.

So far, Lin Ran has earned a total of 22 million U.S. dollars on”The Tuner”.

A short film that cost less than 100,000 U.S. dollars actually earned 2,200 million U.S. dollars. million, which is definitely a huge return.

However, compared to the famous”Ghost Chronicles”, the production cost was 11,000 US dollars and the box office was 197 million US dollars.

《The production cost of”Blair Witch” was US$60,000, and compared with the box office return of US$248 million, it was still far behind.

Even if these two low-budget films were able to sell well, they relied on huge publicity fees.

But the money the distributor made from these two movies must be more than 22 million RMB.

“22 million is enough for me to shoot a small-budget movie. It’s time to start a new project. Lin

Ran thought secretly in his heart.

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