During his two days in Kyoto, Ye Fang met some of his former friends.

Professor's office at Kyoto Academy of Drama

""Knock, knock, knock!"

There was a knock on the door. Professor Wu raised his hand and looked from the lesson plan to the office door.

""Please come in."

Professor Wu's old voice called out calmly.

The door opened, and a tall and upright figure walked in, with an extraordinary handsome face and a gentle and gentle temperament.

When Professor Wu saw the young man's appearance clearly, his eyes paused, and he slowly put down the pen in his hand.


Professor Wu stood up suddenly, his expression instantly excited, and the chair was pushed away by him, making a harsh friction sound.

The young man smiled, and with an apologetic look, he respectfully called out:


"I'm back to see you."

When a nice, familiar voice sounded, Professor Wu was really sure.

The young man in front of him was the student he valued the most and cultivated with all his efforts.

I still remember that when he was about to graduate, he chose to take a leave of absence to take care of his sick girlfriend. Half a year later, his girlfriend died and he disappeared overnight.

Professor Wu asked the students to look for him for a while. He didn't want such a young talent to sink in pain and give up a bright future.

But after looking for half a year, Professor Wu gave up.

Ye Fang was a smart kid. He didn't want anyone to find him, and no one could find him.

Five years had passed, and Professor Wu thought he would never see his most beloved student again in his life.

Some time ago, he heard several students mention that Ye Fang appeared and lived in the distant Manyuan Village.

And he became some anonymous god in the music industry.

Professor Wu was very relieved. As long as he knew that he was still living well somewhere in the world, he would let go of his heart that had been hanging for five years.

Looking at this familiar tall figure, he was much better than he had imagined. He had lost the immaturity of a teenager and grew into a mature and elegant temperament.

His face didn't change much, and he could recognize it at a glance.

"I'm glad you're back."

After a long while, Professor Wu showed a relieved smile on his face.

"Come in and sit down and chat." Then he immediately called Ye Fang to come in and sit down, not to stand at the door of the office.

Before he finished speaking, his body suddenly tilted and he almost fell.

Ye Fang's face changed, and he walked over quickly and held Professor Wu's arm.

At such a close distance, Ye Fang found that Professor Wu was much older than he was five years ago, with gray hair and eyebrows.

But what was the same as five years ago was the teacher's kind eyes.

Everything seemed to have changed, and nothing seemed to have changed.

The two smiled at each other and sat down to chat.

After the chat, Professor Wu said again:"I called all those old friends to have dinner together tonight."

""Okay." Ye Fang smiled and nodded.

Professor Wu looked at Ye Fang carefully and sighed:

"I've heard it all.....What a love-struck child!"

According to the time, Ye Fang is already 27 years old and ready for marriage, but his student has been stuck in that relationship and can't get out of it.

Is he going to be lonely until old age?

Professor Wu felt heartbroken when he thought of this, and advised:

"Xiaoye, you are still young. The teacher hopes that you can go out and become a successful person soon....."

Before he finished speaking, a little head popped in, its big black eyes moving around and resting on the two of them.

Whose child is this?

She is so pretty!

Professor Wu subconsciously praised her.

But how can there be children in a university? Before Professor Wu could ask, the little glutinous rice dumpling said crisply.

"Dad, how long will it take? Tiantian has been waiting for a long time...."

"You guys just play outside for a while, dad will be out soon、"

Ye Fang responded with a natural smile, his eyes full of fatherly love.

Professor Wu was struck by lightning, his expression froze, and he stared at the little glutinous rice dumpling and Ye Fang.

When Guan Tiantian left obediently, Professor Wu had not yet recovered.

"This is..."

Professor Wu asked blankly

"She is my daughter, her name is Tiantian. Ye Fang said with a smile

"Your daughter...I said they look so similar."Professor Wu smiled and nodded in understanding, but then he felt something was wrong, and his expression was full of suspicion.

Didn't they say that Xiao Ye was trapped in love and lived alone for several years?

Where did such a big child come from?

Ye Fang was about to explain, but suddenly, another little head poked in from outside the door.

It was still a little Lolita who was different from the previous one.

"Dad, Qianqian is so bored..."

Tang Qianqian said in a baby voice, with a silly look on her face, very cute

"Okay, wait a little longer."

Another child?

Are they twins?

Professor Wu thought to himself and was shocked again.

Suddenly, the second little head, the third little head, the fourth little head......

Five little girls, all standing in front of the door

"Dad, I'm hungry...."Yang Anan said like a man

"Soon." Ye Fang still smiled patiently.

It was his fault, he brought five children with him to reminisce with the teacher.

Five-year-old children are lively and active, how can they stay in one place all the time?

When the five children ran out to play again, Professor Wu's expression was already shocked.

Looking at the teacher's expression, Ye Fang said with a smile:"They are all my daughters...."

"Xiaoye, it seems that the teacher doesn't need to worry about your single status anymore...."

This child is five years old and looks very similar to Ye Fang. It is obvious that she is Ye Fang's biological daughter.

This is much better than ordinary young people....

Knowing that the teacher had misunderstood, Ye Fang hurriedly explained.

He roughly explained the origin of the five children, but omitted the identity of the mother of the five children.

Even though Professor Wu had lived for most of his life, he had never heard of such a strange story, but one thing was certain, Xiao Ye was still as infatuated as he remembered, not promiscuous!

Professor Wu breathed a sigh of relief and almost���Xiaoye mistakenly thought that all the scumbags

"In this case, how do you plan to deal with these five children?"

The five children are all cute and well-behaved, and Xiaoye's blood is flowing in their bodies.

But no matter what, these five children were born without Xiaoye's knowledge, and Xiaoye has no responsibility to be responsible for them.

However, with Xiaoye's personality,....

"They are all my daughters, I will do my best to educate and train them."

Looking at the five little ones playing outside the door, Ye Fang said with a smile:

"I don't ask for anything. After Yu Ge left, my life lost its direction, but now, I have found a new direction...."

Professor Wu followed his gaze and looked at the five children smiling in the sunshine.

He suddenly understood why Ye Fang was able to come out.

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