"Li Caizhe? This name seems familiar. Seeing the name of the application on the phone, Gu Yu said without thinking.

Wang Xinxuan, who was sitting opposite and chewing food, raised his head and said indistinctly: "Li Caizhe is a spicy pancreas director, a spicy blue man who has shot many supernatural works." "

A-list directors ... It's him?!

Gu Yu understood Wang Xinxuan's words, and recalled the information about this person in his mind.

Li Caizhe is a director who is keen to make supernatural films, and he has achieved the status of a first-line director with a large number of high-quality supernatural films, which has also frightened many audiences.

Gu Yu and Wang Xinxuan have also seen the ghost movies made by Li Caizhe, which are indeed very scary and have an indescribable weirdness.

But Li Caizhe's movies are not purely scary and weird, there are also human aspects in the story, there are ironic horrors, and there are praise emotions of brilliance.

"But how did Li Caizhe find me?"

Gu Yu is still self-aware, he is just a rookie director, he has only made one work, and the things he can get his hands on are very limited, why would he be found by first-line directors?

Curious, he clicked to apply.

Li Caizhe sent a message as soon as possible: "Hello Director Gu, long admired the daimyo, I have analyzed your movie, it is really excellent in all aspects, and the strength definitely belongs to the first line!"

"Hello, your movie is also very good and almost scared me to death." Gu Yu replied humorously.

He is not in a hurry to ask the other party what is wrong, anyway, the other party has asked for him, and it should be the other party who should be anxious.

"Hahahaha, Director Gu is more humorous than I imagined, then I will go straight to the point."

Li Caizhe sent a text saying: "I recently made a new movie and prepared to release it in the New Year file, but I watched hundreds of theme songs that the company found for me, and I have never been satisfied. "

In the "Infernal Affairs" that I looked at the director, there was an episode called "Goodbye... Police", can be called a Wang Bomb-level work, the quality is really too high, and then I found out that the composer of this episode is Gu Dao!

"So I want to ask Director Gu, if you can create a theme song for my new movie?"

Speaking of this, without waiting for Gu Yu to reply, Li Caizhe was afraid that Gu Yu would think his behavior was impolite, so he hurriedly typed again:

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you are not available, we can cooperate next time."

The other party's request and attitude were something Gu Yu never expected.

He thought that Li Caizhe should be looking for him because he wanted to make a movie together, or ask him to be an actor.

However, the results were unexpected.

Li Caizhe is not looking for him to make movies, nor is he looking for him to be an actor, but looking for him to compose!

The most striking thing is Li Caizhe's attitude, and the text reveals a trace of trepidation, as if he is afraid of upsetting him.

Look at this attitude of asking people to do things....

It's hard to refuse!

If nothing else, just put down a line of director shelves at the other party, and his attitude of being the first to look at him is worthy of Gu Yu's help.

Composing music couldn't be simpler for Gu Yu, a porter.

Without even moving his brain, he can come up with countless classic songs, so many that he can't use them up in his life.

Sending a few songs is not a problem at all, provided that it depends on whether the other party's sincerity is enough.

If Gu Yu is not happy, even if he rots the song in his head, he will not take it out to help the other party.

"Director Li is polite, I don't know if you can tell me about the theme of your movie, I'll see if I can help you." Gu Yu typed in response.

Li Caizhe's personality is still good.

This is not the character that Gu Yu learned from the Internet, but the evaluation given by the teachers in Xiangjiang Film and Television School.

School teachers do not mix with the entertainment industry, but they have a wide network in the entertainment industry.

Gu Yu was able to get so many investment company phones from the teacher.

Li Caizhe's character does not need to be questioned, he will not pretend to please Gu Yu, and he will be revealed after getting the benefits.

His politeness to Gu Yu was a heartfelt approval.

Li Caizhe has studied Gu Yu's "Infernal Affairs" and knows that to make a film of this level, there must be a soul who can control the overall situation - an excellent director!

There is no doubt that Li Caizhe thinks that Gu Yu already has the strength to be equal to him, so he will speak so politely.

And the most important point.

That is, Gu Yu's movie contains a topic worth pondering, which is very similar to Li Caizhe's film style, so he likes it very much.

"The main speaker of my movie is still in love..." Li

Caizhe told the story of the movie and attached a link to the trailer, so that Gu Yu could have a better reference direction.

"Some rejoice and some are worried, some are alive and some are dead, the contrast is stark, and at the same time full of contradictions. That's the style of theme song you want, and it's an episode at the same time, right? Gu Yu typed and asked.

On the other side, Li Caizhe eagerly typed in response: "Yes, and I hope to integrate the Suona element into it." "

Suona is the most important instrument in ancient wedding ceremonies and the soul point of his film episode.

This seemingly simple but demanding requirement has stumped many composers around the world.

Because of this, Li Caizhe has never been able to find a theme song that satisfies him.

After watching the trailer, Gu Yu already knew roughly what story this movie was telling.

In fact, the story of the movie is very simple, that is, the two people who are forever separated by life and death, and want to continue the frontier, resulting in a series of weird stories.

The core of the story is a tragic love story, so a tragic song is needed to mobilize the audience's emotions.

"Okay, I'll try it, and I'll send it to you when it's done."

After Gu Yu returned the message, he began to recall the musical works in the parallel world, and he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

What stumped him was not that he couldn't find a matching song, but that there were so many songs that he couldn't match, and he didn't know which one to choose for a while.

"What is Li Caizhe looking for you for? Collaborate on films? Wang Xinxuan couldn't help but ask after eating the last bite of rice.

"Let me help compose a piece that I want to use as a theme song and interlude." Gu Yu carefully looked at Li Caizhe's outline of this story.


Wang Xinxuan was stunned, and then remembered Gu Yu's omnipotence.

Not only did he write and direct himself, but even the music was done by himself.

"You promised? I can't see it, an elective course is here, you can play tricks, it's really powerful!

"It's just scratching the surface." Gu Yu responded modestly, not daring to be proud.

Only he knows that he is not a composer, but a porter of a parallel world.

He still clearly distinguishes which things come from the system, which things come from parallel worlds, and which things belong to him.

Otherwise, there is no distinction between the three, and it is easy to let yourself fall into a state of complacency.

"There must be a contrasting style, but also a suona element..."

Gu Yu's eyes lit up, found paper and pen from Wang Xinxuan's house, asked the system to play the song, and then began to compile the score.

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