As the next few days enter the working day, although the film schedule of”Cohabitation in Time and Space” is still very high, the box office has decreased a lot.

On the 29th, the box office was 53 million.

On the 30th, the box office was 48.7 million.

On the 31st, the box office was 45.4 million.

It earned 146 million in these three days, bringing the total box office to 446 million.

However, on August 1st, three new movies were released, namely”Heroes of Fire”,”Furuta Bugle” and”Heroes of Rat Gut”》

《”Furuta Bugle” and”Rat Gut Heroes” didn’t have much influence on”Cohabitation in Time and Space”, but the same can’t be said for”Heroes of Fire”.

It achieved 43% of the film rankings on the first day, directly achieving the highest film ranking of the day. The film rankings of”Cohabitation in Time and Space” dropped to 21%, and the other two new films were both less than 15%.

As expected,”Heroes of Fire” won the daily box office championship with a box office of 138 million

《”Cohabitation in Time and Space” ranked second on the box office list, but the box office was only 38.3 million, which was a full 100 million less than”Heroes of Fire”.

Fortunately,”Heroes of Fire”, a blockbuster film controlled by Bona, also had the investment of Burning Dream Pictures. It was a box office hit, and Burning Dream Pictures also made money.

In the blink of an eye, August 16th arrived, and”Cohabitation in Time and Space” was released for 20 days. The total box office reached 890 million, and the total box office is expected to reach 1 billion.

On this day, the official blog of”My Motherland and Me” released the story poster of the”Convoy” unit, as well as the character posters of the leading actors Song Jia, Tong Liya, Lin Ran, Lei Datou, and Zhang Zifeng.

Each of them is wearing a blue air force uniform. In uniform, the actress looks dashing and the actor is handsome.

Although Lin Ran only played a minor supporting role in the film, his face on the poster was very large. If you didn’t know better, you would have thought he was the protagonist.

Obviously, this was intentional by the film crew, who wanted to use Lin Ran to attract the audience.

The effect was very good. Within minutes of the poster being released, it attracted a large number of Lin Ran’s fans to come and watch.

Because before this, the film crew did not reveal any news that Lin Ran would also star. Even Lin Ran himself could not bear to post a photo of himself and the J-10 fighter to Weibo to show off.

“Oh my god, did you read that right? Brother Ran also appeared in the show?”

“Brother Ran looks so handsome in uniform!”

“What a surprise, I didn’t expect Brother Ran to star in it!”

“Haha, I have already set Brother Ran’s character poster as my phone wallpaper.”

Lin Ran’s fans are indeed full of surprises. Many female fans can’t wait to lick the screen in front of Lin Ran’s poster.

“Now that the official poster has been released, I can finally post this photo. I am really excited to see and touch the J-10 fighter jet with my own eyes. I hope fans can go to the cinema during the National Day to support this movie.”

Lin Ran found a photo of himself and J-1 from the photo album on his mobile phone and posted it on Weibo. Within a few minutes, the Weibo post had over 10,000 comments, and fans expressed their support for the theater.

It was buzzing.~~~

Not long after, Lin Ran’s cell phone moved. He picked it up and saw that it was a message from Ren Zhonglun.

“Director Lin, there will be an internal preview screening of”The Climber” tomorrow. You must be there to review the film.”


Lin Ran also wanted to see what”The Climber” would become in this life, so he nodded and agreed.

The next afternoon, Lin Ran flew to Shanghai, and Ren Zhonglun sent company employees to pick him up.

Then he went straight to Shanghai Film Company, today’s internal preview will be held in the internal theater of Shanghai Film Company.

When Lin Ran arrived, Ren Zhonglun, Li Rengang, and several Shanghai Film executives were waiting for him.

“Director Lin is here.”

Ren Zhonglun and others stood up to greet them.

Lin Ran shook hands with them, exchanged a few words and then started the screening.

Two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

After watching it, Ren Zhonglun was very confident in the quality of the movie, but he was still nervous. Look at Lin Ran

“Director Lin, what do you think?”


Lin Ran simply commented in two words.

He was also a little relieved. With his intervention, although”The Climber” in this life is still impossible to achieve perfection, the most criticized emotional scenes in the previous life, as well as some plots All the bugs in the film have been corrected, and the scenes are basically concentrated on the main line of mountaineering.

And I don’t know if it is because of Lin Ran, but Shanghai Film has actually increased its investment, resulting in the film’s special effects scenes being even better than in the previous life.

Especially. The scene of the final climb to Mount Everest was even more thrilling. It was not like a montage shot in the previous life. After the protagonist and the heroine finished showing off their love, the protagonist had already reached the top of the mountain in the blink of an eye, leaving the audience breathless.

From In terms of movie-watching experience, it is at least two levels higher than in the previous life.

After hearing Lin Ran’s comments, Ren Zhonglun, Li Rengang, and other Shanghai Film executives present were all happy.

Regarding Lin Ran’s vision, They didn’t have the slightest doubt.

There was no way, the”Lin Ran Effect” had been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people due to a large number of media reports.

Lin Ran said it was good after reading it, so how could it be worse?

“Haha, this is all thanks to Director Lin for your script.”

Ren Zhonglun was completely relieved and said with a smile on his face.

“Mr. Ren deserves the award. No matter how good the script is, the producer and director must trust it and not randomly change the script according to their own ideas. Lin Ran smiled.

“Director Lin, you are a great director, and the stories in each work are very fascinating. How could I possibly change the script you wrote? Li

Rengang said with a smile.

“Lao Li is right.”Ren Zhonglun smiled and nodded.

In fact, it was precisely because of Lin Ran’s previous works, each of which had good box office and word-of-mouth success, that Ren Zhonglun was convinced that as long as he followed the script written by Lin Ran, it would not be much different.

And Li Ren Hong Kong’s level is extremely unstable, and his works in recent years only have about 5 points on Douban. Therefore, Ren Zhonglun asked Li Rengang not to modify any plot and to film according to the script.

Li Rengang made movies just to To make money, and even if it was a hit after the release, he would not be blamed, so he readily agreed.

Because the script was written by Lin Ran, and because he was going to star in”Interstellar”, Zhang Ziyi still wanted to do it for Lin Ran’s sake. I accepted the role of the heroine in”The Climber”, but did not increase the heroine’s role as requested in the previous life.

Therefore, this life’s”The Climber” was filmed completely according to Lin Ran’s revised script.

That night, Ren Zhonglun entertained Lin Ran for a banquet. I personally toasted Lin Ran with a few glasses of wine at the wine table to express my gratitude.

PS: Thank you qwedsaz11211 for your monthly ticket support._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading – collection, recommendation, and sharing

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