"Auntie Lan, An'an is here to see you." Yang An'an followed her father's words and said

"Auntie Lan, Tiantian is here to see you too." Tiantian held back her tears and said in a sobbing voice

"Aunt Lan, hello, my name is Yaoyao~" Wen Yaoyao controlled her tone and said with a smile

""Auntie Lan, I'm Youyou." Liu Youyou said with an effortful smile.

They were introducing themselves.

Five-year-old children should love to play and not understand sadness and joy, but the four children seemed to understand everything.

Without Ye Fang's words, they could feel the difference in their father's emotions.

This was the person their father loved the most, and that was also the person they respected.

Although they had never seen her, this beautiful photo made them marvel at Auntie Lan's beauty.

"Auntie Lan is so pretty..."Guan Tiantian couldn't help but speak out her inner thoughts

"Are they pretty?"Ye Fang was touched by the four well-behaved children, and a warm feeling irrigated his dry heart.

These little angels brought him so many things.

"Yes! Very beautiful���Guan Tiantian nodded seriously, her eyes red as she said

"Good girl, your Aunt Lan loves to be praised for her beauty.、"

Ye Fang held Guan Tiantian in his arms, with a helpless yet doting smile in his tone.

Ye Fang looked at the gray photo and smiled,"It was unexpected....Five years later, I suddenly had seven more daughters."

"Yuge, look, these four and the other three are all my blood and flesh."

"It's hard to believe, I was also surprised when I found out."

"If we could have a daughter...How nice would that be?"

The last sentence was very light. He knew that everything was destined and could not be changed.

Perhaps God knew that this was his regret and gave him a chance to be a father.

It was just that he had seven daughters at once, which surprised and delighted Ye Fang.

With a helpless smile, Ye Fang looked at the weeds that had grown in front of Lan Yuge's tombstone. They were growing entangled and almost spread over the tombstone.

It seemed that no one had been here for a long time.

Yuge's parents were divorced.

They each had a new family, and compared to having a new life, they didn't visit her very often.

It's understandable and normal.

Life is like this.

The dead are gone forever, but time is passing. It soothes the pain in people's hearts, and it also changes everything quietly.

But Ye Fang doesn't want to, doesn't want time to change Everything he had for Yu Ge.

But he would work hard to make his life better, cheer himself up, and let Yu Ge sleep peacefully for him.

Ye Fang's eyes were extremely gentle, and then he stood up and borrowed tools from the security guard in the security room.

So one adult and four children began to clean up the weeds and fallen leaves.

Seeing Ye Fang's action, the four children also took the initiative to help, each doing their own job, cleaning with their small and delicate hands that rarely did housework.

Looking at the serious look of the four children, Ye Fang smiled.

These will be all the motivation for the rest of his life.

Soon, with the concerted efforts of the five people, the tombstone was cleaned up and looked much tidier.

The four little ones wiped the sweat off their faces and showed sweet smiles of satisfaction.

Ye Fang returned the tools and sat casually next to the tombstone.

"You guys play for a while, Dad has something to say to Auntie Lan."

Ye Fang smiled at the four little ones and gave them a few instructions.

The four little ones were also well-behaved and immediately walked aside to not disturb their father.

"There are only two of us left."

Ye Fang suddenly spoke, staring at the words and photos on the tombstone, his voice trembling uncontrollably.

"Don't be mad at me for not seeing you for five years."

"Do you remember that you said you wanted to live in Nanyun? I bought a yard there and I have been living there for the past five years."

"There are your favorite sunflowers and your grandma's swing...."

"I also learned how to cook, but unfortunately I couldn't cook for you."

"Then...I thought I would live my life like this....I have seven more daughters."

"They are all very smart and well-behaved. It would be great if you could meet them...."

"I want to focus all my attention on them, you won't be jealous, right?"

"If you can be jealous of me, that's fine too...."


Ye Fang spoke whatever came to his mind, and he talked to himself for about ten minutes.

Looking at the gradually darkening sky, he said,"I will come to see you when I have time. See you next time.""

"I'm leaving first."

After saying that, he stood up, patted the dust off his pants, turned around, and looked at the four little ones playing nearby.

The heart that had been desolate and withered for five years finally had a home.

"Let's go, it's getting dark."

"Dad, I'm here.~~"Guan Tiantian dropped the leaves in her hand and jumped into Ye Fang's arms.

"I want a hug too~" Yang Anan, a tough girl, also acted like Guan Tiantian.

Because this way she could get a hug from her father!

Ye Fang smiled and picked up the two children, followed them by his side, and walked out of the cemetery park.

But at the entrance of the cemetery park, he met a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes.


The middle-aged man looked at Ye Fang's face and was surprised.

"Uncle Lan."Ye Fang was also surprised. He didn't expect to meet Father Lan here.

Father Lan, Yu Ge's father.

Ye Fang had only met him a few times. When he saw him at this moment, he didn't have too many emotions in his heart.

However, it was good to see him come to visit Yu Ge.

At least, this father didn't forget his eldest daughter in his busy schedule.

"Ye Fang, it's really you."

After confirming again, Father Lan sighed:"I haven't seen you for five years. I didn't expect to see you again."

"Are you here to see Yu Ge?"

Ye Fang nodded slightly and admitted

"You to Yuge..."You are thoughtful." When talking about Lan Yuge, Lan's father's expression was a little sad, but also relieved.

His daughter was unlucky and only lived to be twenty-three.���, but at the end of her life, there was a man who loved her deeply. She was lucky.

Her eyes fell on the four children on him.

Her mind was churning, but she didn't ask.

It was five years since her daughter left. It was good enough for Ye Fang to see her five years later.

As for these four children....That was Ye Fang's private matter, he had no right to ask.

"You still have things to do, go and do them first. I'll treat you to a meal when I'm free."

Father Lan said nothing more, and greeted Ye Fang twice, and the two passed by.

Fate is sometimes like this....

If Lan Yuge were still here, the two of them would become a family, but without Yuge, they would just be familiar strangers.

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