Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 208 The thigh of the Internet literary world

Tang Muling was very happy.

Because just now, my idol Baiyi Qingcheng praised my work for being very creative.

The feeling of being praised by your idol is undoubtedly very satisfying. It is the same for men and women. After all, being recognized by an idol is a very honorable thing, not to mention that the words "white clothes allure" are used in online articles. The world represents many meanings.

After finishing the chat, Tang Muling started coding today.

Although the idol Bai Yi Qingcheng was in her friends list, and the other party had previously agreed to accept her as a disciple, Tang Muling did not dare to really declare that she was Bai Yi Qingcheng's disciple.

Because she was worried that Bai Da was just joking...

If he takes it seriously, I'm afraid it will make Bai Da unhappy.

Even Tang Muling didn't dare to chat with Bai Da easily. His series of achievements in the Internet literary world were so dazzling that she was worried about disturbing this supreme god who was busy with everything.

I finally mustered up the courage to take the initiative to chat today...

However, after receiving the affirmation, Tang Muling found that she was even more motivated to code.

After updating the latest chapter in her hand, Tang Muling began to click on her author's backend to upload it.

But when she just finished uploading, Tang Muling suddenly froze, staring at her collection of works with a pair of big eyes, filled with incredible light——

One and a half million collections!

Why did my own "Doomsday Overlord" suddenly become a collection of 1.5 million?

Obviously in the morning, there were still 900,000 collections. It was struggling to reach the one million collection mark. How could it suddenly reach the terrifying number of 1.5 million.

Tang Muling seriously suspected that there was a technical bug in the backend of the website.

Because in her impression, even if she got a big recommendation, her collection would not increase by 600,000 in just a few hours.

“The website’s system is always having trouble.”

Tang Muling curled her lips. This number was really exaggerated. While complaining, Tang Muling clicked on her book review area. When she saw the book reviews in the book review area, her eyes suddenly froze.

"It was recommended by Bai Da. It seems like this book is pretty good."

"Well, this idea seems to be okay. This is the first time someone has written about something like the end of the world."

"Although there have been some reports about the end of the world, they are actually fake news. However, this thing was actually written by the author of the Internet article. It seems quite interesting. No wonder Bai Dachai pushed it."

"I'm just curious, what is the relationship between the author Tang Muling and our Bai Da, so that Bai Da Zhang can recommend..."

"I came here on the recommendation of Tongbaida. The book is good. I have collected it and will prepare it for later."

"I guess this book is going to be very popular. After all, the people who are optimistic about this book are the supreme gods of the Internet right now!"

"What! Bai Da gave me a stamp!?"

Looking at the book review section, Tang Muling felt as if she had been hit by a huge surprise. She was a little dizzy for a while, and her heart was beating more and more violently.

After being in a hurry for a while, she finally calmed down. Tang Muling immediately clicked on "Panlong", which had long been at the top of the charts. The result was a surprising discovery -

In today's latest chapter of "Coiling Dragon", Baiyi Qingcheng is recommending his own work to readers: "The Doomsday Overlord"!

No wonder the collection has skyrocketed!

It’s not a system failure at all!

Those collections were all brought to him by Bai Da!

However, even though she understood this, Tang Muling was still a little shocked.

If a book is serialized on the Internet, if you want to get more collections, you need to gain large-scale exposure, so the recommended positions arranged by the website every week are particularly important.

The effects of each major recommendation are also different. On Fengyun Novel Network, a recommendation called Dafengchui has the best effect among all the recommended positions. It is said that it can increase the collection by half a million in one day.

However, Bai Da's promotion of this chapter has already earned him a total of 600,000 collections in just a few hours!

What a terrible data this is, what a terrible influence it has, and what does this terrible number mean at the moment?

This shows that the influence of "Panlong" has completely surpassed the recommendations brought by the website. If anyone wins Bai Da's favor, although it will not reach the sky in the Internet literary world, it will be easy to get along like a fish in water from then on. !

After Tang Muling was excited, she realized that this was her chance.

Originally, she didn't have much hope for this book's new book monthly ticket sales list.

But Bai Da’s chapter recommendation was like a divine weapon descending from heaven, and he suddenly qualified himself to fight with anyone on the new book monthly ticket list!

After calming down, she immediately started typing. If she couldn't compete in the new book monthly ticket list despite Bai Dazhang's recommendation, then she would be too disappointed.


Finally, another chapter was written, and Tang Muling published it without hesitation.

In addition, Tang Muling also solemnly thanked Bai Da for the chapter recommendation after the article, and... asked for monthly votes.

To be honest, Tang Muling is actually also very curious about how valuable the chapters of Bai Da's "Cang Long" are.

As a result, after this chapter was released, the number of monthly votes for "Doomsday Overlord" immediately began to increase crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ninth place...

eight place……

seventh place...

Tang Muling was stunned.

Isn’t the monthly ticket increase too fierce?

The people at the top of the new book monthly ticket list were also confused.

"The push for the chapter of "Panlong" is so fierce that I can't stand it anymore."

"As expected of Bai Da, no matter how close he is, he can still be so invincible..."

"Brothers from the top three, come on and keep your chrysanthemum, "Doomsday Overlord" is going to heaven!"

They have obviously begun to ask for monthly tickets, but it seems that the current situation is still far from being able to offset the terrible influence brought by the words "White Clothes Alluring City".

Book review section for "The Last Overlord".

"The monthly voting results for the book recommended by Bai Da are so pitiful that all the brothers got up and voted!"

"Yes, this is a matter of face. How can you not vote? Speed ​​is the top priority."

"I was also recommended by Bai Da, but I'm worried about what will happen to our "Coiling Dragon" if I vote for "The Doomsday Overlord". After all, there are only so many monthly tickets for one account..." Some readers expressed their weakness. asked.

"Upstairs, I am a new fan of Bai Da. With hundreds of thousands of monthly tickets, Bai Da will not take it seriously at all. Bai Da has never asked for votes on the monthly ticket list, but he will always be the first. No. There is a shortage of people to vote for Bai Da!”

"Yes, Bai Da will not take the votes we cast for "Doomsday Overlord" to heart."

"Coiling Dragon" is so powerful that it tops the list. Even if it doesn't ask for any votes, it will always be the well-deserved number one.

Therefore, some readers of "Coiling Dragon" can easily vote for "Doomsday Overlord" with their monthly votes, because that dragon no longer requires everyone to vote with all their strength in order to maintain its honor.

As a result, "The Doomsday Overlord" began to soar all the way on the new book monthly ticket list, and countless pink chrysanthemums bloomed!

the fifth place……

fourth place……

Third place...

When "Doomsday Overlord" reached the third place, the first two felt that their anus was also hot and full of danger of being exploded at any time.

However, they have not given up yet and continue to ask for monthly votes with explosive updates. However, it is a pity that the chapter promotions of "Coiling Dragon" are still exuding power, and "Doomsday Overlord" is unstoppable.

That night, "The Doomsday Overlord" successfully topped the new book monthly ticket list!

Many readers voted for the book without even reading what was written in "The Doomsday Overlord".

The fact that this book was recommended by Bai Da was enough reason. Several people who had been demoted on the new book monthly ticket list were still suffering at the moment.

They are convinced and aggrieved at the loss of this monthly ticket battle. After all, who makes them have nothing to do with Allure in White?

If someone gets along well with Bai Da, and one chapter is pushed down, the pace will be incredible! This "Doomsday Overlord" is the most obvious example.

This incident has aroused widespread attention in the Internet literary world. Countless people in Long Kong even shouted, saying that "Canglong" is a phenomenal work that comprehensively surpasses "Wushuang", and it is Baiyi Qingcheng's personal influence that has reached A milestone at the pinnacle!

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