After confirming again, Guan Tiantian immediately showed a sweet smile and hugged Guan Youlan's neck again.

""Mama is the best~"

This child changes her expression faster than turning a page of a book!

She was crying loudly in the last second, and smiling like a flower in the next second.

But who made her a piece of flesh that fell from his body?

Guan Youlan sighed secretly and could only accept it!

Guan Tiantian leaned in Guan Youlan's arms, and the two talked. Seeing this scene, Ye Fang felt relieved.

"Let's go in and talk."Ye Fang reminded with a smile.

After all, this is the corridor of the community, and it's not a good thing to stand here all the time. Do you want to go in?

Guan Youlan realized that this is the home of the opposite sex, and it is the home of Tiantian's blood father.

Why do I always feel that if I go in, there will be some ambiguous atmosphere?

But Guan Youlan is a lady after all, and she also knows that it is not good to talk in the corridor, so she bites the bullet and follows Guan Tiantian in.

Compared with Guan Youlan's restraint, Guan Tiantian is very relaxed.

Holding her mother's hand, she trotted in, and walked around the living room with a smile.

She happily showed her father's home to her mother.

""Mom, look, this is Dad's house. Isn't it beautiful?"

Guan Youlan couldn't help but look around. Compared with the Guan family's courtyard house, this house is not big.

It is only a large flat of more than 200 square meters.

The decoration style is very simple, mainly warm colors, mostly wooden furniture, and soft leather sofas.

With Guan Youlan's vision, it can be seen that the decoration of this house is good and the cost is not low! It is definitely not something that ordinary people can afford.

Mr. Ye is indeed not an ordinary person.

Guan Youlan sighed secretly in her heart, but the cost is not low, everything is based on comfort, the sofa is soft, the lights are warm, everything looks very comfortable and warm, and the living room is spacious enough to accommodate five children running and jumping.

At this time, the other four little ones were sitting in the living room watching TV. When they saw one more person walk in, they all cast their eyes over.

Then, they all froze、

""Aunt Guan, why are you here?"

Wen Yaoyao couldn't help but stand up, her heart skipped a beat. Does n't Aunt Guan usually stay at home? How did she appear at Dad's house?

How did she know this location?

For a moment, the four children became alert and felt something was wrong.

Guan Youlan saw the four cute children and showed a gentle smile:"Long time no see, did you miss your aunt?"

The four little ones shook their heads secretly in their hearts. They didn't want Guan Youlan to appear here more than ever. They all hoped that their mother could get there first.

But things didn't go as planned!

Yang Anan saw the provocative look from Guan Tiantian in Guan Youlan's arms and clenched her fists.

Damn it, why isn't Dad's home in the Magic City, so that I can see Mom first!

Woo woo woo, God has misled me!

"I really want to~"

"Think about it!"

Wen Yaoyao and Tang Youyou said immediately.

Yang Anan looked at the smiles of the two little ones and couldn't help but be shocked, fake smile girl!!

"I'm here to see Tiantian. You guys should behave well here and don't cause trouble for Mr. Ye."

Guan Youlan smiled and nodded, and then reminded

""Yeah! We are so obedient!"

Tang Qianqian was the cutest, she had no idea in her mind and nodded her head repeatedly.

"Just be obedient." Guan Youlan gently patted the well-behaved Tang Qianqian on the head.

Ye Fang checked the time and said,"Miss Guan, have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet." Guan Youlan replied

"Stay for dinner, it's almost time for dinner."

Ye Fang lifted the dishes in his hand and smiled,"Fresh ingredients just bought from the market." Wen Yaoyao screamed in her heart, Aunt Guan, don't stay!

Guan Youlan didn't want to eat for free, and was about to refuse. Before she could say anything, she looked at her daughter's expectant eyes in her arms, and her words changed.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you, Mr. Ye.、"

"Well, then you sit with the children for a while, I'll go cook,"

Ye Fang nodded slightly and walked into the kitchen very naturally.

Guan Youlan and the children were left staring at each other.

Wen Yaoyao frowned at Guan Tiantian:"You are cheating!"

Guan Tiantian raised her eyebrows proudly:"I didn't, it was my mother who wanted to stay for dinner!"

Yang Anan was furious:"I want my mother and father to meet too!"

Tang Qianqian looked at the children's eye contact cutely:"???"

Guan Youlan was unaware of the children's conversation and looked at the house again.

Owning a house in Kyoto is the dream of countless people. Apart from parents who have created good conditions, most young people who need to rely on themselves cannot even dream of owning one.

As far as she knows, Mr. Ye is not a native of Kyoto, but he can own such a large flat in a prosperous area....

What exactly does Mr. Ye do?

Can you really make so much money by writing songs?

Guan Youlan didn't believe it.

She continued to browse, and suddenly, a photo placed in front of the TV caught her attention.

It showed a couple behaving intimately.

The tall man was holding the slim and beautiful girl.

They were wearing ski suits, with a beautiful snow scene in the background. It should be a photo taken at the ski resort.

The girl had a sweet smile. Although she was wearing ski goggles, the half of her face that was exposed was also beautiful.

The man smiled faintly, his temperament was calm and unique, and his appearance was handsome and extraordinary.

The man is Mr. Ye.

The girl....It can only be Miss Lan.

Guan Youlan suddenly realized that if Miss Lan was here, this house would be their wedding house, right?

Even though Mr. Ye had left Kyoto for five years, this photo was still wiped clean and placed in the most conspicuous place.

Yesterday, Ye Fang first went to the property to get the property certificate and keys that he should have taken a few years ago, and paid the property fees.

There were also various advertisements for the house posted on the door.

When he opened the door, although the house was decorated very well, it was dusty and messy.

Ye Fang mobilized the five little ones to help clean the house, and then he went to bed with the five little ones.

This photo was placed in this house five years ago.

He deliberately put it in the most conspicuous position, and then he felt that this was his real home.

Guan Youlan's eyes stayed on the photo, and finally withdrew her gaze from the house.

She shouldn't look around casually.

Just looking at this warmly decorated room, Guan Youlan's smile became a little stiff.

Suddenly, she felt a little embarrassed in her heart. She really shouldn't come in casually....

She even felt a little sorry for the original hostess for letting Tiantian live here. She was not looking around, but watching cartoons and movies with the children.

Guan Tiantian had not been intimate with her mother for a long time, and she was very sick of it. Looking at her father busy in the kitchen, she was already imagining her future life in her little head.

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