Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 139 Win the championship!

Facing the audience standing up, Liu Qin took a serious bow.

On the side of the stage, Li Tianyin bit her pale lips tightly. At this time, there was no need for the judges to announce their wishes. The audience had already chosen the overall winner of the next queen.

You might lose, aren't you willing to accept it?

Li Tianyin thought she would be unwilling to give in, but when Liu Qin's last song moved the audience, she found that there was no trace of unwillingness at all.

Even her opponent was moved by Liu Qin's last song, which aroused those fragile nerves and awakened the inner feelings.

The entire audience was applauding. There were no shouts or whistles, just applause that seemed to never stop, echoing in the huge stage.

The camera turned to Liu Qin again.

She faced the camera with a quiet smile, but her hand holding the microphone was strong.

Her heart may not be calm at this time, and the song just now obviously made the audience cry and herself.

Pudding knew that he was going to go on stage at this time. If he didn't go on stage, I'm afraid the applause would never stop.

"Thank you Liu Qin for sending us the last song of this season's "Next Stop Queen". From everyone's applause, I heard appreciation, touch, and even reluctance..." Pudding came on stage to interrupt. sustained applause.

"First invite our other contestant, Li Tianyin, to the stage." After Pudding finished speaking, Li Tianyin had already walked onto the stage, and even gave Liu Qin a rare hug. Perhaps both of them already knew the answer at this time. .

Pudding smiled, gave a thumbs up, and continued to explain.

"This is a competition that lasted for nearly five months. It is recognized as the strongest one. Every one of our players has shed their sweat on this stage, and everyone who pays attention to our program has been fighting hard. , touched by the hard work of the audience!”

"The winner and runner-up of our next queen has always been left to the audience, so we are now about to open the national voting channel, which will last ten minutes. Please pick up your mobile phone and support Liu Qin. Edit Liu Qin's name and send it to 1433. Support Li Tianyin, edit the name and send it to 1433..."

"The champion will be born in your hands!" After Pudding finished speaking, the music suddenly became tense.

Under the camera, all the audience members have taken out their mobile phones and started to vote for their favorite players. At the same time, countless viewers in Long Kingdom who were watching the game in front of the TV also started to take out their mobile phones and put them in the editor's hands. The briefing that determines the championship.

A few minutes later, Pudding was prompted by a staff member and said with a smile: "More than 40 million people have voted so far, and the number of participants is still increasing. What do our four judges have at this time?" Want to say something?”

The camera showed the positions of the four judges.

Yi Bai was the first to speak: "The melody of "Peach Blossom" is ringing in my ears again, but Liu Qin's "Wild Son" is playing on a loop in my heart. I know that the competition for the championship and runner-up is very cruel for the two contestants. , but this is a competition, so no matter what the result is, please remember that they are equally good players!"

Ma Haoran also nodded: "They are two contestants with similar styles but completely different styles. Their talents are equally amazing and they have brought us countless excellent original songs. Although I prefer Liu Qin to win, but To be honest, Li Tianyin is also rare."

"Tianyin, great." Luo Bingqing glanced at Liu Qin apologetically, and said with a smile: "Liu Qin, there is no doubt about your strength, but Li Tianyin has something that you don't have yet. If it is I might choose Li Tianyin.”

"Li Tianyin, come on." Zhang Zonghuan was holding the table with both hands, staring at Liu Qin, and said with stern eyes: "Liu Qin, in fact, you have become the champion in my heart very early on."

Liu Qin and Li Tianyin bowed at the same time to thank the judges for their comments. In fact, the judges' comments at this time can only have a weak guiding role. It is the scene and the audience from all over the country that can decide the championship.

Following the comments of the four judges, Pudding suddenly raised his voice and said loudly: "Okay, ten minutes are up, voting stops!"

There was a sudden roar on the stage, and two bar charts on the same horizontal line appeared on the big screen. The bar chart temporarily showed the number of votes as 0.


Pudding glanced at the bar graph and then asked.

"Be careful pudding, the audience across the country is waiting for the result." Yi Bai joked.

The audience also laughed, and this interruption quietly relieved the tense atmosphere, while Liu Qin and Li Tianyin calmed down and waited for the result.

This scene was captured on camera, which heightened everyone's expectations for the outcome.

Pudding turned around, looked at the bar chart belonging to Li Tianyin and said, "Okay, let's take a look at the number of votes Li Tianyin got tonight, let's start!"

Swish, brush, brush!

The column chart suddenly started to rise, breaking through each level at a very fast speed.

One hundred thousand, one million, ten million, this number is rising like a rocket, and the audience's heartbeats are beating crazily with this violently rising number.

Thirty seconds later, the vote increase was finally full.

Sixty million...seventy million...eighty million...the number finally stopped at 83.52 million!

There was a roar and huge applause. Pudding's expression was also shocked and he loudly said: "Everyone has seen that our Li Tianyin has reached an unprecedented 83.52 million votes! Some people may be confused about this number. I don’t have such a clear concept. “Next Stop Queen” has been held for several times. With the number of votes Li Tianyin got today, she is a well-deserved champion in any previous event!”

"Eighty-three and a half million, Li Tianyin, what do you think of this number?"

Li Tianyin seemed to be dumbfounded at this moment. He said incoherently for a long time: "I...I...didn't expect...I didn't expect that there would be so many people supporting me..."

"In fact, you are the darling of the show crew. You are the super popular contestant Li Tianyin. Your existence itself is a powerful proof."

Li Tianyin gritted her teeth and said no more. At this time, she could no longer say any unnecessary words, but her despairing heart was quietly warming up. With such an approval rate, it seemed that she would not necessarily... lose!

With 80 million votes, in any previous session, it would have ended in last place!

Pudding's eyes turned to Liu Qin: "What about you, Liu Qin? Do you have any ideas at this time?"

"Congratulations to Li Tianyin." After Liu Qin finished speaking, he turned to look at his own column chart and said softly: "Let's get started."

Pudding was stunned, followed by a wry smile. This was his host's job at first, but Liu Qin did it for him unexpectedly. What's even more interesting is that the backstage seemed to be shocked by Liu Qin's domineering power. The column chart was announced by Liu Qin. After it started, it also started to rise crazily.

"Master Qin!" Pudding could only say these two words in the end. This player was really domineering.

In the audience, the audience seemed to be infected by Liu Qin's domineering power. They stared at Liu Qin's crazy jumping column chart and shouted: "Master Qin! Master Qin!"

"60 million..."

"70 million..."

"80 million……"

When Liu Qin also reached 80 million, Li Tianyin's bright eyes dimmed again. She was destined to lose, because even when the number reached 80 million, there was still no... weakening trend.

"Ninety million, and it's still moving!" Pudding's face was already shocked.

At this moment, the audience seemed to have been beaten to death and screamed even more crazily, as if the roof of the entire stage was about to be knocked down: "Master Qin, Master Qin!"

"Eight zeros after one word, it's over 100 million! It's over 100 million!" Suddenly, as Pudding shouted this terrifying number, even the faces of the four judges turned red!

Backstage, the chief director Yang Zhi had exposed veins on his forehead and shouted in an extremely tight and depressed voice: "Master Qin... Master Qin! Over 100 million, over 100 million, over 100 million!"

Liu Qin smiled peacefully under the lights in the center of the stage.

In the third row of the auditorium facing each other, the corners of Luoyang's mouth curled up to the same degree.

The stage speakers resounded with host Pudding's almost crazy roar: "Liu Qin's final number of votes is 138.6 million! 138.62 million! This is "Next" "Standing on the Queen" is a unique achievement, unprecedented, and may never be seen again! She has created history, and Qin Ye will be a milestone in "The Queen of the Next Stage"!

(The next stop is Queen. This plot has both praise and criticism. Fortunately, it is finally over. You should also notice that the recent plots are converging, because at this time, the first volume is about to end, and the second volume will start again in Luoyang. , embarking on a path that is consistent with the introduction. Do you need to vote to celebrate at this time?)

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