Neither of them mentioned the topic anymore. They drank the wine brewed by Ye Fang and tasted the delicious food together.

After the meal, the five children brought small stools, stepped on them, and worked together to wash all the dishes on the table.

Wen Yaoyao said that they couldn't rely on their father for everything, and they should also help.

Seeing the five children washing seriously, Mr. Lu smiled and said,"These five children are so well-behaved!"

"Yes, I am very happy."Ye Fang smiled and nodded, his eyes full of warmth. After five years of living alone, he suddenly had five well-behaved and sensible children, and Ye Fang's heart was warmed a lot.

An hour later, Ye Fang simply packed his luggage and a thin backpack.

Then came the five small luggages. Wen Yaoyao dragged her LV small suitcase and walked elegantly in front. Guan Tiantian abandoned her heavy luggage and carried Ye Fang's handmade bamboo basket on her back, jumping and skipping.

Yang Anan, Liu Youyou, and Tang Qianqian all had a small backpack.

Mr. Lu sent the six people to the end of the flower road, and the seven-seater car that Ye Fang had prepared drove in front of them.

"Be careful on the road."Mr. Lu smiled and waved his hand. He suddenly felt reluctant to let Ye Fang and the others leave.

Once they left, he would be the only old man left in the Mushroom House.

"Don't worry, Grandpa Lu~" Tang Qianqian waved her hands to comfort Mr. Lu.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, go back." After Ye Fang sent the children to the car, he nodded to Mr. Lu, turned around and held Guan Tiantian in his arms and sat in the passenger seat.

""Okay." Mr. Lu nodded, but still did not leave, just watched the car drive away.

Sitting in the co-pilot seat, Ye Fang looked at the extremely excited children in the back seat of the car. Only Qianqian was relatively quiet, but she also looked at the scenery outside the window.

Obviously, the children were looking forward to the trip to Kyoto.

After staying quietly in Manyuan Village for five days, it was naturally less fun for the children who loved the hustle and bustle.

Now that they can go to Kyoto, they can eat what they can't eat normally and play what they can't play normally.

Naturally, they are very happy.

But Guan Tiantian is a little worried, will she meet her grandfather or mother?....

Don't do that!

She hasn't figured out how to explain it to her mom yet....

Although there are problems with any explanation, Guan Tiantian still feels guilty.

Mommy didn't let her look for her dad before, saying that she alone was enough to cause trouble, but now she is disobedient and ran away so far away.

What if Mommy gets angry?...

Ye Fang began to realize a problem.

It didn't matter that the children were hiding in Manyuan Village, and he could ensure the safety of the children when traveling.

It was just that the means of transportation was very inconvenient.

There were six people, five children plus him, and this seven-seater car was just right. But if he was lucky enough to see his other two daughters in the future,...

Even a seven-seater car is not enough.

Ye Fang began to think that maybe he should buy a car.

He passed the driving test in college, but never bought a car.

First, it is convenient to travel in Kyoto, and having a car is sometimes a hassle.

Second, Yu Ge did not have any requirements for the means of transportation. Even if Ye Fang rode a bicycle to take her, she would be very happy.

Ye Fang did not want to buy a car.

But now that he has a child, it is inconvenient to take the subway or bus.

It is time to buy a car.

Two hours later, the car stopped at the airport in Xishuangbanna. Ye Fang got off the car and arranged for the five children.

He took out five cute yellow fisherman hats from his backpack.

He put them on the five children.

""Dad, this hat looks like something a kindergarten kid would wear. It's so childish!"

Wen Yaoyao looked at the hat and frowned slightly, seeming a little uncomfortable.

"For convenience, put it on."Ye Fang comforted with a smile, and Wen Yaoyao stopped resisting with one sentence, and put the hat on her head obediently.

Liu Youyou not only wore a hat, but also a big mask.

There was no other way, she was a child star, and she had to use a mask to cover her beautiful childlike face. If she was recognized, she would not be able to move around.

Seeing that the five children were all wearing masks, Ye Fang smiled with satisfaction, holding Guan Tiantian and Tang Qianqian's hands, and walked into the airport.

Ye Fang was worried about these two children, but not the other three.

It's just that these five little lolis with outstanding temperament, all delicate and cute, put on the same bright yellow hats, which attracted people's attention.

"Ahhh! Look at those five little kids, they are so cute!"

"Is this a kindergarten trip? They are all so cute."

"I hope the daughter I will have in the future can be as cute as them!"

"The guy in the middle is also handsome, but I can't see his face clearly because he is wearing a mask"

"I’m going to die, what kind of appearance crit is this?"......

They attracted a lot of attention along the way. Listening to the low calls beside them, the five children were used to it.

Because of their cute looks, they are the focus wherever they go. When the five of them get together, they are the absolute focus.

Ye Fang smiled helplessly, and Mr. Lu reminded him to wear a mask for easy travel.

Ye Fang didn't plan to wear it, but seeing this situation, he put on the mask as soon as he stepped into the airport.

It was not because he was afraid of being recognized, but because his five daughters were too eye-catching.

However, seeing his daughters being praised for their good looks, Ye Fang, as an old father, was also happy in his heart.

It was very smooth to get the tickets and pass the security check all the way.

It was just that when passing the security check, Wen Yaoyao found that the aunt in charge of security check for her father was suspected of touching her. She also urged her in a low voice, and the aunt came back to her senses and let her father in.

Otherwise, Dad would really be stuck!

Thinking of this, Wen Yaoyao shook her head and sighed,"Dad is really worrying."

Ye Fang had a helpless smile on his lips, and suddenly felt that his daughter was worried about him?

After waiting for half an hour, they boarded the plane.

In order to give the children a spacious space to rest, Ye Fang booked six first-class cabins.

Seeing that the children were sitting in their seats obediently, Ye Fang also felt relieved and casually picked up a magazine to read.

"gentlemen..."When it was meal time, two stewardesses came over with meal trays. They were frightened by the sight of this adult with five children. However, when she looked at Ye Fang, her cheeks flushed with a layer of pink.

The sunlight shone through the window glass. Although she was wearing a mask, her deep phoenix eyes were so charming that people could be fascinated at a glance.

With his high nose bridge and knife-like cheek contours, it can be judged that this gentleman is very handsome.

And with his height of more than 1.8 meters and perfect figure, the stewardess blushed when she saw him.

She interrupted Ye Fang's reading in a low voice and looked at the stewardess.

The moment their eyes met, the stewardess's heart fell.

"Sir, are these five children yours?" the stewardess asked in a low voice.

"Yes, don't worry, I will take good care of them." Ye Fang said with a smile.

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