Today's news: An insider revealed that the musical prodigy Guan Tiantian is missing, and her grandfather is the well-known drama inheritor Mr. Guan! Subsequent reports will continue to be made.

Penguin Express: The whereabouts of the five-year-old child star Liu Youyou are unknown and has not been found yet.

Fruit TV: Longing for Life starts today, challenging the live broadcast for the first time, and the live broadcast room is about to open!

When Ye Fang woke up, he habitually glanced at the time on his phone, and saw a pop-up window on his phone.

The child star and the musical prodigy disappeared at the same time?

Ye Fang didn't care too much, turned off his phone, got up, and washed up.

Xishuangbanna, Manyuan Village, the entrance of the village, it was early morning at this moment, the morning light slowly opened the curtain, and descended on this village with freshness.

An SUV with the logo of the program group was driving on the road of Manyuan Village.

A cute, quiet little face peeked out of the window of the back seat, the bright and radiant eyes smiled into a crescent moon, and the face with a bit of baby fat was full of smiles.

"It's so beautiful here!"

This girl exudes youth and tranquility, and is the youngest member of the program team, Zhang Zifeng.

The program team that came from afar to shoot is the most popular rural reality show at the moment.

This year, the program adopts a dual broadcast method, live broadcast and TV broadcast.

At this moment, the longing live broadcast room has been opened, and millions of viewers have been looking forward to it for a long time. At the moment of the broadcast, they squeezed into the live broadcast room.

In the camera, Zhang Zifeng's sweet smile captured the favor of many viewers.

"Sister Zifeng is still so beautiful"

"Is this Manyuan Village? It’s so beautiful!"

"I love my sister’s smile, it’s so healing!"

"It’s so beautiful here!"

"I want to play too!!!!"

"After waiting for so long, it’s finally airing!!"

"I was so happy when I saw Sister Zifeng as soon as I came in!"

"Oh my, how nice it would be if this was my sister!"

"The Dai costumes are very beautiful"

"Hey! I finally saw Teacher Huang!"

"Teacher He still has an enviable slim figure!"

"Peng Peng seems to have gained weight again, hahaha!"......

The live broadcast room's barrage was very explosive

"The scenery is really nice, I'm looking forward to my kitchen."Teacher Huang, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, looked at the scenery and said with a smile.

Soon they couldn't laugh anymore.

Because the road ahead was still under construction, the SUV couldn't drive directly to the door of the mushroom house, so they had to get off and walk. Several people dragged their suitcases and walked forward under the scorching sun.

The photographer followed the stars and recorded the scenery of Manyuan Village.

Children playing and laughing on the roadside, villagers working in the fields sweating, women washing clothes by the river, talking and laughing.

And the pastoral scenery passing by.

All this constituted a simple and beautiful scene, which made the four people smile.

At this moment, the three petite and cute figures in front seemed out of place with these scenery.

""An An, can you please walk slower?" A girl wearing a pink princess dress and with arms as cute as lotus roots, struggling to drag a suitcase, said aggrievedly.

In front of her, a cute little girl wearing handsome overalls turned around and said disdainfully:

"Tiantian, we are not here to play, why do you bring so many things!"

Another little girl with a delicate LV children's bag in her left hand and all branded clothes said:

""Hurry up, the sun is so hot."

After saying that, she raised her delicate arms like white jade to block the scorching sun.

It seems that she doesn't want the hot sun to tan her delicate skin.

""Please help me, woooo." The little girl in the princess dress was aggrieved and acted coquettishly to the little girl named An An.

An An was like a female man, she shook her head and said:"According to the age, I am also your sister, and a sister should help a younger sister."

After that, she pushed hard from behind with her lotus-root-like arms, gritted her silver teeth and used all her strength, and finally stepped over the small pit.

""An An is so great!" Tian Tian jumped up and down excitedly while clapping her hands.

An An's self-confidence was instantly satisfied. He resisted the urge to curl up his lips and seriously tapped Tian Tian's forehead.

"Call me sister from now on!"

The three equally beautiful little girls, with different styles and cute looks, instantly melted Zhang Zifeng's heart, and her clear eyes suddenly lit up.

"What cute three kids!"

Peng Peng was surprised:"They look alike, are they local kids from Manyuan Village?"

Teacher Huang smiled like a loving father:"You are trying to trick me into having another daughter!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more excited:

"Ahhh, what a cute little loli!"

"How can there be such a cute little girl in the world?"

"Is this an angel???"

"She looks so delicate, I love her!"

"My heart is about to melt !"

"This is a trick to make me give birth to a daughter!"

"I want to take her home as my daughter!"

"Oh my god!"

"Are the parents of the three little girls here? I want to arrange a marriage for my little boy!"

"That little Lolita dressed in designer clothes looks so arrogant"........

The appearance of the three little girls instantly increased the popularity of the live broadcast room, and the audience was full of curiosity about the three little girls.

At the same time, the Guan family courtyard.

This is the prime location closest to the palace, and the value alone is more than 1 billion, not to mention the genuine antiques placed in every corner of the house.

But at this moment, the courtyard is in chaos.

Newcomer, new book, please support~~~

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