Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 185 Careless

Of course, staying up all night does not include Luoyang.

Comic fans are crying, but this guy sleeps sweeter than anyone else.

When he got up the next day, Luoyang found that Hua Qi had come early and brought him a morning meal.

Luoyang picked up a bun and started eating it. While eating the bun, Luoyang found that there was a newspaper on the table that Hua Qi bought outside, so he picked up the newspaper and started reading it.

"Boss, someone from the contemporary comics industry contacted me and asked if you are interested in becoming a contracted cartoonist in the contemporary comics industry." Hua Qi said.

Luoyang was stunned, then shook his head and said: "Reject it over there, I have no intention of giving up novels and turning to the comics industry."

It is true that he has many classic comics in his mind, but drawing these comics is undoubtedly a huge project, and Luoyang really doesn't have the time to complete it now.

"Okay." Hua Qi nodded, as she expected.

My boss has always been careless about comics, but his true love is novels.

After a while, Hua Qi suddenly asked: "By the way, boss, are you still going to school today?"

"Go, of course, why do you ask such a strange question?" Luoyang glanced at Hua Qi in confusion.

"Well, then you can continue reading the newspaper." Hua Qi smiled mysteriously, without explaining, but moved her notebook and started working on the sofa.

Luoyang felt baffled and his eyes returned to the newspaper.

""Korean group ABC's new album is a hit, making them the most profitable idols at the moment."

""It is rumored that martial arts novels are expected to participate in the selection of the Dragon Kingdom Era Classic Award this year."

""The next runner-up of the Queen, Su San, is ready for her single. It is reported that she has worked hard to practice her dance skills for the new song."

This is an entertainment newspaper, mostly about new developments in the entertainment industry.

Even trivial things about some celebrities have been written down by reporters, making it clear who is popular and who is not.

As he continued reading, a piece of news caught Luoyang's attention, because although this news did not occupy a large space, the protagonist of the report was himself.

"It was in the newspaper again?" Luoyang smiled.

This is not the first time he has appeared in newspapers. He had also appeared in newspapers several times before when he wrote "Seven Weapons".

"Martial arts master Luoyang cross-border creation, comic works make readers burst into tears" - this report is related to the comic released by Luoyang last night.

"Last night at nine o'clock, the youngest martial arts master in the Dragon Kingdom once again appeared in the public eye. However, it was not a new martial arts work, but his cross-border comic work "Five Centimeters Per Second". Countless readers entered this with curiosity. After reading this cartoon, I burst into tears and couldn’t sleep all night!”

"This is an extremely touching love comic. The childhood sweethearts finally lost to time and space. In the comment section of the contemporary comic circle, a total of three million comic fans have asked Luoyang to change the ending, otherwise they will go to Tiandu University. Block the door..."


Before he finished reading the newspaper, Luoyang spit out the half-drinked soy milk.

Hua Qi seemed to have expected this scene, holding her stomach and laughing.

Luoyang finally understood what Hua Qi meant by letting him read the newspaper. He smiled bitterly: "Are there readers trying to block me at the school gate?"

He recalled the last time "Seven Weapons" was released, and saw countless students leaning against the window to watch it. He couldn't help but shook his head, with black lines on his face.

And this time, there seems to be more movement. Although the newspaper does not occupy a large space and only touches on this sentence, Luoyang can imagine the readers' feelings after seeing the finale of "5 Centimeters per Second", and Block your own determination...

Hua Qi shook her head and said: "Boss, the current situation is that boss, there are countless students in your school asking you to change the ending. In order to let you change the ending, the vice president of your school's student union, as well as the comics Gong Xueyi was forced by readers to publicly apologize to you on the forum."

As an assistant, you naturally have to pay attention to all aspects of your boss.

Hua Qi has also been paying attention to the latest trends in the shady events at the Tiandu University Forum.

Last night, Li Qing apologized, and then Gong Xueyi apologized. Hua Qidu saw it immediately.

Luoyang was stunned: "You mean...the two of them publicly apologized to me on our school forum?"

He has always had the habit of going to bed early and getting up early, so naturally he didn't know about Li Qing and Gong Xueyi's apology around 12 o'clock.

Hua Qi nodded and said: "Actually, they are very reluctant, but there is nothing they can do, because they were forced by thousands of students from Tiandu University to apologize. If they don't apologize, this matter may not be resolved. "

Luoyang smiled, understanding in his heart.

He asked the contemporary comic industry to release "Five Centimeters per Second" at nine o'clock in order to clear himself. Slapping Li Qing in the face was just a matter of course, otherwise the opponent would jump up and down, jumping up and down very hard.

As for Gong Xueyi, the other party just paid a price for his character.

After thinking about it, Luoyang shook his head and said, "I still have to avoid it. Hua Qi remember to ask for leave for me."

Even Li Qing and Gong Xueyi were forced to apologize. If they ran to school by themselves, wouldn't they be a sheep in a tiger's mouth?

"Well, boss, what are you going to do today?"

"Of course we're changing the ending of "Five Centimeters per Second"." Luoyang said matter-of-factly: "If we change the ending, things will be over. Hello, I'm good, everyone."

Now it was Hua Qi's turn to be stunned: "Change the ending? Boss, are you serious?"

"Of course it's true, but it just takes a day or two." Luoyang said nonchalantly.

Hua Qi was a little confused: "But... boss, this is your work, how can you tolerate readers telling you what to do?"

Okay, the above sentence is a nice version. In fact, Hua Qi’s inner thought is: Damn it, boss, how can you be so shameless? You don’t have any perseverance that belongs to an artist. Readers will give up before they do anything to you. Got it!

As an assistant, you must keep your complaints in mind, Hua Qiru thought.

"The minority obeys the majority. Since so many people want me to change the ending, then I'll change it. This may be my only comic anyway." Luoyang is not prepared to touch comics again in the future.

Moreover, there is actually another reason for being willing to change the ending.

That is, there is still a plot in "Five Centimeters per Second" after Guishu and Akari miss each other.

This plot was cut out of the previous movie version, but it was retained in the comic version.

And compared to the movie, this ending is easier to accept, because this version is not sad.

The plot of this version is...

Guishu and Akari passed by each other, and after the long train ended, they found that the other party's figure had disappeared.

Guishu was stunned for a long time, really thinking about a lot of things in his mind, but in the end he smiled with relief, turned around and left.

But then one day, when he walked to a park near his home, he suddenly saw a somewhat familiar figure.

And this familiar figure is none other than the innocent girl who had a crush on Guishu for three years but never confessed to her... Hua Miao.

It turns out that Hua Miao has been single for so many years and has never forgotten Guishu in her heart. After finding out that Guishu would appear nearby, she often tried her luck here.

On this day, Guishu saw flower seedlings.

On this day, Hua Miao also saw Guishu.

The comic ends again, this time the two...

Are they just passing each other like Akari, or are they just holding hands, unwilling to let go of each other?

Luoyang doesn't even need to modify the so-called ending, just add this plot.

This is an open ending, which vaguely hints that Takaki and Hanae will be together soon. There are mixed reviews about this past life. Some people think that this loses the original intention of the comic. Some people think that this ending makes up for Takaki's regret of missing Akari. .

In short, judging from this ending, the male protagonist Guishu is not tragic.

When creating "Five Centimeters Per Second", Luoyang did not show the ending because he felt that the story was too late and it was just right.

But now comic fans are not happy, so Luoyang can only add this ending. I think everyone will understand a lot, after all, he has already compromised without a bottom line...

Luoyang took out a set of painting tools for drawing comics and continued painting under Hua Qi's extremely contemptuous gaze.

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