Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 196 New Song Hits Chart

On June 1st, many singers in the music industry released new albums.

This is Children's Day, a statutory holiday in the Dragon Kingdom. Moreover, this is a country where piracy has disappeared, so the market will undoubtedly be busier than usual on this day, not to mention that it happens to be the beginning of the month, which can be regarded as a prime date for releasing an album.

Major record channels have begun to distribute products, and new albums from countless singers have been put on sale.

The sales results are still unknown, but in the June Golden Songs Chart of Longguo Music Network, the title songs of countless new albums have begun to compete fiercely!

"The beginning of the month of Entering the Dragon is here again."

"I guess the little diva Sun Feifei is about to dominate the June hit charts!"

"Liu Qin's new album will also be released in June. I don't know how it will end..."

"I guess she can be ranked at the top. After all, Liu Qin's songs have always been of high quality, but she can't even think about the first place."

"Don't forget how scary Sun Feifei's fan group is. In March last year, relying on her fans to boost the charts, she even managed to defeat a would-be diva. Although the method was disgraceful, everyone was shocked in the end!"

All major media are paying attention, and popular singers such as Sun Feifei and Liu Qin have released albums, but most people are obviously more optimistic about Sun Feifei.

Sun Feifei's market appeal has been verified many times. Although this female singer always has scandals of one kind or another, the quality of her songs is unquestionable, so there are still many people who like her.

In addition, Feifei Sun's fans are very experienced in ranking, and they will give a large number of five-star evaluation votes to Feifei Sun's songs from the beginning to improve the song's rating.

At the same time, Sun Feifei's fans will also give a large number of black votes to songs that threaten Sun Feifei's status, forcing down the opponent's rating - usually only bad songs will get black votes.

And Liu Qin is just starting out. This is her first album and her first time participating in the charts, so she is not favored by many people.

But after all, Liu Qin carries the title of champion of "Next Stop Queen", so even though she is not favored, no one ignores her.

When major albums come out, Longguo Music Network has also arranged recommended positions to promote some new songs worth looking forward to this month.

As the biggest celebrity in June, Feifei Sun’s song has won the most obvious new song recommendation position on Longguo Music Network.

At the beginning, Feifei Sun's album's title song "My Heart Beats for You" also lived up to expectations. As soon as it landed, it directly shot to the top of various indexes on the golden song chart.

This song called "My Heart Beats for You" is catchy but also full of certain connotations.

The ups and downs of the tune are wonderfully performed by Feifei Sun. The little diva is well-deserved, and the quality of the songs has been praised repeatedly.

The songs on Longguo Music Network are graded into five stars, but those that can get a five-star rating are classics that can be circulated for many years!

Sun Feifei's "My Heart Beats for You" easily received a three-star high-quality rating, with more than 10 million listens and more than 6 million collections. The performance is very strong and it is entirely possible to become a four-star song in the future. !

This is a very rare achievement, because a three-star rating generally means that the quality of the song is up to standard and it is a good song recognized by the public.

Under normal circumstances, "My Heart Beats for You" has a gratifying listening volume, the highest number of collections, and a three-star rating. It is not difficult to become the number one hit in June. After all, the major indices are there.

But this month seems a little special, because no one expected that a song would receive a four-star rating!

Moreover, this song also landed on the Golden Melody Chart with an extremely powerful attitude, surpassing Sun Feifei's "My Heart Beats for You" and becoming the new champion of the Golden Melody Chart——

It's Liu Qin's new song, "Meet".

It has eight million listens and over six million collections.

Coupled with the terrifying four-star rating, this shocked countless people!

In addition to the listening volume, all major statistics of "Meet" have completely surpassed "My Heart Is For You"!

So although the number of listens fell by two million, the other data of "Meet" abruptly improved its index, making the song beat "My Heart Beats for You" and became the temporary number one on the new song chart in June.

Everyone was surprised——

Because anyone who pays attention to this area will know that on Longguo Music Network, the largest music website platform, it is really difficult for a new song to get a four-star rating.

Not to mention whether the quality of the songs holds up.

Just those singers who are jealous of you and dislike you can bring down the ranking of a song.

Therefore, any song will start from two or three stars at the beginning and slowly rise, because in the initial competition period, there will always be some unwarranted black votes.

But the song "Meet" received a four-star rating from the beginning, which undoubtedly shows that the quality of the song "Meet" has the potential to be a five-star song, and it easily conquered the audience's ears from the beginning!

Many fans who had not heard of "Meet" saw this song ranked first and clicked in out of curiosity.

As a result, countless fans were surprised to find that this song called "Meet" was unexpectedly good!

"First time listening, a classic!"

"Is this the birth of a five-star song?"

"Liu Qin's first album is going to show off the little diva!?"

"This is too scary, a song that got a four-star rating right from the beginning!"

"The song is indeed great. Liu Qin's strength has not declined, but has improved slightly!"

Amid the critical acclaim, "Meet" became more and more powerful, and even began to distance itself from the second place.

No one expected that Liu Qin's first time on the rankings would be able to defeat Sun Feifei, the little queen of the Dragon Kingdom, on June 1st!

Moreover, you must know that the recommendation position received by the music network for "Meet" is just a very ordinary new song recommendation, and the position is not conspicuous, which makes it even more rare.

Sun Feifei has a dedicated group of fans who support her in the charts and fight for her. As a result, the number one position is currently occupied by Liu Qin. Is it because Liu Qin’s songs are too good or her fans’ cohesion is too strong? ?

"Sun Feifei must be dumbfounded, right?"

"But the first place in the end belongs to Sun Feifei."

"Yes, the navy behind Feifei Sun is famously powerful. It is said that it is supported by the company. In order to help Feifei Sun become a real diva, by removing the small print in front of her, Glory Records has spared no effort."

"And her fans are sending black votes, and they can blacklist a song every minute."

"Liu Qin's company is actually very strong, Dingsheng Entertainment. However, Dingsheng Entertainment supports many female singers, so I guess they may not be willing to invest in them."

In the music industry, many rankings do not mean you are the most popular. If you have more fans, you will definitely get the number one spot. Someone can manipulate the rankings to a certain extent by buying trolls, casting negative votes, or using five stars.

Unless they are true queens, many celebrities will have no choice but to retreat when they encounter such opponents when their new songs are on the charts.


Sun Feifei was indeed dumbfounded.

The title song of the album that she had high hopes for was recommended by the best resources and received crazy votes from fans, but it was actually killed by a newcomer who was new to the music scene?

"Dabao, what's going on!" After coming back to her senses, Sun Feifei looked at a fat man with fierce eyes.

The man trembled when he heard this. He was Sun Feifei's manager Dabao. Logically speaking, managers shouldn't be so afraid of their own artists, but Dabao knew that Sun Feifei was not just her own artist.

She is also the sister-in-law of the company director.

Otherwise, why would such a female singer with a poor reputation always be praised by the company even if she has good singing skills and looks good?

In fact, it is not difficult to find a female singer with such conditions. It is simply because there are people in the court, and the influence of the company director is undoubtedly great.

"Liu Qin is not an ordinary female singer. She is the champion of "Next Stop Queen" and is really talented in originality..." Dabao explained while wiping his sweat.

"Of course I know she is the champion of "Next Stop Queen", but which of the previous "Next Stop Queen" champions has really become a queen? The ones who do best are just wandering back and forth between the first and second tiers! "Sun Feifei interrupted Dabao coldly.

Looking at the ranking of the website again, Sun Feifei's anger gradually simmered: "Can a newcomer climb to my head? The little queen, the next queen, if she wants to be on top, she must at least be ranked behind me. I Sun Feifei’s qualifications have already made her the Queen of Heaven, the only difference is that she just missed the mark.”

"You don't need me to teach you what to do, Dabao?"

"I know, I know! Don't worry, Feifei, start taking action at night, and you will still be the champion tomorrow!" Dabao nodded immediately and said as if to ensure that as for what to do at night, Dabao is already familiar with it.

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