There is a rumor that is widely circulated and is still believed by countless people today.

That is, ordinary people’s brains are only developed by a few percent, but Einstein’s brain was developed by more than ten percent, so he is a super genius that is rare in a century.

If the brain is developed to 100%, then human beings will be very powerful, and everyone will be a super genius. Things like photographic memory are the most basic.

This theory was proposed by William James, the father of American psychology.

However, what he said in his work is that we may only use a small part of our mental and physical abilities.

Perhaps the speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. After seeing it, Carnegie, the famous educator at the time, felt that William James’s words seemed to make sense.

So I took it and wrote it in my book”Human Weaknesses”, hoping to encourage people to explore their own potential.

When the book was finished and about to be published, Lowe Thomas wrote the preface to the book. He casually combined Carnegie’s ideas with William James’s original words, and then added a similar number of his own, and compiled the sentence”Ordinary People” Most of the potential development is only one tenth.”

Kanai is basically a famous educator, and the father of psychology also said so, so readers immediately believed it.

As the book became a best-seller all over the world, the rumor spread more and more widely, and China was no exception.

Because this rumor has spread so widely, it has spawned various training courses and various nutritional supplements and other scams in the name of developing brain potential.

《The idea for the story of”Super Body” came from this. Lucy’s brain was developed to 100% due to drugs, and she finally became an omnipotent god, even traveling through time and space.

Therefore, after a big V read the report of the press conference, he directly criticized Lin Ran on Weibo for misleading the audience.

Because it involves Lin Ran’s new film, it has attracted the attention of many netizens

“Damn it, is this theory false?”

“Do some people really think that people really only develop a few percent of their brains?”

“Haha, I really believed it before I went to college.”

“Blogger Tai Shanggang is online. Lin Ran is just making a movie. Is there anyone really trying it seriously?”

“Yes, just like movies like Spider-Man in Marvel. After watching the movie, do you think you can mutate into Superman after being bitten by a spider?”

“That’s not necessarily true, especially for children. Do you still remember the clip of children imitating the roasted sheep in Pleasant Goat a few years ago?”

“Those who watch Pleasant Goat are children of several years old, but the audience of Lin Ran’s movie is not children of many years old.”

There was a lot of hype on Weibo between those who supported Lin Ran and those who opposed Lin Ran. After such a quarrel, many young netizens who had been brainwashed by this package in the past became aware of it, which can be regarded as an unexpected blessing. The outside discussion had no impact. After Lin Ran’s filming, he did not give any interviews after that.

The scene in the hotel room lasted for ten days. Lucy used her superpower to learn the whereabouts of the other three drug mules from Mr. Zhang, and then prepared to take back the three bags. The drugs were her own.

Dilireba fell into the hands of a few gangsters. The wounds on her stomach opened due to the beatings, and the drug bag in her body ruptured. The drugs began to seep into her body, thus gaining some of her superpowers.

However, Lin Ran took the crew back to mainland China to shoot the next scene. Although the background was first set in Hong Kong, it didn’t have to be completely shot in Hong Kong. It only needed to take some exterior scenes in Hong Kong.

In various units of the crew While he was busy, Lin Ran called the producer

“Lao Zhang, what’s going on with the Bureau of Investigation? Have we reached an agreement?”

There are many scenes of earth’s crustal movement, tsunamis, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, etc. in the film. Of course it would be impossible to shoot this by yourself.

If it is synthesized in post-production, it will be expensive and unrealistic, so go directly to the Bureau of Geological Survey. Departments such as the Meteorological Bureau and the Meteorological Bureau borrow videos and then synthesize them in post-production. It is much better to put them on the big screen than to synthesize them.

“After the negotiation, I heard that the director wanted to borrow the materials, and they all readily agreed!”

Producer Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Lin Ran nodded. After half an hour, the preparations were completed, and he explained the next scene to Dilraba. The executive director was responsible for giving speeches to several groups. After finishing the scene, filming start

“All departments prepare! The actors are in place!”

“Scene 34, one shot, once!”


Following Lin Ran’s order, everyone in the crew performed their duties and returned to their jobs.

The studio was arranged into an abandoned room, surrounded by cement and not painted.

Dilireba wore a Wearing a hood, she was chained to the wall.

The gangster leader Zhang Yu and three other extras gathered in front of her, with a hint of evil in their eyes.

Yes, Lin Ran invited Xiao Huangmao, who he had worked with, to make a guest appearance..

In fact, in addition to Wang Yanhui and Zhang Yu, there will be many actors familiar to domestic audiences in this movie. For example, Dilraba’s roommate in the movie is played by Li Di. Li Di is an actor under Xinli Media, Xinli Media Li Media is a subsidiary of Tencent, which is equivalent to Penguin, so it got this role with a small amount of roles.

Of course, for an actor like Li Di who can work in the TV industry, being able to play Lin Ran Even though she didn’t have many roles in the movie, she was still competed by female stars in the industry.

Zhang Yu suddenly took off the linen hood, looked at Dilraba’s delicate face, and said with a smile,”This girl is pretty good!””

The other three people let out a few evil laughs at the right time.

Dilireba looked around blankly, completely unaware of what was happening.

Zhang Yudu pinched her chin and slowly moved it to her face.

Dilireba fiercely He shook his head and broke away from his hand.

“Click, passed!”

Lin Ran watched the footage on the monitor several times and announced.

This footage was obviously not finished, but the rest of the scene was completed by Dilraba’s stand-in. After all, the plot that follows is somewhat erotic. Naturally, Lin Ran would not really let Dilraba do it.

And other staff members were not surprised. It is now common practice in the domestic film and television industry to use substitutes, not to mention that this time the substitute is completely justified.

Dilraba’s substitute and She was about the same figure, and they were wearing the same white T-shirt. After she sat down, Zhang Yu looked down at her collar with a silvery smile.

After looking at it twice, Zhang Yu smiled evilly and pinched the collar of her stand-in. With a slight pull, it suddenly loomed.

The next second, Zhang Yu’s hand went into the collar.

After the crane camera in the air gave a close-up of the medium shot, Lin Ran made a gesture to the photographer Zhao Fei. The other party Immediately understanding, the camera instantly moved up. You can still see the stand-in’s struggle in the face of the violation on the monitor, but Zhang Yu’s hand has long been removed.

This is a typical montage shot.

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