Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 261 Music Bacteria

After eating, Luoyang returned to the study and was in a daze.

Well, to be precise, I'm not in a daze, but thinking about the problem.

When he was thinking about the problem, his eyes were unfocused and his expression was dull. He really looked like he was in a daze.

Luoyang is thinking about the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony will be held next Monday, leaving Luoyang with only a few days. It would be a bit bad if nothing is prepared.

What should I say in my speech at the opening ceremony?

Luoyang's brain was running rapidly, and during this operation, countless educational classics from previous lives flashed through his mind.

Such as the barrel theory, broken window theory, magnetization effect, Aetna effect, racket effect, etc., they are all available.

What else is there about genius that depends on acquired education, using the principle of diminishing returns, cultivating all-round talents, not clouding children's rationality, etc. He also knows it by heart...

Things similar to the world's top ten educational theories appeared one after another in Luoyang's mind.

In addition, major works by Confucius, Socrates, Zhu Xi, Aristotle, Tao Xingzhi and other super giants in the educational field also flashed through Luoyang's mind.

Among them, Confucius, Zhu Xi and other great masters before the Ming Dynasty naturally have to pass, because the works of these two people will be familiar to the people of Longguo.

The history of this world changed after the Ming Dynasty, so what Luoyang has to consider can naturally only be things after the Ming Dynasty, otherwise a good speech may be a joke.

When facing new students, adopt the theories of major educators.

It seems that the meaning of preaching is too heavy and lacks enough shock.

Those who can enter Tiandu University are very well-educated. As a senior, I am a role model for many students. I have to say something different, otherwise why would I agree to give a speech.

Luoyang continued to be lost in thought...

A light suddenly flashed in his eyes: "Perhaps, we can choose that person's work."

An inexplicable smile flashed across the corner of his mouth, and he already had a first draft in his mind. The upcoming speech next week is worth looking forward to.

After thinking about the speech, Luoyang glanced at his phone.

There is a message from Hua Qi: "Boss, the recording studio has been built, and it is right next door to our studio."

Because Luoyang doesn't like to be disturbed when coding, Hua Qi usually informs Luoyang through text messages on some things that are not that important.

When nothing happened, Luoyang got up, changed some clothes, and walked out of the apartment.

He was going to check out the recording studio. Liu Qin originally planned to buy a recording studio. After all, there were quite a few recording studios in Tiandu.

However, Hua Qi did not buy it. Instead, he proposed to directly purchase the equipment to build a recording studio. Luoyang naturally agreed to this. After all, the equipment in amateur recording studios may not be good enough.

Arriving next to the studio, Luoyang saw a newly built recording studio.

Walking in, Luoyang saw Hua Qi eating snacks at the door. It looked like...a lollipop?

"Is it tasty?"

Luoyang asked funnyly.

Speaking of which, the scene of Hua Qi, the pseudo-loli eating a lollipop, really has no sense of peace. If she encounters a strange worm or something, it may lead to some crime.

Fortunately, Luoyang is not a lolita town, otherwise there would be unspoken rules every minute.

Hua Qi didn't expect Luoyang to appear here. She held a lollipop in her mouth and said vaguely: "Boss, why are you here..."

Luoyang smiled and said: "I just came over to take a look. I have never been in a recording studio in my whole life. Are you the only one here?"

Hua Qi took out the lollipop in her mouth and said, "The candy was given to me by Sister Qin. She is recording a new song inside. In addition, Sister Hubo and the sound engineer are in the control room."

"You dare to ask for the candy Liu Qin gave you?"

Luoyang curled his lips and said, "I'll go in and take a look."

Luoyang pushed the door open and entered the recording studio - the recording studio is divided into a control room and a recording room. The control room houses recording equipment, and the recording room is used for actors to sing and play musical instruments.

There is a soundproof wall between the two rooms, and sealed glass windows must be installed on the wall to facilitate communication between the two parties.

When Luoyang entered the control room, he saw Liu Qin singing behind a three-story sealed window.

The sound engineer frowned when he saw Luoyang coming in. When he took off his headphones and was about to say something, Amber waved his hand and said, "This is our boss."

When the sound engineer heard this, his expression became astonished, as if he didn't expect that the boss was so young. Then his expression turned respectful, and he spoke nervously: "Hello, boss, I am Alai, the sound engineer."

Luoyang nodded: "Hello."

Amber picked up the headphones and handed them to Luoyang, smiling and saying: "Bai Da, come and listen to my sister's new song."

Luoyang became interested and was quite curious about what songs Liu Qin would choose for his new album, so he sat down and put on his headphones. As soon as he put them on, he heard a familiar singing voice.

"Later, I finally learned how to love, but you were already far away and disappeared into the sea of ​​people. Later, I finally understood through tears that some people will never be seen again once they are missed..."

It turned out to be Rene Liu's "Later"?

Luoyang couldn't help but laugh. He also liked this song very much.

Through the glass, Liu Qin also saw Luoyang, and his right eye blinked, as if it was discharged.

Luoyang made a look of disdain and continued to listen to the song - just like before, there was a certain deviation between the version of the song interpreted by Liu Qin and his memory.

Same tune.

Same style.

But it's a different taste.

Even the version sung by Liu Qin is no different from the milk tea in the previous life.

"Later, I finally learned how to love, but you had already disappeared into the sea of ​​people..."

Luoyang couldn't help but hum along softly. As a result, Amber and the sound engineer became shocked when they heard Luoyang's singing, and their expressions changed when they looked at Luoyang.

This is a new song!

Why does the boss sing?

Especially Amber, there was simply a storm in her heart.

"Could it be that...Did Bai Da specially write this song for her sister? Otherwise, why would Bai Da also sing it?" Thinking of the relationship between Liu Qin and Luoyang, Hu Bo felt that it was really possible.

Luoyang noticed the looks in Alai and Amber's eyes and immediately realized something.

He took off his headphones and said with a smile: "I've heard her sing this song before, and I can hum a few lines after listening to it too many times."

"Scared me."

Amber patted Yima Pingchuan's small chest and said.

Although Bai Da is a monster, he doesn't seem to have any talent in music.

If my sister's song "Later" was composed by Bai Da, it would be too shocking.

Alai was also relieved. Although Luoyang had also sung it just now, his voice and tune were incomparable to Liu Qin's. It would be unreasonable for such a person to have amazing musical talent.

After singing, Liu Qin ran to the control room.

"Does it sound good?" She looked at Luoyang, her face full of pride.

"Just so so." Luoyang Yun said lightly. Liu Qin didn't praise him often. Who knows who praises him.

"Does it sound good?" Liu Qin looked at Hu Hu.

"That sounds good." Amber nodded.

"Does it sound good?" Liu Qin looked at Alai again.

The sound engineer glanced at Luoyang hesitantly, and after weighing the pros and cons, nodded and said: "It sounds good."

Liu Qin's smile turned arrogant, and she shouted outside: "Hua Qi, is my lollipop delicious?"


"Is my song good?"

"Sounds good!"

Outside the door, Hua Qi's serious voice came.

Luoyang is full of black lines. If I am not wrong, Hua Qi, who has never listened to music, was bought by a lollipop, not even a Haagen-Dazs lollipop.

Liu Qin didn't care about this. She looked at Luoyang proudly and gave her final summary.

"It turns out you don't have a single musical germ."

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