Erhu and Sister Fa soon received a reminder from a friend that they were on the hot search.

At the same time, many people asked them if they were injured or something.

Erhu and Sister Fa didn’t expect that they would be the first in the hot search.

Each of them reported safety on Weibo, and focused on thanking Yebai, but did not say Yebai’s name.

Yebai didn’t know that he was on the hot search at this time.

It was almost twelve o’clock in the evening when he returned home, and today he first met Feng Timo, who teased him, and then met Erhu and Sister Fa.

With a stick on the shoulder, he returned home, took a shower at night, lay down on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

The next day, when Yebai woke up, he looked at his mobile phone and found that there were several WeChat messages and a message.

Erhu’s WeChat: “The matter of you saving us was photographed by netizens and transmitted to the Internet, you go to Weibo to take a look.” ”

Yebai hurriedly replied: “I just saw your WeChat now, I slept as soon as I got home last night.” ”

Then came Sister Fa’s WeChat: “Xiao Ye, look at Weibo, you are hot!” When will you invite me and Erhu to dinner? ”

Yebai also returned to Sister Fa: “Sister Fa, I don’t want to be angry, you exposed me, it should be you who invite me to dinner.” ”

The last WeChat message was Feng Timo’s, who also saw the video online.

Feng Timo: “Classmate Yebai, you actually saved Erhu and Sister Fa!!” You’re not hurt, are you?! ”

Yebai: “Thank you for your concern, it’s okay, it’s not wasted.” ”

After returning to WeChat, Yebai opened the message.

This is an unfamiliar phone number.

The message reads: Where is it now? Are you okay with your shoulders?

Yebai looked at the information and didn’t see who it was, was it Sister Su?

Wrong…… I have her phone number, in fact, Yebai doesn’t know many people in Tianhai City, and a personal name flashed in his mind….

Suddenly, he thought of someone, but he wasn’t sure.

Is it her?

It is possible for her, after all, when she auditioned, she had filled out a personal information form, and there was a contact information written on Yebai.

Yebai replied to the message of this strange number: “It’s okay, thank you, if you have time, let’s meet?” ”

Yebai replied to all the news, and then logged on Weibo and found that the first place in the hot search was ‘the male god from heaven beat up blacks’

The second hot search is ‘I need such a boyfriend’.

This hot search is the girl who is attracted by the white appearance of the night.

Even Yebai didn’t know that he now had a small-scale ‘support group’!

Sure enough, the world still looks at faces, and in less than 12 hours, Yebai became an Internet celebrity.

However, because Yebai did not open Weibo, no one could contact him.

The third hot search is still the title of the video taken last night.

And Erhu and Sister Fa are also on the hot search, both ranked after 20.

At this time, Yebai opened his information again, and he didn’t expect it when he saw his value.

Host: Night White

Gender: Male

Age: Eighteen

Worship value: 10256 points

Adoration value: 111588 points

Title: Junior rookie perfect male goddess

Power: 58 points

Literature: 10 o’clock

Art: 9 o’clock

Reaction: 13 o’clock

Combined: 14 points

More properties waiting for host activation

Worship is worth more than 10,000, and adoration is worth more than 110,000.

Now you can go to the system mall to find a treasure.

Primary Reaction Potion (50,000 points), Intermediate Reaction Potion (100,000 points), Advanced Reaction Potion (500,000 points. )

Reaction Potion: Greatly increases the host’s reaction speed, so that the host’s game ability can also be improved.

There are also various potions that can improve literary literacy, improve musical talent, sound quality and timbre.

[Attribute potions can only be purchased once per level].

As long as it is conceivable, there will be in this system.

Now for Yebai, there are several things that urgently need to be improved, game ability, talent ability, with these two items, at least live broadcast can not worry.

Ye Bai bought a Heavenly Sound potion with 50,000 Adoration Points, and a Jedi Escape Game Talent Potion with 50,000 Adoration Points.

The 110,000 adoration value suddenly became more than 10,000 points.

There is also a worship value that can improve its own attributes.

Ye Bai saw that there was a small plus sign behind his various attributes.

Last night, thanks to the Primary Strength Booster, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to get those three blacks.

Yebai clicked twice on the plus sign behind the power, and he found that his worship value was only a little more than eight thousand.

Just when Yebai was confused, the system immediately had a prompt.

[One thousand worship points can be exchanged for one attribute point.] 】

Nima, so expensive!

Ye Bai simply added all the remaining eight attributes to the reaction attributes.

Now, the attribute points of Yebai have increased significantly, and the comprehensive attribute has also increased by two points.

Power: 60 points

Literature: 10 o’clock

Art: 9 o’clock

Reaction: 21 o’clock

Combined: 16 points


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