Now there are only more than twenty days until the start of school in September.

Although Wang Rui said that Lin Ran’s courses did not need to be reviewed by the Academic Affairs Office, he could teach whatever he wanted, and he didn’t even need to prepare lessons.

But now that he has decided to be a visiting professor in the Nortel Directing Department, Lin Ran still wants to do a good job and impart some truly useful knowledge to the students in the Nortel Directing Department, not just for the sake of a false reputation.

Therefore, Lin Ran carefully prepared what he was going to say in advance.

After thinking for a few days, Lin Ran had a general idea.

Nortel’s director and drama teacher should have a good theoretical foundation. He doesn’t need Lin Ran to teach students in this aspect. He is going to explain a movie to the directing students from a more macro and overall perspective. Some of the most important points in the entire process from conception to release.

The contract between him and Nortel stipulates that he should take 6 classes each semester for a total of 12 hours, which is almost enough to explain clearly.

After deciding on the idea, Lin Ran quickly formulated the topics to be taught in each of the six classes, and then made an outline of the specific content to be taught in that class.

As for more detailed lesson preparation, there is no need at all, just improvise when the time comes.

Now Lin Ran’s level is definitely not inferior to that of any directing professor in the country, and is even better.

Not only can he learn very advanced film theoretical knowledge in the system, but he also has very rich and proven practical experience, which is something that other teachers in the directing department do not have.

After finishing it, Lin Ran sent the PPT of the teaching content to Wang Rui for him to take a look at.

The PPT is very short, only about ten pages in total. Except for very important information that is difficult to find on the Internet, he will not type it out in detail. He will only use an outline to raise questions.

“Lin Ran, I saw your teaching plan and it is very practical. I will follow your ideas.”

Wang Rui finished reading it in a few minutes and was very satisfied.

“Okay, Director Wang.”

After finishing the content to be taught in class, Lin Ran began to write the script of his next movie.

His next movie will be”Breaking Drummer”, a dark and inspirational musical drama.

This movie is about a 19-year-old A 20-year-old boy who grew up in a single-parent family set his sights on Charlie Parker, the most talented and greatest legendary musician in the history of jazz, and wanted to become a top jazz drummer.

One night when he was practicing at school, he was noticed by the devil’s tutor and began to enter the formal world. At the same time, the band also began to pay the price for the pursuit of perfection, but in the end they found that the harder they practiced, the more isolated they were from the outside world.

The only mentor who understood him also became irritable and moody. When he finally stepped into the world’s largest concert hall When he was on stage, he was horrified to discover that his mentor had been waiting to drive him into the dust. The mentor’s harsh devilish education to the protagonist in this movie will definitely resonate in the country, and even trigger a discussion about”I’m Not the God of Medicine” like”I’m Not the God of Medicine” There is a big social discussion on education.

However, the tone of the movie is a bit too dark, and Lin Ran is a little worried that it will not pass the review. After thinking about it, Lin Ran decided to write the script first, and then slowly think of a solution after the review.

Busy Time always flies when I wake up, and August has passed in the blink of an eye.

《”Interstellar” was officially released two months after its global release, with a total box office of $853 million.

For a movie with a total cost of 180 million US dollars, this box office is considered a very successful one.

However, many theater owners in China are somewhat disappointed.

Before the release of”Interstellar”, they saw the movie’s excellent reputation and thought that”Interstellar” could break the box office record of”Wolf Warrior 2″ and they could also make a fortune.

As a result, the final box office was only 3.1 billion, which was still far from breaking the 5.6 billion box office of”Wolf Warrior 2″, and not as good as Lin Ran’s”The Wandering Earth” a few years ago.

Lin Ran himself was satisfied. After all,”Interstellar” was indeed too high a viewing threshold, and at nearly 3 hours, it was a bit too long.

As a result, although the film schedule is high, the number of daily broadcasts is not as many as expected.

In particular, there are not many giant screen halls and IMAX halls in each theater. Even if”Interstellar” is shown all day long, it can only show four or five shows.

On the morning of September 8, Lin Ran drove to Nortel.

He first came to the director’s office of the directing department. Most of the teachers in the office had taught him before and were no strangers to him. They all greeted them with a smile.

“Lin Ran is here”

“Time flies so fast. In a blink of an eye, Lin Ran returned to Nortel as a visiting professor.”

“Yes, I still remember the first lesson I gave to Lin Ran.”

Looking at Lin Ran, the faces of these directing teachers were filled with relief.

Wang Haiyi, Lin Ran’s former counselor and now a lecturer, joked:

“Lin Ran, when you were still a student, I was your counselor. Now that you are a professor, I am just a lecturer.”

“Teacher Wang, I am just a visiting professor, honor is the main thing, I cannot take it seriously.”Lin Ran comforted

“Haha, just kidding. Wang

Haiyi smiled and said:”I have no class this morning, so I will go to your class and learn from a great director like you.””

“I don’t have a class either, so I want to listen.”

Many other teachers also said enthusiastically.

After chatting for a while, seeing that the time was almost up, Lin Ran and Wang Haiyi headed to the lecture theater.

When Lin Ran walked into the lecture theater, he found that there were so many people sitting inside that almost all the professors in the lecture theater were seated. The seats were full, at least two to three hundred people, and I couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

You know, the directing department recruits very few people every year, and there are only about 20 undergraduates in one class. Graduate students are divided into full-time and part-time, plus There are only more than 20 people in total, which is equivalent to more than 40 people in one class.

Even if all the undergraduates and graduate students in the directing department of the school come to attend the class, there will only be 150 or 60 people.

Obviously, among these people who come to the class, not only There were students from the directing department, as well as from other departments.

In fact, not only were almost all the students from the directing department, there were also a lot of photography students who were very close to the director, and even some from the acting department.

Lin Ran At a glance, he spotted Song Zuer in the crowd.

In addition to the students, Lin Ran also saw that there were many teachers sitting in the two rows behind. In addition to Wang Haiyi and others, almost all the directing department teachers who had no classes were also there.

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