Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 182 Five Centimeters per Second (2)

Although the comic has ended, its impact has begun to ferment at a terrifying speed.

After ten o'clock, the Tiandu University forum went completely crazy.

Because the shady incident caused a lot of commotion in the forum, Luoyang posted that when the work was published tonight, many people secretly decided to go and see it.

As a result, countless students who had watched "5 Centimeters per Second" out of curiosity could no longer remain rational. They all appeared in unison and posted frantically on the Tiandu University forum, venting the pent-up depression in their hearts.

"Luoyang, you died for me and changed the ending for me @Luoyang!"

"Strongly request to change the ending! Otherwise I will never watch any of your works again @Luoyang!"

""Five Centimeters per Second", I'm so fucked up that I won't let anyone sleep @Luoyang!"

"I cried so much that my eyes were already swollen. If the ending doesn't change, I will go to Luoyang tomorrow to talk about my life. @Luoyang."

"Let's go together! If we don't change the ending, we will go to the Art Department to find him @Luoyang tomorrow!"

" @Luoyang, brother, you are my biological brother. Please change the ending. I can accept it even if Hua Miao and Guishu are together!"

"Damn it, Guishu is such a scumbag. A girl as good as Hua Miao won't accept her. She has clearly seen his intentions a long time ago."

"It's not Hua Miao's problem now, it's the ending's problem. Why should Guishu lose Akari? The ending must be changed! @Luoyang!"

" @Luoyang, you bastard! You bastard, what a scene it would be like for the four old men in our dormitory to hug each other and cry!"

It's a mess, it's a complete mess!

Tiandu University’s forum activity has broken the previous record of highest activity.

How many people who have been diving for 10,000 years have been exposed and posted crazy posts to vent their dissatisfaction!

Every time it is refreshed, countless new posts will pop up like mushrooms after a spring rain, and some posts that are even too aggressive will be deleted by the administrator.

Finally, the forum administrator of Tiandu University personally posted a post, which changed the atmosphere slightly——

"Everyone, listen to me. Our Teacher Luo, our Young Master Luo, is acting arrogant right now. Don't forget how a bunch of people in the forum slandered him before, saying that there was a shady story in the comic contest and that he was not worthy of the palace. Xue Yi is tied for first place, why are you changing your focus now? Even when I saw dozens of guys who had slandered Luoyang as having a shady story, they also asked Mr. Luo to change the ending angrily? "

"You have to help Master Luo get back as much as you have suffered. Otherwise, how could Master Luo be in the mood to change the ending for you? Okay, without further ado, let me first @President Li Qing, @Comic Girls Palace Xueyi, please apologize to Master Luo!"

As soon as this post came out, it immediately reminded everyone of the unfair treatment Luoyang had received before.

So they quickly found a new way to post, and countless new posts immediately appeared on the forum.

"Sure, I have doubted Mr. Luo before. I must apologize to Mr. Luo. Now @President Li Qing, please apologize to Mr. Luo!"

"I admit that I was a little jealous of Luoyang before. Now I also apologize. I was wrong, Mr. Luo. In addition, @President Li Qing, @Manga Girl Gong Xueyi, please apologize to Mr. Luo!"

“ @President Li Qing, if you don’t apologize, the consequences will be serious and you will cause public outrage!”

" @Comic girl Gong Xueyi, everyone is not stupid. You also contributed to Li Qing's posts before. Please come out and apologize to Mr. Luo."

" @Comic girl Gong Xueyi, no matter how scheming you are, do you really think that you are the best in the world? Even if Mr. Luo goes to draw comics, he is no worse than any professional! So now I seriously suspect that you are the one who is really behind the scenes, right? "

" @Li Qing, Vice President, I am also a member of the Student Union, but at this moment I ask you to apologize for your previous slander against Mr. Luo!"

" @Li Qing, @Manga Girl Gong Xueyi, please apologize, otherwise we will ask the school to handle this matter, because your slander has caused harm to Mr. Luo."

" @Li Qing, didn't President Li Qing talk about a shady story before? Damn it, is this also called a shady story?"

" @The comic girl Gong Xueyi, I suspect that Gong Xueyi's work is tied for first place with "5 Centimeters per Second", so it's really shady!!"

Someone else took a screenshot of Gong Xueyi’s reply to Li Qing’s post.

"Thank you Li Qing. This matter should be brought to an end. There is nothing to worry about in the first place."

These were Gong Xueyi's original words in reply to the post at that time. There was obviously a thorn in the words, and they set a new tone after Li Qing's post. Now, of course, countless people have picked it up.


Li Qing was playing cards with several roommates in the dormitory.

Ding dong... ding dong... ding dong...

Li Qing's cell phone suddenly started ringing.

"Qingzi, what's wrong?" Several roommates looked at Li Qing's mobile phone and asked.

Li Qing picked up the phone and said with a smile: "My school forum account is bound to a mobile phone number, so if someone @me, I can receive it immediately."

"Wow, you are worthy of being the vice-president of the student union. We are also bound to the campus forum, but there are really not many people @who have passed us." Several roommates said with envy. Every sound represents a @@].

Li Qing's cell phone has been ringing so many times, which means there are too many people on the forum @.

Ding dong... ding dong... ding dong... ding dong... ding dong... ding dong...

The sound kept coming, and Li Qing was secretly shocked. This was the first time he encountered so many @frequencies, but on the surface he showed a faint smile: "Where did you get it now? I remember at most one @before. ] more than this time.”

He turned on his phone and clicked on @'s post. As soon as he clicked on @'s post, his face immediately became extremely ugly!

"Qingzi, what's wrong?"

"Why do you look so ugly?"

"Did something happen?"

Several roommates asked one after another, and one of them also took out his mobile phone and logged into the campus forum.

"Damn it, what the hell... Qingzi exploded!"

When the roommate who logged into the forum saw the endless posts, he screamed in surprise.

Upon hearing this, several roommates quickly logged into the Tiandu University forum, but as soon as they entered, they were shocked by the posts inside.

"Lee Qing apologizes!"

"Li Qing, apologize to Master Luo immediately!"

"Gong Xueyi comes out and asks Mr. Luo for forgiveness!"

"Gong Xueyi, Li Qing, you two apologize immediately!"

The posts that were being refreshed like crazy made several roommates stunned for a moment: "Qingzi, what did you and Gong Xueyi do that so many people want you to apologize for?"

Ding dong... ding dong... ding dong... ding dong... ding dong... ding dong...

The phone continued to ring. In the past, this was Li Qing's capital to show off his popularity.

But today, listening to the countless noises, he even forgot to turn off the phone, but instead pressed down the circuit board of the phone with trembling fingers.


Gong Xueyi is drawing a new comic book.

The white mobile phone suddenly rang.

Ding dong... ding dong... ding dong... ding dong...

"What's going on?" Gong Xueyi frowned slightly. She naturally knew that it was because of someone @on the forum.

But with so many repeated ding-dong sounds and the phone ringing non-stop, there must be something wrong with the phone.

She stopped writing, picked up her phone and took a look. She was stunned for a moment——

"Gong Xueyi, please apologize to Mr. Luo immediately!"

"Gong Xueyi, do you really think you are a goddess? Do you think Luo Shao's ranking first is a shady secret?"

"I seriously doubt Gong Xueyi that your comics are not qualified to be ranked alongside Mr. Luo. You are the shady one!"

"Gong Xueyi, stop playing tricks and please come out and apologize to Mr. Luo immediately!"

"If you don't apologize, the consequences may be serious. Come out and apologize!"

"She is so self-righteous. Fortunately, she is a professional cartoonist. She has not dared to apologize for so long!"

"How could you treat me like this..."

"I am...I am Gong Xueyi..."

Gong Xueyi looked extremely pale and gently held the chair.

She has been the proud daughter of God since childhood, but this is the first time she has been treated so roughly.

Countless people have forced themselves to apologize, and even some people who usually call themselves goddesses are now so serious about asking themselves to apologize...

This made her, a pure white swan, unable to accept this fact for a while.

Ding dong... ding dong... ding dong...

Ding dong... ding dong... ding dong...

The sound that kept ringing stimulated her nerves over and over again. She couldn't bear it anymore and slammed the phone down.


Gong Xueyi's eyes were red, the life-threatening ding-dong sound suddenly stopped, and the phone turned into a corpse and fell into pieces.

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