“Brother Lin, does your company really want to build its own streaming media platform? Sun

Zhonghuai, the boss of Penguin Pictures, suddenly asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, Fan Luyuan, the president of Alibaba Entertainment, also looked directly at Lin Ran.

Compared with Sun Zhonghuai, Fan Luyuan paid more attention to the matter of Dream Pictures building its own streaming media platform.

There is no way, Youku Video has no self-production ability, and is in urgent need of external high-quality content resources for blood transfusion.

And Ranmeng Pictures is undoubtedly the best film and television company in China. It produces many high-quality film and television dramas every year, and Youku is counting on it. It grabs the exclusive online broadcast rights of two dramas from Ranmeng Pictures every year to maintain users.

If it weren’t for Ranmeng Pictures, Youku’s user base would have been completely lost to Penguin Video and iQiyi.Youku Video is the core project in Alibaba Entertainment Matrix. Once Youku Video dies, Alibaba Entertainment Group will not be far away from being disbanded. As the boss of Alibaba Entertainment, Fan Luyuan is naturally anxious.


Lin Ran didn’t hide it and nodded affirmatively.

He wanted to hide it.���Can’t hide it!

In fact, it was discovered by the media just a few days after Ranmeng Pictures launched its recruitment, and many media reported on it.

Moreover, most of the people they recruited were programmers, and they had already guessed that Ranmeng Pictures would build its own streaming media platform.

Even the media could guess it, and it was impossible for Sun Zhonghuai and Fan Luyuan not to guess it.

What’s more, even if you hide it now, it will be revealed in a few months. It’s better to admit it frankly now.

“Brother, as a film and television company, you should still focus on content!”

Sun Zhonghuai said sincerely:”Disney can successfully launch D+, in addition to its own content resources, there is also a huge investment from the parent company. Disney’s current market value is 220 billion US dollars, and it can afford to burn money.”

“Mr. Sun is right, it is easy to build your own streaming media platform, but it is very difficult to make it big and requires huge investment.

Our three major video platforms suffer huge losses of billions every year. Without the support of giants behind them, they cannot afford to burn money.

To tell the truth, the current valuation of Ranmeng Pictures is only 60 billion yuan, and it really can’t afford to spend this money!”

Fan Luyuan rarely agreed with Sun Zhonghuai for once, and he also earnestly advised Lin Ran to find his way back.

“You two brothers, what you said is right, but you still have to have dreams, what if they come true, right? Lin

Ran smiled and was unmoved.

Sun Zhonghuai and Fan Luyuan looked at each other, and neither of them tried to persuade him. Let this guy quit after he failed!

I really thought it was so easy for streaming media platforms to become big!

Look at the three major video platforms of Youaiteng, look at Douyin Blockers, look at Mango TV, look at Bilibili…

Behind these platforms, there are either the support of giant fathers, or they have the best provincial satellite TV resources, or they have grasped the At this juncture of the times, we are the first to seize the limelight. Where are you, Ranmeng Pictures?

There is neither the financial support of the giant father nor the resources of provincial satellite TV, and it is not in the limelight. On the contrary, it is in a very fierce Red Sea of fighting!

I didn’t see it, Is even Penguin Video planning to merge with iQiyi?

There is no way. The fierce competition and billions of losses every year have made it difficult for the father, the financier behind the two companies, to bear it.

Just like the taxi war. , Alibaba and Penguin burned tens of millions every day, which made the two bosses Ma panic, so they shook hands and merged directly, and happily harvested consumers’ leeks together. Isn’t it delicious? After seeing

Sun Zhonghuai, Fan Luyuan and Lin Ran finish chatting, Song Ge Then he spoke again:

“Lin Ran, do you intend to release”Exploding Drummer” with a guaranteed minimum? I can guarantee a minimum of 1 billion!”

“Mr. Song, have you seen the movie and offered a guarantee of 1 billion? Lin

Ran was stunned for a moment and asked jokingly

“During the Cannes Film Festival, I flew to Cannes specifically to watch your movie. Song

Ge smiled and nodded, and then praised it full of praise:”This is definitely a good movie. Although it is a drama film, there are no big scenes, and it is a bit dark, but it always captured my emotions during the movie.”

If it doesn’t reach this box office in the end, just make friends with Director Lin.”

He is indeed the best”gambler” man in the industry!

Hearing Song Ge’s words, Lin Ran couldn’t help but sigh.

The guaranteed box office of 1 billion means that Lin Ran can directly recover 350 million, and the cost of”The Exploding Drummer” is also 100 million is equivalent to earning 250 million without risk.

After the guarantee, it does not mean that all the box office exceeding 1 billion belongs to Song Ge, but that they will divide it according to the agreed ratio.

For example, the agreement If it is a 55-50 share, and the final total box office reaches 1.5 billion, then Song Ge can get a 500 million box office share in addition to the guaranteed 1 billion.

This 500 million, after excluding the share of the theaters and promotion parties, will be distributed to the producers. Fang still has about 150 million in hand, and Lin Ran and Song Ge split the 150 million 50-50 each, so Song Ge can earn 75 million.

Earning 75 million seems like a lot, but you have to know how much Song Ge invested in this. The funding is 350 million!

Not to mention,”Exploding Drummer” is not an action blockbuster or a comedy, but a drama.

Even if Lin Ran has strong appeal, the inherent flaws of the subject matter cannot make”Exploding Drummer””” has a too high box office limit.

Therefore, the risk of daring to offer a guarantee of 1 billion is very high.

But Lin Ran knew another meaning of Song Ge, which was that he wanted to make friends with himself, and the money was considered an investment.

Lin Ran and Song Ge have known each other for a long time. Song Ge invested in”Wolf Warrior 2″, but their relationship is definitely far inferior to the relationship between Lin Ran and China Film Bernard.

In projects led by Lin Ran, Song Ge Almost all of them are co-producers.

For a big project, there are often only a few main producers, but the number of co-producers can be as high as twenty or thirty.

Since Lin Ran proved his box office appeal, the co-producers of each of his films There will be no less than 10 producers, and the one with the most”Inception” is as high as 27.

Song Ge’s Beijing Culture is one of these joint producers, and its investment share will not be higher than 1%. It can only be said that He reluctantly followed Lin Ran to drink soup.

This was unacceptable to Song Ge, who was very ambitious, and he had been thinking about changing.

But in Lin Ran’s previous movies, except for his own Ranmeng Pictures, which occupied the absolute majority, the rest were mainly The share was divided between Universal Pictures, China Film, Bernard, Wanda, and later Ali Penguin, which worked closely with Lin Ran. Song Ge was not ranked at all.

“I appreciate Mr. Song’s kindness. Everyone in the industry knows that I am firmly opposed to the practice of guaranteed betting.”

Lin Ran smiled and shook his head, rejecting Song Ge’s kindness.

“All right.”

Seeing Lin Ran’s firm refusal, Song Ge shrugged, hiding his depression and disappointment in his heart without showing it too much.

PS: Thank you [Sea King Piggy Brother] for the 100 reward.

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