“The domestic animated film”Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World” produced by Lin Ran held its premiere today, and there were no negative comments from the 2,000 viewers!”

“《”Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World” premiered, and director Tian Xiaopeng of”The Return of the Great Sage” called it the best animated film in the past twenty years!”

“Lin Ran, Xu Zheng, Huang Lei, Peng Yuchang and other stars attended the premiere of”Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World”!”

“《Director Jiaozi revealed that the idea and outline of the movie came from Lin Ran!”

Not long after the premiere, media reports came out one after another.

Under the control of Ranmeng Pictures, the topic #”NNZHAZZHAZHAN” premiere# quickly reached the top ten of Weibo’s hot search list Five, attracted the attention of many netizens

“Both the idea and the outline came from Lin Ran? Then I’m looking forward to it”

“Is it really that beautiful? That’s too much.”

“I just came back from the premiere. I can definitely say that”Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World” is really good-looking. It is not inferior to”The Return of the Great Sage”, or even surpasses it. It completely subverts my view of”The Return of the Great Sage”. Zha, Taiyi’s impression!”

“Haha, I just watched the premiere. This animated movie is very funny. The real Taiyi speaks Sichuan dialect, especially like PDD. Nezha looked a bit ugly in the early stage, but when he transformed in the final battle, he was very handsome!”

“I highly recommend everyone to watch it. It’s really fun to watch. If you think I’m lying to you after watching it, you can scold me as much as you like!”

“Oh, the water army has been arranged so quickly?”

“I am really not a sailor. I bet that if the box office of”Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World” is less than 2 billion, I will live broadcast it all over the Internet and eat shit. Now I will put up a post to prove it!”

“I want to come out again to cheat people out of food and drink. I won’t be fooled.”

“Although these good reviews are a bit suspicious of trolls, I believe in Lin Ran’s vision and took advantage of the 19.9 discount ticket to book the tickets first.”

“Seeing that Director Tian also attended the premiere, I would like to take this opportunity to ask when”The Return of the Monkey King 2″ will be released.”


Under the topic #《Ne Zha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World》premiere#, because it involves Lin Ran, there has been another bloody discussion.

And in Bihu, the question”How do you evaluate”Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World”? Is the quality really better than”Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage”?”, and quickly received dozens of answers.

Among these answers, everyone who went to see the premiere was full of praise, almost praising”Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World”.

And unlike Weibo, which is just a few simple words of praise, many of these answers are lengthy, and many of them directly post ticket stubs, which makes them appear more real.

There is no doubt that the first round of word-of-mouth reception after the premiere of”Nezha: The Devil Boy” was very good.

However, Ranmeng Pictures did not wait for the release in three days.

During these three days,”Nezha” will also be screened on a small scale across the country, with more than a thousand screenings scheduled every day.

In three days, almost 200,000 to 300,000 people have watched it

《The reputation of”Nezha” has not declined because of the large number of viewers watching the movie. On the contrary, it is getting better and better. Many viewers have almost praised”Nezha” to the sky.

On the ticket purchasing website, both Taopiaopiao and Maoyan scored 9.5 points.

Even on the demanding Douban, it actually reached 8.9 points.

You know,”Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage” only has a score of 8.4 on Douban.

Moreover,”The Return of the Great Sage” has such a high rating is related to the fact that it is the first big hit in the past ten years and the first one to make Chinese people think that domestic animated movies can be good. It has a certain sentiment.

There is no doubt that”Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World” became a hit before it was released.

Friday, July 23

《”Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World” was officially released. It directly captured 44.5% of the film schedule on the first day, and almost occupied the best time slot. The best theaters, such as giant screens, IMAX and other halls, were given to”Nezha” 》.

Obviously, theaters are very optimistic about this animated film.

Of course, the fact that”Nezha” was able to get such a high ranking on the first day is also related to the strength of the distributor, Ranmeng Pictures.

The global distribution business of Ranmeng Pictures has just begun, but its domestic distribution business has achieved double success at the box office with Lin Ran’s films receiving good reviews, especially the super hits of”The Wandering Earth” and”I’m Not the God of Medicine” , becoming more and more powerful.

When negotiating with theater chains, the person in charge of the distribution business of Ranmeng Pictures asked the theater chain to guarantee more than 40% of the film schedule, but the theater chain actually directly agreed. If it is a small distributor, look at the theater chain Will Fang spit on his face?

You know, as the last link in the film industry chain, theater chains are usually treated as ancestors by the distributors. During holidays, or even when there is nothing to do, they have to contact the theater managers to communicate with each other, treat guests and give gifts. relation

《”Ne Zha” also lived up to the expectations of the theaters. It directly took in 215 million box office on the first day of release, accounting for 66.3% of the box office on that day. It is undoubtedly the daily box office champion without any rivals.

The response was so good on the first day of release that theaters increased the film schedule of”Nezha” on the second day, reaching 48.7%, with a box office of 268 million that day.

On the third day of release, the film schedule of”Nezha” further increased, reaching 53.2%, directly exceeding half!

The box office that day directly exceeded 300 million, reaching 319 million, and the box office share reached 76%!

As a result,”Nezha” took in a box office of 802 million in the first three days, which is approximately US$113 million.

This week, there were no particularly strong blockbusters released in the world. However,”Nezha” relied on the domestic market to directly win the global weekly box office championship!

《”Nezha” is really popular now, super popular!

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