In the backstage dressing room, the five little princesses followed Ye Fang, and there was also Tang Yanran's assistant, Xiaoxue, who was responsible for helping to take care of the five children.

Xiaoxue had met Tang Yanran's daughter Tang Qianqian, and regarded these four children as Tang Qianqian's friends.

Seeing the five children wearing the same little yellow hat, the little assistant was overwhelmed by cuteness.

"The children are so cute."The assistant sighed.

She also wanted to have a cute daughter when she got married.

Her eyes could not help but look at the tall figure in the dressing room, who was being selected by the person in charge.

This man is so handsome~

Is he the male model specially found by Mr. Tang?

With such a good appearance, how good-looking will his future children be?

The assistant held her face and fantasized for a while, her face flushed a little.

It is said that the first moment you see someone who makes your heart beat, you can even think of the name of the child you have.

The assistant also fantasized about what the name of the child she would have with him would be?

Would it be as cute as Qianqian and her friends?

"Can you take off your mask?" The person in charge frowned and looked at the clothes, feeling a little entangled.

""Yes." Ye Fang nodded slightly and took off his mask. In an instant, low exclamations rang out in the dressing room.

"My god, it's so beautiful...."The assistant was mesmerized before she even saw his appearance. Now that she saw his handsome face, her eyes almost popped out.

Not only the assistant, but all the women at the scene were excited.

"She's very good looking."

"Looks familiar...."

"All the handsome guys look alike, how can they not look familiar?"....

Wen Yaoyao, Liu Youyou and the other two wanted to cover the girls' eyes with their hands."

Don't look at daddy, don't think about daddy!"

The person in charge was distracted for a moment, then he reacted and didn't know what to say. He could only sigh,"You are the most handsome model I have ever seen.""

"Thank you."Ye Fang nodded politely.

After seeing his appearance, the person in charge immediately decided on the clothes, a simple black long T-shirt and a pair of loose overalls.

Although this set of clothes is simple, it will not look good if you are not tall enough.

It happened that Ye Fang was tall enough to support this dress.

Instantly, he felt like he was wearing a luxury brand that he could not afford!

"This figure...."The person in charge was startled again, and suddenly took out a card:"I am a program planning director. If you need a job, you can contact me directly."

The person in charge, who is also the planning director, took the initiative to hand him a business card?

This shows how good his figure and appearance are. After all, there are only a handful of models that the chief director can take a fancy to!

In other words, he has the potential to be a supermodel!

As for why it is potential rather than he is a supermodel?

Because most of the supermodels in the circle who work in the fashion industry know each other, this person is obviously not any supermodel, he should be a newcomer!

""Okay." Ye Fang just took the business card and put it in his pocket casually.

But the five children only knew that their father was not a model at all, he was super rich!

Dad didn't need to find a job!

Wen Yaoyao knew that her father had a good personality and didn't want to offend others, so he put it away.

The person in charge nodded and sighed:"I don't know where Mr. Tang got it from, he will definitely be extraordinary in the future."

The voice was very low and no one could hear it clearly.

""Now that you're done, come with me to the backstage." The person in charge turned around and walked forward, saying.

Ye Fang followed him, and the five little ones followed immediately.

""Hey, Qianqian, don't run around." The assistant had to look away from the handsome guy and hurried to catch up.

On the stage, Tang Yanran was introducing the product.

Confidence emanated from her beautiful face, and her beautiful eyes sparkled.

"Mama is so beautiful~" Tang Qianqian's eyes lit up when she saw Tang Yanran on the stage and praised

"It doesn't look good!" Guan Tiantian denied angrily.

Although this was said sarcastically.

Tang Yanran and several of her besties are all goddess-level in appearance. If Tang Yanran were put in the entertainment industry, she would be very popular.

It's just that she has her own career.

Countless cameras were aimed at Tang Yanran, but she was used to this kind of scene.

After the introduction, the person in charge whispered to Ye Fang:"Go up."

"Next, I will use the new series to paint two different makeup looks for a man and a woman."

"Please ask the male model to come up."

As Tang Yanran said this, the camera was pointed at Ye Fang.

As soon as his tall and handsome appearance appeared, he attracted the attention of all the women at the scene.

"This model is so handsome"

"This figure, is it that supermodel? ?"

"Wow, that's cool!"....

The women at the scene were whispering, and the four little ones standing in the backstage were angry.

They had agreed to stop Dad from contacting Aunt Tang, but now they were exposed in front of so many sisters and aunts.

Daddy is too much for them to worry about!

When Ye Fang sat down, revealing his plain but handsome face, the voices at the scene became louder.

"Oh my god, he's so handsome!!!"

"This face, I love it"

"I'm in for a feast for my eyes today!"....

Tang Yanran was very satisfied with the reactions of the people at the scene. Ye Fang was charming enough without makeup, and with a little modification of her makeup, the effect must be even better!

This wave of advertising for their new products is perfect!!

The live broadcast room was almost full of female viewers. Seeing such a handsome guy appear, they were instantly moved

"Oh my god!!! Is this a model? She is so handsome"

"Let me do his makeup!"

"Looks so familiar! Is she a supermodel?"

\"Hmm?? It looks familiar to me too!!!".....

Many viewers said they were familiar with the model, but they thought they had seen her somewhere else.

They didn't realize that the model was Ye Fang from Longing for Love.

After all, Ye Fang is not a star, and she only appeared in Longing for Love for four days, and she didn't have as many shots as other celebrity guests.

Her recognition is not that high yet, and she is not recognizable at first sight.

But some people already feel familiar with her!

"Don't be nervous." Tang Yanran picked up the makeup brush and products and began to put makeup on Ye Fang, whispering softly.

She was afraid that Ye Fang would be nervous, so she kindly reminded him.

Ye Fang smiled and said,"I'm not nervous, just do your best.、"

""Okay." Tang Yanran responded calmly and began to put on makeup.

The cameras were all aimed at Ye Fang's face, to record the highlight of the day.

During the makeup process, Tang Yanran sometimes stepped back and sometimes got very close, and the distance between the two was sometimes only a few centimeters.

Guan Tiantian stamped her feet anxiously.

But there was nothing she could do, she could only watch.

""Mr. Ye, look up."

After applying the foundation, Tang Yanran reminded him. Ye Fang followed her reminder and looked up.

In an instant, his eyes met Tang Yanran's.

Tang Yanran's hand was almost undetectable....Trembled a bit.

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