Thanks to the widespread dissemination of this video and the good reputation of”Cracking Drummer” itself, many people were attracted to the cinema.

On the third day of release, the box office actually decreased compared to yesterday, reaching 6.6 million.

In the first three days, the box office in the United States reached 17 million US dollars, which has exceeded the previous total box office of 13 million US dollars.

And according to the current reputation and trend, the box office in the United States is expected to exceed 40 million US dollars.

For a small-budget feature film, this box office is already very good.

The total global box office of the previous life was only US$48 million.

In China, the box office in the first three days reached 427 million.

It can’t compare to the first-week box office of blockbusters such as”Interstellar” and”Inception”, but Lin Ran is also very satisfied.

It is now the end of February, which is the most unpopular period. It is enough to get 430 million in the first three days, which is enough to make people envious and jealous.

It was also released in 12 other markets around the world this week, but most of them did not have a high box office, with a total box office of only 4.5 million US dollars.

《”Crunch” grossed a total of $85 million in its first week.

Even though there were no blockbusters released during the same period, it still won the global weekly box office championship! at the same time.

Just as Lin Ran had expected,”Breaking Drummer” has already aroused heated discussions in China after only three days of release.

The focus of the discussion focused on the educational methods of the devil teacher Chen Mo played by Feng Yuanzheng.

Since the 1990s, there has been a trend of quality education in China.

What is quality education?

Due to the lack of information at that time, many people thought that quality education in the West was to reduce the burden on students.

Be happy to study and resolutely oppose the tactics of asking questions.

You must also learn various specialties, develop morally, intellectually, physically, artistically, and physically, and don’t become a question-answering machine.

Many people still believe in this trend.

In fact, education in our country is also advancing according to this model. Now students get out of school early, and scores are not allowed to be published after the exam to avoid hurting students’ self-esteem.

Teachers are not allowed to teach too much knowledge in class, and schools are strictly prohibited from making up classes.

Recently, in the high school entrance examination, the score in physical education was raised to 100 points, which is the same as in Chinese and Mathematics.

Music is no exception and is included in the high school entrance examination.

Obviously, there are a large number of people in the education industry who will firmly oppose Chen Mo’s teaching methods in”Breaking Drummer”, and they are also the most harsh critics of the film.

Moreover, they also have the greatest say and can make the loudest voice.

So for a while, it seemed that all the voices criticizing”Cracking Drummer” for conveying wrong values were heard.

However, there are also a group of people who express support for”Exploding Drummer”. They are led by major Vs under Guan Video such as Ma Dugong and Yu Dazhao.

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site:

After watching the movie, Supervisor Ma immediately made a video review.

He said that the Western quality education model has been proven to be wrong. Instead of cultivating high-quality talents, it has cultivated a group of illiterate people. Even a large number of people do not believe that the earth is round and think it is a conspiracy of the government.

For this reason, there are some smart people who make their own aircraft to prove that the earth is not round, but they are thrown to death.

If we continue to follow this so-called quality education, the result will be an increasingly solidified class.

Although Chen Mo’s educational methods in the movie are too extreme and not entirely desirable, removing the extreme parts is most suitable for the current national conditions.

Ma Dugong’s views have won the approval of many netizens, and many people have expressed their concerns.

As a result, the opposing side and the supporting side had a fierce confrontation on Weibo, Zhihu, Hupu and other major platforms.

But gradually, those who supported Explosive Drummer gained the upper hand.


Because ordinary people are always the most numerous.

When quality education is implemented, they suffer the greatest losses. Those with children have to spend a lot of money every year to attend various cram schools for their children.

There is no other way. If no changes are made to the admissions method and schools teach less and less, parents will have to pay to attend cram schools to avoid being left behind.

Those who do not have children are also worried that their children will become the leeks of the rich in the future.

This discussion lasted not for three days and five days, but for ten days and a half.

Multiple official media outlets came out to express their views, which went far beyond a discussion of a movie.

There is no way, education is always the most important thing for Chinese people.

Amid this great discussion, the box office of”Breaking Drummer” has also continued to rise, reaching 1.7 billion half a month after its release. It is definitely no problem for the domestic box office to exceed 2 billion.

However, overseas, it has been cold in large areas.

The countries with the best overseas box office performance are the United States and South Korea.

In the United States, relying on the popularity of the Oscars and the world’s largest market, the current box office has reached 32 million US dollars.

In South Korea, it grossed US$9 million at the box office, far exceeding the US$2 million or less in other regions.

It’s not surprising if you think about it carefully. The college entrance examination in South Korea is even more cruel than in China. Every student studies to death. They get up at five o’clock in the morning every day and go to bed at one o’clock in the evening.

(Station B has a documentary about South Korea’s college entrance examination. You can watch it when you have time. It’s so disappointing after watching it).

Therefore, South Korean audiences will identify more with the educational concepts expressed in the movie, and may even empathize with the protagonist and feel that only through extremely hard training and not going crazy can one succeed.

In other markets except the United States and South Korea, the box office is less than 2 million US dollars. Even in Britain, France, Germany and Japan, most of them only have tens to hundreds of thousands.

Lin Ran was not surprised by this. There were only a few countries in the world that valued education, and even fewer recognized Chen Mo’s educational methods in the movie.

There are so many people criticizing it even in China, not to mention those countries in the West that promote happiness education.

PS: Thank you to several book friends for their monthly support from [The Ten Thousand Years of Abnormality] [13532.3258.30] [15877.6546.23].

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