After hearing what Lin Ran said, the students in the audience became much quieter, and many people fell into deep thought.

Yes, as a director, screenwriter, or producer, if you don’t even know the market audience and preferences, how can you produce a work that the audience will like?

This is typical in domestic workplace dramas.

In recent years, there have been a lot of domestic workplace dramas filmed, but one of them is a love scene disguised as a workplace, so all kinds of plots that the audience thinks are stupid appear one after another.

It’s okay to shoot love scenes, but they can’t even shoot love scenes well, with all kinds of bloody Mary Sues, it’s weird that the audience likes them

“Let me tell you the answer. According to the survey results, domestic audiences aged 18-25 account for 36% of the total number of moviegoers, 18 to 30 year olds account for 53%, and 18 to 40 year olds account for 87% , there are obvious differences between the domestic movie-going crowd and those in the United States.”

Lin Ran pondered for a few seconds before speaking.

“Continuing with the Midas formula, point four: no excessive nudity in intimate scenes.

Everyone knows at a glance that this is for rating purposes. If there are nudity or pornographic scenes, it will not be rated PG or PG-13. In this way, young audiences will not be able to watch it, and a large number of moviegoers will be lost.

Therefore, PG and PG-13 rated films have now become the mainstream of commercial films in the American market.”

Everyone in the audience nodded in understanding.

“The fifth point of the Midas formula is that the movie has big action scenes but is not too bloody.

This is also easy to understand. The big scenes are to enhance the movie-watching experience and keep the audience excited. They are not too bloody and are also for the purpose of classification.”

After a pause, Lin Ran continued:”The sixth point of Midas Company is that there must be supporting characters with weird looks. Do you know why?”

“Is it to add interest to the movie?”

A student got up and replied.

Lin Ran smiled and explained:”Not only to increase the interest of the movie, but more importantly for the development of peripheral products. These characters are often suitable for the development of derivative products such as toys, clothing, and games.

In Hollywood, the box office revenue of a movie only accounts for about one-third of the total revenue, and the revenue from peripheral product development often accounts for the majority.

The peripheral product development revenue of some big IPs even far exceeds the box office revenue of movies, and is measured in units of 100 million or 1 billion US dollars, such as Disney’s series of animated movies.

Everyone has seen”Frozen”, right?”


Everyone in the audience nodded.”Frozen” is so famous. As a student of the Academy of Film and Television, there are very few people who haven’t seen it.

“《”Frozen” is one of the most famous IPs in the world. Its revenue of US$11.3 billion ranks 45th among the 50 most profitable IPs in the world.

Of the US$1.3 billion, US$9.575 billion was sold in derivatives, which far exceeds the box office revenue of this movie. Now everyone knows how profitable peripheral development is. After talking about this set of data, Lin Ran said to himself:”Domestic film and television companies are still relatively weak in IP development, but Ranmeng Pictures is still doing well.”


“I didn’t expect that Brother Ran would also boast.”

Seeing Lin Ran praising his company, the students in the audience burst into laughter.

“Don’t think I’m bragging. The peripheral development of Ranmeng Pictures is indeed the best in the country.

I can give you a simple example. For”The Wandering Earth” a few years ago, the peripheral product development revenue has so far exceeded 500 million, which is much lower than the net box office revenue.

Of course, I can’t be proud. After all, compared to the six major Hollywood companies, their peripheral income is still far behind.”

Lin Ran said with a smile.


The students in the audience were amazed after hearing this.

They had also seen media reports about the sales of”The Wandering Earth” peripherals before, but they did not expect to make so much money.

In addition , It is easy to calculate the box office revenue. A rough calculation shows that Lin Ran earned more than 1 billion from the movie”The Wandering Earth” alone. The net income of one movie exceeded 1 billion!

Suddenly, many students in the audience raised their eyebrows. I’m so popular that I wish I could go back to my dormitory and write a good script, make a big-selling movie, and then reach the top of my life.

Although the teaching in domestic film and television schools still focuses on the so-called artistry, in this world where people laugh at poverty but don’t laugh at prostitution. In this era, for most directing students, making money is the most important thing.

Lin Ran on stage is their best role model!

“Next, let’s talk about the seventh point of Midas’ formula, which is that the movie must have a happy ending.

I think this is particularly important. We know that the essence of movies is to create dreams. For the audience, watching movies is to realize their dreams that they cannot realize in real life. When the audience’s dreams are realized in the movie, they will feel happy and happy. You will feel very happy, so you must arrange a happy ending in the end.

When we watch Hollywood blockbusters, the hero often has a particularly good ending. There is often a scene at the end where the wife and children are waiting for the protagonist, and then ends with a hug and a kiss. After a pause, Lin Ran changed the topic and shook his head:”But our domestic directors, due to the long-term influence of art film thinking, many of the protagonists in the movies are particularly twisted characters, and the endings are often tragic.”

For example, in the movies directed by Zhang Yimou, in the ending of”Hero”, the male protagonist Wuming died, Can Jian Feixue also died, the heroine of”House of Flying Daggers” died, not to mention”The Golden Armor”, people died. about there.

For ordinary viewers, life is inherently tiring and hard, and watching movies is just for entertainment and relaxation. However, you made it so gloomy and dark, so it’s only a shame that the audience can give it good reviews.

To be honest, no big company in Hollywood would invest in a script like”The Golden Jacket” that is too twisted and depressing, because there is a high probability that it will lose money!”

The students in the audience nodded. As the audience, they felt the same.

“I hope that the students in the directing department here will make movies in the future. If they are commercial movies, they will not always make them so dark and depressing, always thinking about talking about so-called human nature, and thinking about educating the audience in the movies. People’s lives are already very difficult, so don’t add to them. Lin Ran said

“Ha ha”

“Brother Ran is right, what I hate the most is when the director suddenly feeds me shit when I’m watching it well.”

“No wonder Ran’s movies are all hits. If you have this idea, how can they not be hits?”

Listening to what Lin Ran said was interesting, the students in the audience burst into laughter.

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading – collecting, recommending, and sharing

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