After communicating with the audience, Lin Ran and his group did not leave immediately. Instead, they came to a conference room in the cinema to accept interviews from the media present.

These media are also specially selected by the distribution staff in advance. They are all media with relatively large influence in the UK.

“Lin, many viewers think that the threshold for watching”Interstellar” is too high and requires a lot of physics knowledge to understand it. What do you think?”

“In fact,”Interstellar” is essentially about love and family affection”

“Lin,”Interstellar” took in US$256 million at the box office in its first week. How much do you expect it to get in the end?”

“800 million US dollars”

“Lin, the Chinese flag appears twice in the movie. Many viewers think you deliberately used this movie to promote the Chinese government?”

“The American flag often appears in American movies, and the British flag often appears in your British movies. This is normal. I hope everyone can just watch the movie happily and not get involved in politics.”

“Lin, will you work with British actors in your next film? Such as Emma Watson”

“I have worked with British actors, such as Mr. Michael Caine. We have worked together on two movies in a row, which is very pleasant.”

“Scarlett, some media have photographed you and Lin having close contact with each other. What is your relationship with Lin?”

Lin Ran raised his head and looked at the reporter who asked the question, and found that the logo on the microphone was The Sun. He couldn’t help but be surprised.

This media is the largest circulation newspaper in the UK. For the sake of sales, it often makes up random things, not only spreading rumors about celebrities, but even the royal family. Let it go, there is no lower limit anyway.

Because of this, The Sun has a particularly large influence in the UK

“Lin and I are very good friends.”

The widowed sister glanced at Lin Ran and replied with a smile.

She neither denied nor admitted.

This was a publicity strategy that was planned before the release. It was deliberately used to hype up the scandal between the two, thereby increasing the attention of”Interstellar” When a film and television drama is about to be released, not only do China often use scandals to increase exposure, but Hollywood also does the same.

Moreover, people are more professional!

Producers often start planning months in advance, step by step It started with having intimate pictures of the same person, first denying it and then admitting it, then falling in love, and even getting engaged.

Anyway, after all, the impression given to the audience was not to hype the movie, but to create love because of the drama.

It lasted for several months During the hype process, it can also bring huge exposure to the actors, so the actors are often very cooperative, and there are not a few who do fake scenes for real.

“Scarlett, what kind of person do you think Lin is?”

Seeing that the widowed sister did not deny it, the Sun News reporter was very excited and immediately asked

“Lin is a very talented man and extremely handsome.”

The widowed sister glanced at Lin Ran again, with admiration flowing in her eyes.

“Lin, is Scarlett your type?”

“Of course, if Scarlett is so sexy and beautiful, would any man not like her? Didn’t Durant say that he would even drink Scarlett’s footbath? Lin

Ran joked


The reporters at the scene couldn’t help laughing. They obviously knew this joke.

“Miss Zhang……”

This group interview lasted about forty minutes before it ended.

“Mr. Lin, thank you again for the promotion. Can we take a photo together?”

After sending the reporters away, the studio manager James asked expectantly

“sure.”Lin Ran readily agreed.

After taking photos with several leading actors, James personally sent Lin Ran downstairs.

“Mr. Lin, I hope you can come to our cinema to promote your next movie.”

“Let’s see the opportunity.”

Lin Ran made no promise. It was not him who decided which movie studio to choose for the road show, but the local publicity staff who contacted him in advance. It was just after ten o’clock after returning to the hotel. After Lin Ran took a shower, he talked to Gu Lina on WeChat. Zha, Tong Liya and the others chatted.

While they were chatting, they heard a knock on the door. Lin Ran opened the door and saw that it was the widowed sister.


“《Interstellar director Lin Ran denies promoting Chinese government”

“Lin expects Interstellar to hit $800 million at box office”

“Can’t understand”Interstellar”? Lin said this is just a story about love and family.”

The next day, the media who interviewed Lin Ran last night made reports one after another.

However, these reports were all covered up by the content reported by the Sun.

“Scarlett-John and Lin Hotel live in the same room!”

The Sun reported it with a front-page headline, and also included a picture of the widowed sister going to Lin Ran’s room.

Not only did it include pictures and the truth, but it also included a video.

The Sun posted a video on its official Twitter, It was the surveillance video of the widowed sister coming out of her room and then going to Lin Ran’s room. Finally, it was specially marked that the widowed sister did not return to her room all night. As soon as this video was uploaded, it went viral instantly.

Lin Ran and the widowed sister were all on the internet. Trending, and not just on Twitter in the UK, but trending globally

“Scarlett is really with that Chinese guy?”

“Farke, that Chinaman is not good enough for Scarlett!”

“If it were other Chinese men, I would definitely be unhappy, but since it is Lin, then I wish Scarlett the best.”

“Bless Lin and Scarlett, they are both talented and beautiful.”

“I recommend everyone to watch Lin’s”Interstellar”. This movie is currently in theaters. It is really a masterpiece. You will definitely not regret it after watching it!”

Countless netizens commented on the hot search, many of them scolding Lin Ran.

However, Lin Ran also has many supporters. The two sides are evenly matched, and there are no one-sided negative reviews. The global hot discussion is also related to”Interstellar” It also received huge exposure, and in many countries, the box office of”Interstellar” increased to a certain extent on that day.

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