《”The Daily Show” is a late-night complaint program launched by Comedy Central in the United States in 1996. During the period when Jon Stewart was the host, this program was affectionately called”The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” and was the most popular show in the United States. A popular program for college students.

In 2015, Jon announced his retirement and was succeeded by Trevor-Noah from South Africa.

Trevor is literally translated as Trevor, so it is called”The Daily Show of Xiao Cui” by domestic netizens.》

“There is a horror movie that is very popular recently. Every day when I come to work at the TV station, my colleagues ask Trevor, have you seen it? Trevor

‘s tone suddenly became exaggerated and funny:”I’m speechless. We have been colleagues for such a long time. Don’t you know that I don’t like horror movies?” That thing is too scary, I’m timid”


The audience in the audience was amused and laughed.

“I don’t like horror movies, but I like Kung Fu, Chinesesekongfu, Bruce Lee, I fight……”

When talking about Bruce Lee, Xiao Cui stood up directly, came to the open space and imitated a few Bruce Lee’s movements, shouting”I’m hitting him”.

Seeing his exaggerated and funny actions, the audience burst into laughter again

“I heard that the director of”The Return of the Clown” knows kung fu, so I invited him to the studio today. Everyone welcomes him.”

After some nonsense and creating an atmosphere, Xiao Cui invited Lin Ran to enter.

Bang bang bang~~~

There was a burst of applause from the audience.

Lin Ran walked out from the backstage with a smile on his face, stood in the middle of the stage, looked at the audience and introduced himself:”Hello everyone, I am Lin Ran, the director of”The Return of the Clown”, this movie……”

“Director, are you done?”

Before Lin Ran finished speaking, Xiao Cui came over to interrupt.


Lin Ran turned his head and looked at him in confusion.

“I invited you here today, not to promote that scary horror movie, but to ask you for Kung Fu lessons.”

“Goodbye then. If you can’t promote the movie, why would I come to your late-night show with such poor ratings? Is it okay for me to go to a bar and find a girl to have sex with?”

Lin Ran complained and turned back.

Seeing Lin Ran mercilessly attacking Xiao Cui, the audience applauded. Before, they only saw Xiao Cui attacking other people every time.

Cui Wa hurriedly ran to pull her away. Lin Ran gave in and said,”Then I’ll let you promote the show, and you can show me your kung fu later.””

“make a deal!”

Lin Ran stretched out his hand.

After shaking hands with Xiao Cui, he sat on the single sofa next to Xiao Cui.

As for the scene just now, anyone who is not a fool knows that they planned it in advance.

“Lin, have you ever come to the United States to study before? If I didn’t know that you were the director of”The Return of the Clown”, I would never have imagined that it was filmed by someone from China?”

“No. Lin

Ran shook his head:”I have only traveled to the United States a few times, but I have never studied in the United States.””

“So how do you understand American culture so well?”

Xiao Cui asked.

The audience in the audience also looked at Lin Ran curiously.

“After I finished writing the script, I handed it over to the company’s screenwriters to improve the details. After polishing the script many times, it achieved its current effect. Lin

Ran smiled and said casually

“I see.”

Everyone was stunned.

After chatting about movies for more than ten minutes, Xiao Cui smiled and said:”Lin, we are still talking about kung fu. I am more interested in this. Lin

Ran shrugged and signaled Xiao Cui to ask casually.

“I watched the video on Twitter, are you sure that guy is not your shill?”

Xiao Cui asked first

“Of course not, I’ve never met him before. Lin

Ran immediately shook his head and glanced at Xiao Cui with a smile:”How about you try it yourself, I promise to be gentler!””

Xiao Cui was originally very interested, but when he saw Lin Ran’s expression, he instinctively felt that it seemed a little dangerous, so he shrank his neck back.

But the audience below cheered and applauded.

“Trevor, stand up like a man!”

“Noah, don’t be such a pussy!”

Under the encouragement of the audience, Xiao Cui finally stood up.

Then, the two came to the middle of the stage

“Come on baby, use all your strength!”

Lin Ran hooked his fingers at Xiao Cui and said in a teasing tone.

In China, there may be some idiots who will criticize Lin Ran for being arrogant or impolite, but in the United States, people like him The behavior was very popular with the audience, and everyone’s face was full of excitement.

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Cui clenched his fists and rushed towards Lin Ran with all his strength.


Just like the white man before, Lin Ran blocked Xiao Cui easily.

No matter how hard Xiao Cui tried, he remained motionless with a smile on his face, just like a great master.

“It’s my turn to fight back, be careful!”

After waiting for a few seconds, seeing Xiao Cui’s veins popping out, Lin Ran smiled slightly and gently pushed his wrist forward.

In an instant, Xiao Cui took several steps back, and it was Lin Ran who used more strength. Small, otherwise Xiao Cui would be thrown upside down



“Lin, I love you.”

The audience in the audience applauded one after another, and some female audience members expressed their love.


Xiao Cui was convinced, and then said to the audience:”I definitely didn’t cooperate with him just now. I really used up all my strength.”

“This is nothing. Lin

Ran smiled and waved his hand.

“Lin, you have demonstrated this before, do you have anything more powerful?”Xiao Cui asked again.


“Can you show it? I think everyone is looking forward to it, right?”

Xiao Cui looked at the audience, waved his arms, and said in an exaggerated tone.


The audience in the audience responded one after another, and the atmosphere became more and more heated. Lin Ran looked around, and then came to the table in front of Xiao Cui’s seat. Just when everyone was wondering what Lin Ran was going to do, he hammered down with his fist..Click


The glass on the table cracked instantly.

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