Burning Dream Pictures.

After the publicity staff noticed the movement on the Internet, they immediately reported to Wang Ziwen:

“Mr. Wang, a large number of posts slandering our film suddenly appeared on Weibo and Douban.”

“Let me see.”

Wang Ziwen immediately put down her work and went to Weibo to check the situation.

This sight made her frown.

At seventh on the hot search list, a hot topic #Charlotte Annoyed Ugly Women# appeared.

In recent days, Not only are public intellectuals rampant on Weibo, there is also a more radical group, that is, pastoral women’s rights.

These pastoral women’s rights do not pursue true equality between men and women, but want privileges.

Even if a woman cheats, they can clean it up It is the pursuit of love.

Anyway, as long as you are a woman, no matter what you do, it is right.

These pastoral women’s rights often preach that Chinese men are not worthy of Chinese women, that foreign men are of high quality and romantic, etc.

In fact, these pastoral women’s rights are not only They not only worship foreigners, but also engage in pimping behind the scenes.

They introduce Chinese women to foreign men to make money. This is already a complete industrial chain.

Unfortunately, many silly and sweet people are really They have been brainwashed into thinking that these pastoral feminist bloggers are really doing good for female compatriots, so they have become more and more radical and have become the accomplices of pastoral feminists.

In fact, these pastoral feminists are just talking about doctrines, and they are full of ideas in their hearts. It’s business!

Mi Meng is a typical representative of it!

Look at how many brainwashing articles she has written. It seems that every word is very clear and makes sense. It seems that if she follows this, she will succeed.

As a result, her own marriage They are all in a mess, do you still expect her to be your life mentor?

With the massive money from LeTV Pictures, these pastoral women’s rights immediately took action and linked up with the Beijing News’ commentary article to madly attack”Charlotte” for vilifying women.

Not only that. , they also wildly insulted Lin Ran and demanded that Lin Ran publicly apologize to female compatriots.

Even some official women’s newspapers and women’s federation department accounts came forward to criticize”Charlotte Troubles” and Lin Ran.

For a time, Lin Ran He was like a traitor and a lackey, trying to criticize him.

Affected by this trend, some female viewers who originally wanted to watch”Charlotte” chose not to watch it and instead watched”The Nine-Story Demon Tower””.

When Wang Ziwen saw this overwhelming smear campaign, she knew that the problem was serious, and her face became more and more ugly.

She immediately called Lin Ran

“Ziwen, it’s no big deal, are you relying on pastoral feminism to discredit us? They were afraid they would be disappointed.”

Lin Ran heard this and didn’t pay much attention.

Because he knew very well that pastoral women’s rights, despite their strong ability to create momentum, did not have a very good reputation on the Internet.

There were too many male compatriots who hated these extreme pastoralisms. Women’s rights.

Just like a few years later, those animal protection organizations caused a lot of resentment among netizens because their actions were too extreme.

Wang Ziwen frowned and felt that Lin Ran was a little too optimistic.

After hanging up the phone, she contacted Aliying again We have three investors, Wanda Pictures and Bona Pictures, and asked them to use their own publicity resources.

Alibaba is the second largest shareholder of Weibo. Although it is not directly involved in management, if there is a need now, it is okay to be biased..

Subsequently, Lin Ran’s fans, passers-by netizens who were dissatisfied with pastoral feminism, and the trolls bought by Ranmeng Pictures immediately started to fight against each other.

All day long, Weibo fell into a state of quarreling.

In the end,”Lin Ran’s Does”Charlotte Trouble” really vilify women?”This question also jumped directly to the first place on the hot list.

No. 29, 00:05

《”Charlotte’s Trouble” and”Nine-Storey Demon Tower” open at zero point at the same time.

Among them,”Charlotte Trouble” opened 21,000 shows directly, accounting for 13.6% of the day’s scheduled films.

Lin Ran obviously did this intentionally, which was to release the movie on a large scale one day in advance so that a large number of viewers could watch the movie and spread the word of mouth.

However,”Nine-Storey Demon Tower”, which has a poor reputation among screenings, only opened 1,170 times, accounting for 0.8% of the film schedule. Obviously, the producers lacked confidence and were afraid that if the movie had too many screenings, its reputation would suddenly collapse, which would affect the film’s official release. Arrange films.

After watching”The Genius” last time, Wang Qiang liked it very much.

After Lin Ran angrily criticized the Beijing News for”Wolf Warrior” and the ensuing fierce quarrel over patriotic topics, Wang Qiang liked Lin Ran even more and became a fan of Lin Ran.

Because he felt that in the entertainment industry, which generally had unhealthy views, there were simply too few people like Lin Ran.

Therefore, even if Lin Ran’s new movie suddenly broke out on the Internet, which vilified women and had unhealthy views, he chose to watch the show without any hesitation.

However, he was still a little worried about whether Lin Ran’s new film would be affected.

After all, women now account for more than half of moviegoers.

If it offends female audiences, the box office of the new film”Charlotte” will definitely be greatly affected.

When Wang Qiang walked into the cinema, he immediately put aside this worry

《The venue of”Charlotte Troubles” was not only full of people, but also a lot of female audience members

“The Internet and reality are indeed different.”

Wang Qiang sighed in his heart.

At 00:05,”Charlotte Troubles” was officially screened.

Then, there were no surprises. From the beginning to the end of the movie, the laughter continued in the cinema.

100 minutes, fleeting, let Many viewers felt that it was not enough to watch

“Hahaha, it really made me laugh to death”

“No wonder netizens who watched the movie said they can no longer watch”One Cut Plum” in the future.”

“Hahaha, Yuan Hua is so miserable!”

“If it’s going to be miserable, I’m going to be miserable, Jay Chou”

“Lin Ran is so crazy. How did he come up with these ideas? My hair fell out from laughing so hard.”

“Fortunately, I didn’t believe those slanderous rumors. This movie was so enjoyable to watch!”

“Wait until the National Day to come back again!”

As the midnight screening ended, a large number of netizens who had watched the movie went back and expressed their feelings about the movie on WeChat Moments, Weibo, Douban, Zhihu, Tieba, and ticket purchase websites. Almost all of them were Amway. Early the next morning,

Lin Then after waking up, I immediately checked the box office of the midnight show.

The box office was 46.03 million, accounting for 67.9% of the box office!

There is no doubt that it topped the single-day box office list.

And the ratings also came out, with Taopiao Piao as high as 9.2 and Douban 7.6.

It can be said that the zero-point screening of”Charlotte Troubles” was a great success!

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of [How can a heart beat when it is dead] [Lonely Wind].

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