The next day, the entertainment pages of many American media reviewed”Interstellar”.

Screen International:”Interstellar is a film that is full of emotion and energy without being long and boring. It has surprising images without being obsessed with plot logic. It combines its strengths and weaknesses to make it an attractive work..”

The Hollywood Reporter:”This ambitious movie not only explores the intimate emotions between humans, but also tells the thoughts about the universe, which is very fascinating.”

Variety:”The movie”Interstellar” was released in”2001: A Space Odyssey””It deserves a place in the halls of classic science fiction films such as”Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and”Gravity.””

Mainstream entertainment media including The Hollywood Reporter, Variety Show, International Screen, etc. have all given”Interstellar” praise.

However, it is obviously impossible for a movie to be liked by everyone, and some media have given negative reviews.

Today, the United States commented:”‘Interstellar’ shows director Lin Ran’s huge ambition. He wanted to make an epic movie, but the plot was too monotonous and boring, and the film’s advanced special effects technology seemed a bit unworthy of its name.”

Thelaylist:”With its sensationalism and theoretical knowledge as obscure as a scientific report, this is a terrible movie.”

On Rotten Tomatoes, there are currently 26 critics who have given ratings, 20 of which I gave it a good review, with a freshness score of 77%

“The reviews are pretty good.”

Lin Ran flipped through the media reports and found that the majority of people gave positive reviews.

Then he searched on Twitter and found that the audience’s comments were even better.

June 1, Friday

《”Interstellar” has officially launched in theaters around the world.

Domestically, the number of films scheduled on the first day was as high as 54%, directly exceeding half of the films scheduled.

Almost all movie theaters have reserved their best halls and best time slots for”Interstellar”. I don’t know how many movie theaters are waiting for this movie to make more money to subsidize their losses in the off-season.

Wang Qiang, who was already working, couldn’t go to the cinema at nine o’clock in the morning as usual. After get off work in the afternoon, he didn’t even have time to eat, so he ran as fast as possible to a nearby cinema.

“so many people!”

When he arrived at the cinema, he saw long queues in front of several ticket machines.

Wang Qiang bought a ticket for the giant screen hall, which has more than 300 seats. He looked around and found that the seats were almost full. Even the first few seats, which exclude the two most seats, are all occupied.

“It is indeed Brother Ran’s movie!”

Wang Qiang sighed in his heart, only Lin Ran had such appeal in China.

A few minutes later, the movie was officially played, and the noisy theater instantly became quiet, and everyone focused on watching the big screen.

After a few days of the premiere After the fermentation, many viewers know that this movie has a lot of foreshadowing and detailed foreshadowing, which must be watched carefully to fully understand.

Fortunately, many viewers know that the plot in the first half hour or so is foreshadowing, otherwise There are indeed many people who think this is a boring movie.

After about 40 minutes, when the plot of the protagonist Mess and his team taking a spaceship to the sky began, the passion of the audience was finally ignited.

Next, one after another big words The scene made them excited to watch.

When it was revealed that Mess was a ghost, the cinema suddenly burst into exclamations of”f*ck”.

And at the end, the scene where Mess went to visit his old daughter who was about to pass away was irresistible. The less sentimental female audience member was left in tears.

When the end credits appeared, the audience realized that nearly three hours had passed without them realizing it.

“Brother Ran, this movie is really awesome!”

“No wonder those who watched the premiere said it was a masterpiece, it was so shocking!”

“Damn it, I didn’t understand many parts. I’m going to brush it up again tomorrow.”

“Hahaha, I basically understand it, but I am also planning to read it a second time. Watching such a masterpiece once is not enough.”

The movie is over, but the audience is still unsatisfied and discussing the plot of the movie while walking.

Wang Qiang has watched it in several places, but he refrained from reading the analysis on Zhihu and plans to read it again tomorrow.

After leaving the cinema, Wang Qiang went to a fast food restaurant, where he ate and rated the reviews of”Interstellar”.

He first logged on to Taopiaopiao, and the rating of”Interstellar” was already out, 9., a very high score.

Wang Qiang smiled and said no more than 10 points.

Then he logged into the Douban APP and the ratings on Douban were also available.


Wang Qiang was stunned for a moment when he saw the Douban score.

Because the Douban score was as high as 9.4, 0.1 higher than that on Taopiao Piao.

I have to say that this is a miracle.

You know, Taopiao Piao is more representative of public tastes. Douban users are relatively young and have higher quality requirements for movies, so Taopiao Piao scores are generally much higher than those on Douban. Many bad movies that only have 3 or 4 points on Douban can get a 7 on Taopiao Piao. Wang Qiang hesitated and gave it five stars.

In his mind,”Interstellar” is a movie that can be rated 9.5. If it is not rated five stars, it will only be rated 4 stars, which is equivalent to 8. , obviously this is far lower than the evaluation in his mind

…… in the United States

《”Interstellar” was also favored by theaters, opening with 3,561 theaters in its first week.

Just as night falls in China, a new day begins in the United States.

Ever since he showed his kung fu skills, Matthew has become Lin Ran’s big fan. He immediately invited his friends to the cinema when he had no classes in the morning.

“Matthew, you don’t really believe that this Chinese can make an epic science fiction movie, do you?”

My friend Joseph is playing games and doesn’t want to go to the cinema.

“Why not?”Matthew asked back

“Haha, to be honest, his”The Wandering Earth” was very mediocre. I couldn’t understand the thoughts expressed in his movie. If his previous movie was like this, how much better can his new movie be?”

“Joseph, you can’t always look at things from the past. Did you read the reviews at the premiere of this movie? It can be said that it has received rave reviews.”

Matthew said a little angry

“Who knows if that’s a fake trick? The Chinese are the best at this trick. I still remember not long ago that a Chinese singer I had never heard of suddenly occupied the top four spots on the iTunes chart overnight. Ariana-Grande’s Can the new song only be ranked fifth?”

Joseph shook his head and sneered.

Hearing what his friend said, Matthew became even more angry. After some hard work, he finally got Joseph to go to the cinema.

Didn’t he really want Joseph to accompany him to the movie? Now I just want to prove my vision to him.

When I went to an AMC theater I often go to, I found that there were not many people in the audience.

“Look Matthew, not many people came to see this movie.”

Matthew said with some pride when he saw twenty or thirty spectators sitting sparsely in the cinema.

“It was morning, so of course there weren’t many spectators.”Matthew rolled his eyes.

After a while, the movie started playing

“Is this really a science fiction film?”

“The plot is so boring, I want to sleep while watching it”

“Apart from Scarlett’s hot figure, there is nothing interesting about her.”

For the first half hour, Joseph kept criticizing.

Matthew wanted to refute but didn’t know how to say it, because he also felt a little bored.

“Are those good reviews really fake?”

Matthew also felt a little shaken in his heart.

Fortunately, it didn’t take long for Mess and his team to take the spaceship to carry out the mission. What followed was one big scene after another.

Joseph, who had always found fault in the past, rarely found fault anymore. I don’t know. Before he knew it, he concentrated on watching the movie.

After the movie ended, Matthew asked with a smile:”How was it?””

“Okay man, I admit that Lin is a great director, this movie is very good, I can give it 8.5 points.”

Joseph shrugged, admitting his previous mistake.

“Ha ha~~~”

Matthew burst out laughing heartily, finally relieved, and his vision was indeed correct.

Not only Wang Qiang, but also Matthew and Joseph, countless audiences around the world were shocked after watching the movie, and it sparked countless discussions on the Internet in various countries.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

After finishing the promotion in several major cities in North America, Lin Ran and his team headed to Europe.

While still waiting at the airport, he received a call from Ronald Meier.

“Lin, the box office for the first week is out”

“How many? Lin Ran asked quickly

“25.6 billion, the undoubtedly global weekly box office champion, haha!”

Ronald Meier laughed and looked very happy.

“not bad.”Lin Ran smiled after hearing this and said

“Lin, you are too greedy. The box office in the first week was already very good.”

Ronald Meyer is very satisfied with the first box office.

《The total cost of”Interstellar” is US$180 million, and the box office in the first week was US$256 million. It will make a profit from the box office alone, not to mention other copyright income.

“Ronald, send me the specific box office data for each country.”


Ronald Meier agreed to come._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting, recommending, and sharing

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